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Gorakhnath, Old Pratima (At Gorakhnath Temple, odadar, Porbandar, Gujarat, India)

Guru GorakshNath (also known as Gorakhnath) was an 11th century[1][2] Nath yogi, connected to Shaivism as one of the two most important disciples of Matsyendranath, the other being Chaurangi.

As per following Reference Guru Gorakshnath is no one but Shiva himself or Yogic Incarnation of Shiva himself. Following Reference says he has appeared to various people on earth at various stages. Hence the belief that he is 11th Century Yogi is not correct. In "Shankara Digvijaya" manuscript we find a conversation between "Adi Shankracharya" and his disciple "Padmapada". Here "Padmapada" mentions Guru Gorakshnath as a "Great Yogi of Ancient times" who rescued his master "Machindernath" from illusions of royal pleasure at "Triya Rajya"[chapter 9, verse 79-88]. "Shankracharya" entered his last samadhi at a very young age of 32 about 2000 years ago. If Guru Gorakshnath is a yogi of yore for "Shankracharya" himself how much ancient he must be. Yogi "Gambhirnath" says that Asana(seat) of Guru Gorakshnath was established in "Treta Yuga" at the time of Lord Rama on earth! Hence calling him yogi of 11th century is incorrect. Infact he has appeared to different disciples all throughout these years.


The omnipresent Guru Gorakshanath is believed to have appeared on earth several times . He traveled widely across the Indian subcontinent, and accounts about him are found in some form in several places including Nepal, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Punjab, Sindh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam, Bengal, Odisha, Kathiawar(Gujarat), Maharashtra, Karnataka, and even Sri Lanka.

Nath Sampradaya[edit]

There are varying records of the spiritual descent of Gorakshanath. All name Adinath and Matsyendranath as two teachers preceding him in the succession. Though one account lists five gurus preceding Adinath and another lists six teachers between Matsyendranath and Gorakshanath, current tradition has Adinath identified with Lord Shiva as the direct teacher of Matsyendranath, who was himself the direct teacher of Gorakshanath.[3]

The Nath tradition underwent its greatest expansion during the time of Gorakshanath. He produced a number of writings and even today is considered the greatest of the Naths. It has been purported that Gorakshanath wrote the first books on Laya yoga. In India there are many caves, many with temples built over them, where it is said that Gorakshanath spent time in meditation. According to Bhagawan Nityananda, the samadhi shrine (tomb) of Gorakshanath is at Nath Mandir near the Vajreshwari temple about one kilometer from Ganeshpuri, Maharashtra, India.[4] According to legends Gorakshanath and Matsyendranath did penance in Kadri Temple at Mangalore, Karnataka.They are also instrumental in laying Shivlingam at Kadri and Dharmasthala.

The temple of Gorakhnath is also situated on hill called Garbhagiri near Vambori,Tal Rahuri ;Dist Ahmednagar.


One legend states that Guru Gorakshanath, the "eternal sage" traditionally associated with Hatha Yoga, has been around for thousands of years watching the welfare of humanity. Other legends ascribe different stories to his birth and the period of his worldly existence, and they vary greatly. The Nath Rahasya, which literally translates as "the mystery of the masters", recounts the birth, work, and death of nine such Naths (masters); and Guru Gorakshanath was the ninth Nath, preceded by his Guru, the eighth Nath, namely, Matsyendranath.



The Gurkhas of Nepal take their name from this saint. Gorkha, a historical district of Nepal, is named after him because it was the place where he appeared for first time in this universe. There is a cave with his paduka (footprints) and an idol of him. Every year on the day of Baisakh Purnima there is a great celebration in Gorkha at his cave, called Rot Mahotsav; it has been celebrated for the last seven hundred years.

Baba Balaknath And Guru Gorakshnath[edit]

Balaknath was a great Bhakta of Universal Mother. When Lord Kartikey left the home, in his 4th Avtar Kartikey was born as in Kali yug, and met his Guru, Shri Guru Dattatreya Nath ji.

Many other Miracles happened, after a duel of shakti power and Baba ji & Guru Gorakhnath ji had darshan from Shiv ji, Vishnu ji, Bramha ji & Shri Guru Dattatreya Nath ji, Goraknath gave Baba ji his blessing.

Before Baba ji would be born he asked Shiv ji, for a var/boon, that people born at the same time would be Nath, 9 Nath were born, and all people born on this day would born would be Sidhhas, thus 84 Sidhhas were born.

In Tamil Siddhar tradition[edit]

Korakka Siddhar (தமிழ்: கோரக்கர்) (Devanagari: गोरख्खर्) is one among the 18 Siddhars and also known as Goraknath amongst Navanathar. Agattiyar and Bogar were his gurus. His Jeeva samadhi temple is in Vadukupoigainallur of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu. According to one account, he spent a portion of his growing-up years in the Velliangiri Mountains in Coimbatore.

Other sanctums related with Korakkar are Perur, Thiruchendur and Triconamalli. Korakkar caves are found in Chaturagiri and Kolli Hills. Like other siddhas, Korakkar has written songs on Medicine, Philosophy, and Alchemy.

Another important aspect of Korakkar was that he was given the duty of safeguarding the secrets of Alchemy. This authority was said to be given by his guru Agathiyar. It was said that a student of Alchemy must worship Korakkar first and seek his grace if he was to excel in the field of Alchemy.

West Bengal - Assam - Tripura[edit]

The Bengali Community located in these states and neighbouring country of Bangladesh have a sizable number of Yogi Brahmins(Also called Rudraja Brahmins/ Yogi Nath) who have taken their name from this saint.

In Odisha[edit]

There is a very famous temple of Baba Gorakhnath in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha. Legend says that the saint also visited this place and performed 'Tapashya' under a banyan tree. Gradually he was surrounded by white ant mound. In this place, the deity is worshiped by the name 'Siddha Gorakhnath'. It is believed that he is the direct incarnation of Pashupati Nath, i.e., Lord Shiva. Many people suffering from snake bite are cured at this temple. The temple is situated on the way to Paradip. The temple is situated at a distance of about 1-2 Kilometers from Maa Sarala temple.now the local devotees were doing jangyas in every year. There is also a railway station available.many poor people or rich people arrange their marriage in the mandir.If the cow was suffering from some problem then the devotees pray for Gorakh and they got cured.There is also a lizard living in this temple which was very old.


Romola Butalia, an Indian writer of Yoga history, lists the works attributed to Gorakshanath as follows: "Guru Gorakhnath is thought to have authored several books including the Goraksha Samhita, Goraksha Gita, Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati, Yoga Martanada, Yoga Siddhanta Paddhati, Yoga-Bija, Yoga Chintamani. He is believed to be the founder of the Nath Sampradaya and it is stated that the nine Naths and 84 Siddhas are all human forms created as yogic manifestations to spread the message of yoga and meditation to the world. It is they who reveal samadhi to mankind."

Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati[edit]

The Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati is a very early extant Hatha Yoga Sanskrit text attributed to Gorakshanath by the indigenous tradition which describes the Avadhuta, as Feuerstein (1991: p. 105) relates:

"One of the earliest hatha yoga scriptures, the Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati, contains many verses that describe the avadhuta. "[5]

See also[edit]



  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Briggs (1938), p. 249
  3. ^ Briggs (1938), pp. 229–231
  4. ^ "Discipleship". Retrieved 2007-05-13. 
  5. ^ Feuerstein, Georg (1991). 'Holy Madness'. In Yoga Journal May/June 1991. With calligraphy by Robin Spaan. Source: [2] (accessed: February 29, 2011)