Earn money with Domain Parking

Take advantage of Sedo's Domain Parking! You can earn money with your unused domains and sell them even quicker. Domain Parking is completely free of charge!

The idea is simple: Advertisements which thematically correspond to the domain name will be displayed on your domain. You will earn money whenever a visitor clicks on the advertising links.

Sedo's Domain Parking benefits:

  • Double your sales opportunities
  • Use your domains to earn money
  • Display professional contents
  • View valuable visitor statistics


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This is how a parked page appears

Your benefits

Sell more quickly: Parked domains can simultaneously display a banner with sales information. With this you will receive twice as many offers as with unparked domains.


Earn money: You will earn money whenever a user clicks on the advertising content on your parked domain. The advertising links are selected by our advertisement providers to match your domain name. This is all included for you at no charge!


Get to know your domain's value: Detailed statistics provide information on the performance of your domain. This lets you better assess your domain's value and provides an ideal basis for sales negotiations.



Increase accessibility: Your domain will no longer lead to an empty page or a page under construction. Use it instead as advertising space and feature professional content on your domain which will always be in the visitor's native language. This ensures that no click will ever escape you!


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Set up Domain Parking

We will show you step-by-step how to set up your Domain Parking.


Domain Parking for professionals

Do you have more than 500 domains? Then use our parking program for professionals!

Yes, I have more than 500 domains


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