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Were you targeted by undercover police? An invitation from the Undercover Resear

26-01-2016 15:32

Announcing a series of closed roundtables across the country for those who were spied on by undercover police.

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OccupyLondon and Occupy WallStreet

25-01-2016 13:35

It's Time To Take It To The Bank: 08 Feb 2016

Bank of England, London: Threadneedle St, London EC2R 8AH

New York Stock Exchange: 11 Wall St, New York, NY 10005, United States

Time: 06.00AM

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Carlo Neri exposed as an undercover police officer

18-01-2016 21:19

Carlo Neri, who was active in socialist and anti-racist circles in the 2000s has been exposed as being an undercover officer. A detailed investigation by the Undercover Research Group turned up the necessary document that confirmed the suspicions of his former comrades and partners. Full details at with profile

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A report from 'the Jungle' refugee camp in Calais.

13-12-2015 23:08

An 'on the ground report' and description of the conditions of the refugee camp in Calais known as 'the Jungle.'

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Cambridge Gets Creative Against Syrian Bombing

04-12-2015 00:44

The main message of the night.
At 5:00pm on Wednesday, December 2nd 2015 Cambridge activists came together outside The Guildhall to publically express their outrage against the UK's RAF dropping bombs on Syria.

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Herefordshire gets Sett for Badger Cull

02-12-2015 10:56

Photo courtesy of Simon Gardener
Opposition to badger cull in the 'Shire grows

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Cambridge Says "No" to Bombing Syria!

01-12-2015 23:35

So many attended I had to make a panorama to fit them all in!
On Saturday November 28th 2015, Stop The War Coalition called for a nationwide day of action against the UK bombing Syria.

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Paris – tear gas, grenades and hundreds of arrests

30-11-2015 19:12

Tear gas and grenades were fired by French riot cops against brave activists who defied martial law in France – and more than 200 people were arrested.

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Sheffield #DontBombSyria Protest

28-11-2015 20:09

Despite the rain several hundred anti-war protesters gathered outside Sheffield Town Hall on 28th November 2015 to protest again the the intention of the UK government to join a bombing campaign in Syria.

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Overview of the Week of Action against the Prison Industrial Complex

23-11-2015 14:22

This is only the beginning. Full account of the week of action here:

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Cambridge March for Affordable Housing (14/11/2015)

18-11-2015 12:37

Candidate for the world's smallest placard..?
On Saturday November 14th 2015 a march took place in Cambridge that was very much a sign of the times.

It was a march for affordable housing, in an era of all-time-high property prices and proposed Tory policies to force local authorities and housing associations to sell off at least 25% of their existing stock, despite there being enormous demand for new social housing (approximately 2,500 people in the Cambridge area alone are on the Council's waiting list).

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UK Social Centres Gathering 28/29 November

16-11-2015 23:54

Kebele social centre is pleased to be hosting the next UK Social Centres Gathering on 28 & 29 November, which comes at the end of our NovemberFest. This event currently occurs twice a year, and is for all those involved in social centres (or aiming to set one up soon) around the UK.

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ProtonMail Up!!

08-11-2015 21:23

Protonmail is working again!!

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Proton Mail Down

07-11-2015 14:10

Protonmail was hit by a DDOS attack and at time of writing it was still down.

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Update - London Anarchist Bookfair - Stalls & Meetings - 24th October

20-10-2015 12:34

Bookfair programme cover
London Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 24th October, 10am – 7pm
Central Saint Martin’s (University of the Arts London), Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AA

Welcome one and all to the 34th London Anarchist Bookfair, welcome to the full spectrum of anarchist thought & practice! Here's details of Stalls & Meetings.

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National Demo: Free Education, November 4th 2015

18-10-2015 21:03

There will be a national demonstration in London on November 4th 2015 for free education, and against financially crippling tuition fees.

Below you will find resources to assist in promoting this event, including both sides of an A5 flyer and a sticker design.

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2 – 8 November 2015: Week of Action Against the North Wales Prison & the Prison Industrial Complex

12-10-2015 15:33

A week of action has been called to encourage people all of the UK & the world to take action against the construction of the North Wales Prison in Wrexham.

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Take Manchester March 4th October

05-10-2015 12:12

The march organised by the TUC and People's Assembly on the first day of the Tory Party conference in Manchester was vibrant, noisy and cheerful. But when I read the national newspaper reports on it later, they might have been covering a different demo altogether.

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2015 London Anarchist Bookfair - Saturday 24th October

22-09-2015 21:15

The 2015 London Anarchist Bookfair will be on Saturday 24th October from 10am to 7pm.

Central Saint Martin’s
University of the Arts London
Granary Building
1 Granary Square
London N1C 4AA

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Arms fair's cyber security breached

19-09-2015 13:41

Anarchists calling themselves the 'Information Liberation Front' (ILF) have leaked documents [ 1 | 2 ] to the Indymedia UK website, which show that they were able to gain access to Hacking Team's company EZONE account on the DSEI arms fair's website and register a fake exhibitor at the fair. DSEI is one of the world's biggest arms fairs and is taking place in London's Docklands today. Hacking Team is a cyber surveillance company, which is exhibiting at the fair.

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Can Jeremy Corbyn save the Labour Party?

18-09-2015 22:24

Audio Martyn Mayer
Attached is a recording of a meeting titled "Can Jeremy Corbyn save the Labour Party?" which was addressed by Martyn Mayer, Dominic Riddler and Simon Hardy and was organised by Sheffield Open Socialist Forum and Left Unity, held in the Central United Reformed Church, Sheffield on September 16th 2015.

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More files from Anarchists breach of DSEI arms fair's online security

18-09-2015 20:42

Additional files obtained from Hacking Team's DSEI account.

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Anarchists breach DSEI arms fair's online security

17-09-2015 20:23

The Information Liberation Front was able to access Hacking Team's visitor portal and EZONE account on the DSEI website and view information intended for DSEI exhibitors. We are happy to share the information below.

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RTF International Action Camp 2015: Towards a world without prisons

08-09-2015 09:58

Overview/report-back of the recent Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp in Wrexham, North Wales.
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