Stop the Wall

We are a grassroots movement uniting the struggle of the popular committees in the villages, refugee camps and cities struggling against the Wall and the settlements and the efforts of Palestinian civil society.  

Our call is to:

  • Stop the Wall
  • Dismantle parts already built
  • Return all lands confiscated for the Wall
  • Compensate for all losses.

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The Latest From Palestine

Saturday, March 26, the Palestine New Federation of Trade Unions (New Unions) have celebrated their official recognition as trade union federation by the Palestinian authorities and at the same time have held their annual congress, voting for a new union council and executive committee. The New Unions unite today  26 trade unions in all of the 10 West Bank districts and represent around 10 000 workers from all sectors.

Support BDS, and Palestine will be free!” – Angela Davis

On the occasion of Palestinian women’s celebration of 8th of March, the International Women’s Day, we the undersigned, Palestinian women organizations, centers and groups, call upon all women and feminists of the world, as well as women’s organizations and collectives, to endorse the BDS Call issued by Palestinian civil society in 2005 and join to the BDS movement to support our struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

The last week has seen continues mobilization, starting with the launch of Israeli Apartheid Week in Palestine to the continues struggle of the Palestinian teachers for their rights. Hunger striking journalist Mohammad al-Qiq has achieved a victory - on May 21st he will be released - while Israel continues waves of new arrests and the ethnic cleansing. 

With a demonstration of thousands fo people in support of the BDS movement in Ramallah, on February 27th, Palestinian popular movements kicked off the Palestinian part of the International Israeli Apartheid Week. In the West Bank and Gaza, many activities are planned to happen until March 10th in Palestine. Among them, events will be happen in the cities of Bethlehem, Hébron, Ramallah and Jerusalem.

This week has seen a continuous attack on Palestinian youth, several of them have been killed. As well arrests continued and 12 year old Dima al Wawi became the youngest female Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails. Israel has continued to destroy schools and to attck Palestinian education while journalist Muhammad al Qiq resists in ongoing hunger strike.

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New Resources

    Israeli arms exports take dramatic hit amid growing boycott campaign 

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has been running highly visible campaigns against military trade with Israel that have seen 12 banks and pension funds exclude Israeli arms company Elbit Systems from their investment portfolio. Israeli owned arms factories have been blockaded, and a growing number of political parties and trade unions have called for an end to military ties with Israel.

The governments of Norway and Turkey have both announced military embargo policies against Israel in recent years.

Mahmoud Nawajaa, general coordinator with the Palestinian BDS National Committee, the largest Palestinian civil society coalition that leads the BDS movement, said:

“Israeli military companies market their products on the basis of their successful use in Israel’s massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, yet it now seems that growing public awareness of and opposition to Israel’s war crimes are starting to hit Israel’s military exports.”  

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Also don't miss the new briefing published by the BDS Movement on military cooperation and trade of Israeli weapons, tools of repression against the ongoing Palestinian protests. The military trade is at the heart of Israeli oppression: find out more on the military companies and the complicit international institutions, and on the campaigns that work against these and the military aid to Israel.

This briefing marks another step in the effort to stop the EU's funding to Israeli military and security companies. It denounces the financial assistance awarded within the framwork of the Horizon2020 research and development funding scheme of the EU to Elbit Systems and other Israeli military companies through FLYSEC, an airport security project.

Download the new briefing here!


As part of the calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel, Palestinian organizations and municipalities urge governments and public institutions to end cooperation with the Israeli state-owned water company Mekorot. This year, movements in Bahia, in the northeast of Brazil, have joined in the struggle against these dirty deals demanding their state water companies end a cooperation agreement signed with Mekorot in 2013.

Land Defense Coalition