Membership image Dec 2014web pic

Join & Support

The home of film in Ireland.
Be part of it.

“Film is history, with every foot of film that is lost we lose a link to our culture, to the world around us, and to ourselves.” Martin Scorsese

Play a vital role in supporting our unique work in film exhibition, preservation and education, and let us make the IFI your home away from home. Film is fragile and we need your support to preserve and restore it. It costs approximately €1,000 to protect one can of film.

The IFI exists to foster a love and appreciation of film in all its forms.

We look after the nation’s unique and precious moving image heritage by preserving and protecting Irish film at the IFI Irish Film Archive, and we encourage audiences young and old to explore their love of film through a wide range of special events and education activities.

Please help us continue to achieve incredible things. We have ambitious plans to digitise the entire Archive (over 30,000 cans of film, and growing!), to safeguard and share this extraodinary treasure trove charting Ireland’s history, for audiences now and in the future. We want to nurture the talents of young people through a nationwide network of clubs and screenings; and we are dedicated to showcasing a richly diverse programme of international, Irish and independent films, unrivalled anywhere else in Ireland.

Our ambition is limitless, but our resources are not! Your support is vital to our continued success in developing all of this unique work. Whilst we gratefully receive approximately 25% public funding from the Arts Council, as a charity, we rely on the generosity and support of Trusts and Foundations, Corporate Partners and Sponsors, and film-lovers, like you, as IFI Members and IFI Friends, to support our work.

There are number of ways you can become help, whilst also enjoying greater access to the most hotly anticipated films, invitations to special events, complimentary tickets and a range of enticing benefits.

IFI Membership

Enjoy great films at special membership prices plus a host of benefits, for only €35 per year – click here to find out more.

IFI Friends

Join us for premieres and special events, and enjoy complimentary tickets and behind-the-scenes access; starting at €120, there are levels to suit all tastes and pockets – click here

Corporate Partners and Sponsors

We invite Corporate Partners and Sponsor to participate in IFI Festivals, seasons, programme strands, Archive and Education projects, and align with a successful and innovative flagship cultural organisation. IFI Sponsors and Partners enjoy great benefits, including:

  • Brand advocacy and enhancement
    – Dynamic marketing environment with thousands of visitors to our iconic venue and online
    – Private access to cinemas and screenings
    – Unique platform to promote products and services
    – Year-round employee engagement opportunities
  • Association with Irish film and its development

For further information, please contact Fiona Clark, Head of Development and Fundraising at or by calling 01 679 5744.

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Arts Council of Ireland

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