
‘Development should precede Kyauk Phru Special Economic Zone Project’

The Kyauk Phru Rural Development Association stated that it would not accept the proposal for Special Economic Zone Project at Ramree island until the authority fixes the accountability and assures developments in the concerned localities.



‘Development should precede Kyauk Phru Special Economic Zone Project’

The Kyauk Phru Rural Development Association stated that it would not accept the proposal for Special Economic Zone Project at Ramree island until the authority fixes the accountability and

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Arakan Army rebel sentenced to five years of imprisonment

The last detainee, who was lodged at Kyauk Taw police station for many days because of Arakan Army connection, was convicted by the Kyauk Taw township court and sentenced to

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Six more Arakan Army rebels convicted

The Kyauk Taw township court in Arakan State of western Burma on 6 April convicted six more Arakan Army rebels to five years of imprisonment to each. With them,

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Locals decide to protest against CNPC

The residents of Kyauk Phru locality in Arakan State have decided to raise voices against the Chinese company, which is engaged in Shwe gas offshore exploration, on 11 April

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Six Arakan Army rebels sentenced by the court

Six Arakanese youths, convicted of being insurgent members of Arakan Army, was convicted and sent to Sittwe prison on Monday by the Kyauk Taw township court of Arakan

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12 AA members

12 Arakan Army rebels convicted

Twelve rebels belonged to Arakan Army were convicted and sent to the prison by the Kyouk Taw Court of Arakan State in western Burma.

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Arakan government to be led by NLD lawmaker

The Arakan State Parliament finally approved U Nyi Pu, the lawmaker belongs to National League for Democracy [NLD] to lead the State government

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi steps in to resolve stalemate between NLD and ANP

Burmese democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi stepped in to resolve the latest impasse between her party National League for Democracy (NLD) and Arakan

Demonstration in favour of ANP to form Arakan government

Over one thousand people staged a demonstration at Sittwe on Wednesday asking provisions in favour of Arakan National Party (ANP) to form the Rakhine

U Nyi Pu to lead Arakan government

Senior National League for Democracy (NLD) leader U Nyi Pu is poised to be the next Chief Minister of Arakan. The NLD central executive committee


Interview with U Maung Maung Than on Burmese citizenship status scrutinizing process

(In Mray Bon township of Arakan, over 1000 Muslims have applied for the Burmese citizenship status. Local authorities are presently

What Was Presented to the President by Arakanese Representative for Arakan’s Affairs

Today President U Thein Sein held a meeting with representatives from Ten Parties of the Democratic and Ethnic Alliance. The

What is going on on Madae Island, a crucial location on the Shwe Gas pipeline project?

Madae Island located in Kyaukpru Township of Arakan State is a crucial location on the Shwe Gas pipeline project.


Ancient City of Danyawaddy Should Also be on World Heritage List

The current Thein Sein government is working to include Burma’s ancient cities in the World Heritage List of UNESCO (United

To Reduce the Poverty of Arakan…

The management of successive Burmese governments in recent decades could easily be rated as poor. The country has been under