Weekend of CHOICE

RAG members are involved in organising two pro-choice events this weekend, come along. They're both going to be class.

FRIDAY, 7.30pm - Screen for Choice, Filmbase, Dublin
You are cordially invited to
Screen for Choice

Screen for Choice
A programme of selected short films and works on Choice
supporting March for Choice in Ireland, Dublin 2pm 29.09.12
including the Irish Premiere of 'X is for Anonymous'
followed by a discussion with filmmakers and participants
facilitated by Katie Gillum, Disposable Film Festival

7.30pm Friday 28th Sept
Decriminalisation of Abortion Global Action Day 2012

at Filmbase, Curved Street, Templebar, Dublin 2

All Welcome. Suggested Donation €5/€3

SATURDAY, 2pm - March for Choice, meet at the Spire, Dublin

Anti-authoritarian assembly - Saturday 18th February 2012

Hi everyone,

There's plenty going on in Dublin right now and never so many reasons to need to organise. RAG are calling an Anti-Authoritarian Assembly in Dublin 2.30pm, Saturday 18th February in Seomra Spraoi.

We want to invite any Dublin-based anti-authoritarian groups or individuals together for a couple of hours - a chance to chat, to network, to help others, to get advice and to find points of common struggle etc. The proposed format is to give each group five minutes to tell everyone what they are up to and follow that by some facilitated discussion. We aim for a respectful atmosphere and a productive afternoon.

Hope lots of ye can make it along. Confirming your attendance in advance would be great to allow us to get a gauge of interest. Please feel free to forward to others who may be interested.

Similar assemblies were held in Dublin before round 2005 - 2007. At these, the group facilitating the event rotated between each one. We are just calling one assembly for now, to see how it goes.

*Facebook event*: http://www.facebook.com/events/117625871693251/
*Seomra Spraoi location:* http://seomraspraoi.org/copy_of_contact-us
*RAG:* http://www.ragdublin.blogspot.com/ or http://ragdublin.tumblr.com/

RAG open meeting - 5th December 2011 - discussion on sexism in the workplace

RAG open meeting - discussion on sexism in the workplace

RAG open meeting - Monday 5th December 2011 - all welcome

There will be a RAG open meeting on Monday, 7.30pm, 5th December. This facilitated discussion will look at the issue of sexism in the workplace. This event will take place in Sin É, on Ormond Quay, in the basement room.


RAG, Revolutionary Anarcha-feminist Group, are currently working on The Rag no.6 which will be out in March 2012. If you'd like to learn more about RAG, find out who we are and what we do come along. We are also looking for new members (women and women-identified). If you have any questions or comments you can get in touch ragdublin at gmail dot com. The discussion on Monday will be open to everyone - all genders!


The RAG is a magazine produced by a diverse group of anarcha-feminist women in Dublin. We are all feminists, united in our recognition that women's subordination exists. We are all anarchists, united in our belief for the need to create alternatives to this capitalistic, patriarchal society wherein all are dominated and exploited.


Rag Tumblr

Rag have a new Tumblr blog- come and check us out! -  http://ragdublin.tumblr.com/

Kate Swift RIP

RAG were sorry to hear of the recent death of Kate Swift, American feminist and activist. We were fortunate to interview this impressive woman in The Rag #3. We hope to post up the content of that interview very soon. Until then here is a link to two related articles:

Kate Swift - Tribute from The Womens Media Center

Kate Swift - New York Times article

Rossport anarcha feminist skillshare weekend

Six RAG members attended the anarcha feminist skillshare weekend in Rossport, Co. Mayo, at the Shell to Sea camp this weekend. It was a great weekend full of a fun mix of practical and useful workshops including: rocket stove making, welding, consent, a trans workshop and abusive relationships workshop, to name but a few. One of our members gave a really relaxing workshop on massage- which included massages! The workshops generated insightful and interesting conversations. We even got to get our distro out!

RAG also held a workshop: "Why anarcho feminism?"

Here are some notes taken from the workshop:

We started with a time line of the last couple of hundred years, as a group we tried to fill in, chronologically, the gains women have made historically, including stuff like women's freedom to cycle right up to the morning after pill being made available over the counter in Ireland (for a hefty price!). The most interesting outcome was learning how little we all, including the RAG, knew about our history!! Dates are clearly not our strong point :)

We talked briefly about how there is no one type of feminism or feminist and also how you don't have to identify as a woman to be a feminist.

We divided into four smaller groups, with each group taking one of these four topics for discussion: The body, family, work and society.

Each group discussed what we need to achieve in each of these areas and fed back to the wider group.
Some of the topics discussed were: The failings of the medical system from a woman's perspective and an ungendered perspective, pregnancy treated as a health issue, the classification of 'work', the gendering of work roles in anarchist communities, nuclear families, consent, home birth as a legal issue, bodily ownership, equality not sameness... and the list goes on!

The workshop was wrapped up by highlighting that these are all feminist issues but also intrinsically linked to anarchist politics. As RAG, we believe that true equality can never be achieved through the capitalist system which can only survive through oppression and exploitation. The workshop proved as a reminder of all the failings of this system from a feminist's point of view and increased the feeling of urgency to remove it-
smash the state! :)
While you can't turn back the hands of time, you can now take a step back in history and read the very first issue of The Rag! Yes, you can see how it all began with our premier issue, Rag #1.

RAG has been meaning to put this issue up on our blog for many months, so we are very pleased to be able to share this out-of-print magazine. And let us know what you think!

The Rag, Issues 1 to 6

The Rag, Issues 1 to 6