What the Heck is Veal?

Posted by  Lauren Boushey

Veal (noun): the flesh of a young cow, used as food.

veal calf in crate

Mother cows on dairy farms are kept pregnant almost their entire lives so that they’ll keep producing milk. (No, they aren’t just full of milk naturally.) So, when their babies are born, the calves are either 1) slaughtered immediately, 2) raised on formula so that they can one day replace their exhausted mothers, or 3) confined to tiny crates and fed a diet that’s purposely low in iron so that they’ll become anemic.

Calves raised for veal suffer horribly. They are kept tightly confined to keep them from developing muscle. The lack of muscle is what keeps “veal” tender and soft (vomit).

After enduring 12 to 23 weeks in these conditions, these young animals—many of whom can barely walk because of sickness or muscle atrophy—are crowded into metal trucks for transport to the slaughterhouse. On the journey, they are often trampled, endure extreme temperatures, and aren’t given food, water, or veterinary care.

Why do all this? Because people will pay higher prices for soft, pale calf flesh. 

The best way to stop this is to educate people on why they should never eat veal; dairy foods like cheese, milk, or yogurt; or anything else that comes from an animal. 

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Veal is vile–and made of babies. :( Please don't eat veal or any other product that comes from an animal. :( #GoVegan

Posted by Rachelle Owen on Tuesday, April 5, 2016

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Why speak up for cows? Because no mother should lose her baby. Never buy veal—go vegan.

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