
HumanLight– – On December 23rd

The HumanLight holiday presents an alternative reason to celebrate in the December holiday season!

HumanLight illuminates Humanism’s positive, secular vision. 

Celebrate and express positive humanist ideals and values: Reason, Compassion, Hope, Humanity.

Celebrate and promote a positive vision of a better future — a future in which all people can identify with each other and try to behave with high moral standards — a future which people can build by working together for a happy, just and peaceful world. Celebrate human achievements that help build that future.

Scenes from past HumanLight celebrations:

In many cultures, late December is a season of good cheer and a time for festive gatherings of friends and families. As part of this holiday season, HumanLight is a festive holiday that is entirely secular — not based on any supernatural religious beliefs or theistic concepts.  It is not an attempt to “secularize” any existing religious holiday, and therefore avoids the problems which such attempts can lead to.    

By celebrating and expressing positive human hopes and values, HumanLight has a vibrant and authentic meaning for the secular, non-theistic community.

All groups and individuals who believe in its meaning are encouraged to celebrate HumanLight with family and friends — either in a public group event, or privately at home!

See the FAQ: What is HumanLight?

Learn more in the “About” section.

Please let us know the location and other details of your HumanLight Celebration! Click here.

Click here for a list of locations of celebrations (that we know of).

Join the HumanLight community on Facebook!


Dec. 2013: New E-cards now available for HumanLight greetings!

Dec. 2013 (and also Dec. 2012): Humanist Network News (HNN) publishes article about celebrating HumanLight

Dec. 2012: The Huffington Post reports on HumanLight

Dec. 2012: Religion News Service (RNS)  reports on HumanLight

Dec. 2012: HumanLight article on news website: www.examiner.com

Dec. 2012: HumanLight Display Erected at Indiana Courthouse

Dec. 2012 – Patheos.com column on HumanLight, by Roy Speckhardt, Exec. Dir. of The American Humanist Assoc.

Nov. 2011: HumanLight discussion on WBAI radio in New York

Dec. 2010: Voice of America airs video report about HumanLight celebration in Wash., D.C.

Click here to see more media / news items about HumanLight
Click below for a video about HumanLight: “A Home for the Holidays”