#SOSEurope vigil Wed 22 April -To remember all people who have died crossing the Mediterranean

To remember all people who have died crossing the Mediterranean.
(source: http://www.amnesty.org.uk/groups/nottingham/soseurope-vigil-wed-22-april ).

This Wednesday 22 April, please join us at Brian Clough statue, Market Square, Nottingham, 5:30-6:30pm to remember all those dying as they try to cross the Mediterranean.

There’s been a two incidents in the news in the last few days, and up to 1,500 people are feared to have drowned this year alone.

Please come along if you can, and bring a white flower in remembrance.

More info on vigil: https://www.facebook.com/events/434913446682684/

More info on the situation from the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32376082

More info on Amnesty’s campaign: http://www.sos-europe-amnesty.eu/stop-people-from-suffering-and-dying-at-our-borders-actions/

Human rights day 10-Dec-2014 at Nottingham ICC – detention and scapegoating of immigrants


at the International Community Centre
61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN

Background and details about the meeting from the organisers

The Surround Harmondsworth demonstrations led by Movement for Justice have
become the focal point for a growing movement nationally to end detention and stop
the scapegoating of immigrants. At this meeting you will hear from ex-detainee’s and
Movement for Justice organisers about the struggle inside and outside of detention to
bring down a system that sees thousands of people locked up, people who have
committed no crime other than to seek freedom and safety for themselves and their
families. You will find out how you can get involved in this movement for freedom and
join others in Nottingham as we organise and mobilise for January’s demonstration.

Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum – website reminder

Just a reminder about the website of Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum which also moved this year:


Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum (NNRF) is an independent voluntary organisation and registered charity set up in 2000 to work with and for refugees and asylum seekers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire offering practical advice, information, support and friendship and also campaigning on issues affecting them.

NNRF is run by a volunteer Management Committee, a third of whose members are refugees and asylum seekers. Its supporters include political, religious and students groups, trades unions and concerned individuals, as well as refugees and asylum seekers who have always been involved in the running of NNRF.

Our Mission:
To support Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire to gain fair and just outcomes, rebuild their lives and integrate into society.

Our Vision:

A society where Asylum Seekers and Refugees are welcomed, receive just and compassionate treatment and support in rebuilding their lives.

We seek to achieve this by:

Providing a welcoming community centre.
Offering specialised advice & support services.
Providing programmes to develop confidence, skills and knowledge.
Campaigning for a just and generous response to Refugees and Asylum Seekers from government and the host community.
Advocating on behalf of individual Asylum Seekers and Refugees in cases of injustice and hardship.

Contact Address: NNRF, The Sycamore Centre, 31 Hungerhill Road, Nottingham, NG3 4NB.
Telephone: (0115) 9601230

ExLibris – Nottingham 2014 Megasale – September 12th – 14th

ExLibris – Nottingham 2014 September Megasale – not long now!

A message from the Masked Booksellers (Carlton/Gedling branch)…

This year our 8th anual mega-booksale will be on September 12th – 14th, again Friday to Sunday as this seemed successful last year. We’ll be running from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm on all days. There will again be yummy cakes for sale.

Details including location:


BBC: Morton Hall Immigration Centre disorder ends – detainee death on 5/ 9/2014

Disorder among detainees following the death of a man at an immigration centre in Swinderby, Lincolnshire, has ended, the Home Office has said.

Staff at Morton Hall earlier had to withdraw to a “place of safety” and emergency services attended the scene.

About 30 detainees were believed to be involved in the disorder, which is thought to be connected to a death on Friday night.


RELAUNCH: Tuesday Night Project – Nottingham

RELAUNCH: Tuesday Night Project

The Tuesday Night Project will be relaunched as The Tuesday Night Welcome
Group on the 9th September at a new venue St Andrews Hall, Goldsmith Street
NG1 5JT, Just around the corner from the University Tram Stop.

The Group is aimed at Welcoming new Asylum Seekers to the City and will be
working with Nottingham University Star Students to learn English as part of
their Conversation classes. They will also:-

Help new Asylum Seekers register with Begin for college, and introduce them to
the various free Language Cafes and activities in their local libraries around
the city.

Help register people with the YMCA Activity for Life a free 12 week health
project at the gym.

Provide a social space so new Asylum Seekers will be able to meet and make new

Hosting monthly community activities and encouraging new communities activity.
Signposting clients to other organisations around the city.

The group hope to have guest speakers from different community groups
attending on a Tuesday Evening and are planning to invite workers from
Ridewise and Sustrans to talk about their projects after the relaunch on the
9th September.

For more information please contact Bill Walton at the British Red Cross on

Give Ahmadu the Right to Remain in the UK

Petition by Rhiannon Prideaux Nottingham, United Kingdom

Ahmadu fled war-torn Sierra Leone the age of just 17 having escaped from the rebel soldiers who had killed his family, burned his village and forced him to work as a slave. He has had no formal education and could only speak Fula. He is now 30 years old and for the past 13 years his life has been in limbo here in the UK.


See also: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/do-not-deport-wadih-chourey-vack-to-the-lebanon-just-because-his-parents-have-died

Campaign with petition for Abdul Ghafar Rajabali – release from detention, no deportation

Update 16/5/2013 (full details below):

Abdul has been given his scheduled date for removal and flight time from the UK for early morning next Wednesday 22nd May at 00.10am. He is understandably very worried about this but his many friends continue to support him in every way they can.

What you can do:
– first and foremost, sign the petition at the website below:
– write to your local MP (or the relevant office for external affairs if you’re outside of the UK)
– write to Home Secretary, Theresa May MP at public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
– copy your email to Minister for Immigration, Mark Harper MP, at ministerforimmigration@homeoffice.gsi.gov
– telephone the office of the Home Secretary, Theresa May MP, on +44(0)20 7035 4848 or +44(0)870 606 7766
– telephone the office of the Minister for Immigration on +44(0)20 7035 4848 or +44(0)20 7219 5056

Let’s make a big push over the next few days to help ensure that Abdul stays.

Solidarity with Abdul!

We have been contacted by friends in Leicester about the detention of Abdul Ghafar Rajabali. As part of his asylum requirement, Abdul regularly reported to the UK Border Agency reporting station in Loughborough. However, while reporting to UKBA on Friday 10th May 2013, he was detained and held at Loughborough police station. From there, he was to be transferred to Morton Hall Detention Centre in Lincolnshire to await his removal back to Afghanistan. Morton Hall Visitors’ Group are aware of this.

Petition | Release Abdul Ghafar Rajabali and halt his deportation | Change.org

Here’s Abdul’s story in brief:

Abdul is being held in Morton Hall Detention Centre awaiting deportation to Afghanistan
He fled Afghanistan as a teenager to avoid the option of being either press-ganged into the Taliban or shot
His father was Russian and all his family were consequently murdered in connection with this
He arrived in the UK six years ago, when still a minor
He now knows no one in Afghanistan, would be unable to cope and would be in extreme danger there
He suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome and has other medical problems
He has made many friends in Leicester, helps out with Leicester City of Sanctuary based at the Cathedral and participates in a local anti-racist/anti-fascist football team, FC Kolektivo Victoria – https://www.facebook.com/pages/FC-Kolektivo-Victoria/199020316797628
He is an asset to his local community

It’d be much appreciated if you could sign the petition to halt his deportation (in cases like this, they can be very useful):
Petition | Release Abdul Ghafar Rajabali and halt his deportation | Change.org

You will also find more information on his case and tips on how to help Abdul further at this website: Campaign for Abdul Ghafar Rajabali


Also, if you could forward this info to anyone else you reckon would support Abdul, that’d be ace.

New blog exposing UKBA immigration raiders

New blog exposing UKBA immigration raiders, in the style of Fitwatch:

We are the friends and neighbours of detainees and deportees, some of us are migrants ourselves, some of us not. We are fellow human beings who give a damn about the invisible suffering of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants; a suffering that happens on a daily basis.

That injustice is not just the result of a nebulous system. It needs individuals willing to capitalise on it. Those individuals are the Ministers and the senior civil servants making policy decisions, but also the Immigration Officers prepared to carry out the dirty work. Although they may be at the bottom of the echelon, they still make a hefty sum from this business. After all, it’s probably not that easy to find people who can inflict such suffering on other human beings and remain unaffected by it.

These officers are few in number and need to be exposed. If they have the shamelessness and arrogance to show their faces on shows like UK Border Force, given what they are responsible for, they can be identified here. These people are given free reign to do what they can to detain and deport migrants without ‘permission’ to be here. They act with total impunity. We need to challenge the acceptability of this profession. We need to challenge the norm of immigration control.

While they bear full responsibility for their actions, even these officers do not see the full picture. For a start, the sector is sanitised with terms like removal and pre-departure accomodation; and of course it is also criminalised with concepts such as illegal immigrant and sham marriage. Secondly, Immigration Officers are ignorant – whether willingly or not – of what migrants have experienced prior to the encounter with them, and are equally ignorant of or refuse to engage with what might happen to these people as a result of their work.

We are doing this for all those assaulted or killed by UKBA officers or their corporate partners – deaths which have gone barely investigated – and for those who’ve died or suffered after deportation. We are doing this for approximately 3,000 people currently held in the in misery of British detention centres; for the asylum seekers who’ve been pushed to self-harm or suicide whilst being held indefinitely in immigration detention, with the fear hanging over them of being returned to persecution, torture, female genital mutilation, rape, or war. We are doing this for the friends ripped away from us, for the families torn apart. It’s time to expose the lies and shine a light on these collaborators.