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Veggies/Sumac Diary

Sunday 18th February 2007

Peace Conference

18th February 2007


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Nottingham Student Peace Movement hold a Peace Conference each year at the Portland Building, Nottingham University.

The Peace Conferences brings together campaigners and activists from Nottingham and beyond together for a day of discussion and networking. 2007 event to be addressed by Craig Murray, ex-ambassador of Uzbekistan.

Catering by Veggies.

See photo report by Tash, from the Knowledge Lab and the Peace Conference, both held at Nottingham University at Notts Indymedia

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Whenever possible Veggies feature the publications of the Movement for Compassionate Living, which we print and distribute to promote simple living and vegan self-reliance as a remedy to the exploitation of humans, animals and the Earth. We also support our nominated charity, Vegfam, ‘Feeding the hungry without exploiting animals’. If you can help us with either of these projects at this event, whilst we are busy with Veggies catering, please email

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