New Internationalist


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Cowspiracy: stampeding in the wrong direction?

There’s much to admire in the documentary but its political framing and a major error threaten to undermine its message, writes Danny Chivers.

Filed in: Animals Climate Change Environment Sustainability

Why China should host the 2019 World Dog Show

After the recent Dog Meat Festival, animal lovers are up in arms about China’s next dog-related event. Beulah Devaney disagrees.

Filed in: Animals China

Meat-eating? Opt out!

Amit Singh suggests a step back from our heavy meat consumption.

Filed in: Animals Recycling Sustainability

Controversial ‘killing law’ leads to Bucharest stray-dog slaughter

Stephen McGrath reports from Romania on the country’s animal-abuse shame.

Filed in: Animals Romania

Should halal and kosher methods of slaughter be banned?

Viva! campaigner Tony Wardle and social commentator Mohammed Ansar go head to head.

Filed in: Animals Religion

Are corrupt politicians and park officials collaborating with Kenya’s poachers?

Henry Owino looks into the increase of the crime in a country that claims to be pulling out all the stops to eradicate it.

Filed in: Animals Kenya

Cambodia’s anteater shines the spotlight on conservation

The scaly pangolin is inspiring communities to work together for its survival, reports Nidhi Dutt. 

Filed in: Animals Conservation Forests

Elephants in conflict with nearby communities face a cruel future

Wild animals are tamed for a variety of purposes. But what happens when they no longer serve that purpose? asks Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Filed in: Animals India

Working like a horse

When animals are a lifeline for a billion people, helping them helps people too. Carol Davis explains.

Filed in: Animals Poverty

Bats: not just pests

As the British parliament debates the damage bats cause in churches, Dawn Starin argues that it’s time to revise the ‘creepy’ animal’s reputation – before it’s too late.

Filed in: Animals Conservation

Wonder and frustration: living with the animals

Mari Marcel Thekaekara’s home is on the edge of a wildlife sanctuary, which is a pleasure and a pain, as she explains.

Filed in: Animals India

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