
Since the fall of the old regime, IWPR has worked to build skills, enhance institutions and support reliable media production across the country, working with local journalists and media outlets. Our goal is to establish a widespread culture of professionalism, seeking to inculcate an appreciation of international skills and standards – what some Iraqis now refer to as the “IWPR approach” to balanced and responsible reporting. Our work is distinguished by a hands-on, practical approach to training and production. Workshop-based formal instruction is supported by extensive follow-on mentoring in producing quality reporting. Expert support, guidance and feedback over the entire course of the journalistic process layer in experience-based learning for the long-term, while resulting in an increase of factual, reliable and high quality reporting.

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Nadim Shehadi of Chatham House (left) with IWPR's Ammar al-Shahbander. (Photo: IWPR)
23 Jul 2014
Experts at IWPR briefing highlight dangerous implications of Islamist force’s rise in Syria and Iraq.
A  temporary camp at Kalak for people displaced by fighting in and around Mosul. June 24, 2014. (Photo: Spencer Platt/copyright Getty Images)
21 Jul 2014
Families flee as insurgents threaten dire consequences for non-Sunni groups.
People who fled insurgent threats in Kirkuk, now living in southern Iraq. (Photo: Tahsin al-Zergani)
4 Jul 2014
Villagers given stark choice – run or be killed.
Iraqi prime minister Nuri al-Maliki. (Photo:  Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images)
1 Jul 2014
Sunni insurgents are at the gates, yet main parliamentary factions focus on tactical manoeuvring for top posts.
25 Jun 2014
"They left everything behind and ran for their lives.”
Refugees from Mosul arrive at a Kurdish checkpoint near a temporary camp, June 14. (Photo: Dan Kitwood/copyright Getty Images)
17 Jun 2014
Insurgents still hold Mosul and other key Sunni towns.
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