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HERESY- Split LP with Reevsy singing (Toy’s Factory, Japan, 1990)

Not too long before HERESY embarked for their first Euro tour in 1986 (together with Concrete Sox – more here), they recorded 6 songs with their original guitarist & singer Reevsy (who also can be heard on the «Never Healed»Flexi). As you know, Reevsy was replaced by John on vocal duty on the tour and then became the permanent singer – and, quite frankly, ruined the band. Some people just have no singing voice and unfortunately, John not only couldn’t sing, he also tried to sound like that guy from Youth Of Today. A worse combination can hardly be thought of.

So before releasing the HERESY / CONCRETE SOX split LP, HERESY decided to re-recorded the vocals and the original version went straight to the vault.
A rather bad sounding cassette dub of a rough mix with Reevsy singing was circulating for many years. In 1990, this by now collectible CD for the first time issued the original version of the split LP songs (among the regular version and «Never Healed»), with Reevsy on vocals.
To my knowledge, it has never been re-released (correct me if I’m wrong), which would be a major mistake, as alongside the debut Flexi, these songs are the strongest moment of the recorded history of HERESY.

Visions of Fear.mp3
In Silence.mp3


Note: Files taken down.


  1. whore

    erich, did you even listen to youth of today? john’s vocals couldn’t be further from ray’s. nevertheless, i absolutely love both reevsy and john eras, so whatever :)


    Posted on 10-Sep-12 at 11:31 | Permalink
  2. lex

    Nothing wrong with the comparison. Both have the same constipation-singing-style. And John LOVED YOT and even cited them as major influence.


    Posted on 10-Sep-12 at 12:02 | Permalink
  3. Nuclearpowergrind

    hey man thanx for putting this !!! I never heard that whole Reevesy recording before (only ”release” on the grindcrusher 2 comp. LP) and to be quite frank, I was disappointed when I bought the split LP only to find out that wasnt the same raging vocal. I’ve grew up liking John’s style as well tough!! Nonetheless, the flexi was always my favorite piece of thrash o’their!!! thanx again!!


    Posted on 11-Sep-12 at 14:11 | Permalink
  4. Kim

    Thanks alot for posting this,was never aware of this seeing the light of day.Heresy was at its best with Reevsy.


    Posted on 11-Sep-12 at 17:04 | Permalink
  5. Friscokid at his best, THANX for enlightening.


    Posted on 12-Sep-12 at 03:20 | Permalink
  6. Dirk

    you´re right. this sounds much better!


    Posted on 14-Sep-12 at 06:56 | Permalink
  7. Adamski

    I remember John taking over from Reevesy and there was a slight bit of “controversy” at the time. John was accused of turning Heresy into a USHC-worshipping band. They constantly seemed to slag Reevesy off in interviews and they became kinda boring. Most recordings had terrible production jobs, though they were pretty decent live. Kalv came across as a bit of a dick when talking to him one time.


    Posted on 25-Sep-12 at 01:12 | Permalink
  8. Thanks for the post. The flexi is one of my all time favorite. Got this release on vinyl but was not aware of this CD version. Awesome – saved my Friday.


    Admin Reply:

    You mean you’ve got this first version with Reevsy on vinyl?


    Punkdetective Reply:

    No – with John.


    Posted on 12-Oct-12 at 19:43 | Permalink
  9. Paul C

    I hate this record. I still own it as a reminder of how shit UK Hardcore bands really are. Dire sub-metal bollocks along the same lines as Ripcord who were also complete shit.


    Admin Reply:

    I’m under the impression that you don’t own this record. You probably own the vinyl release from back then. This here is not the same.


    Posted on 20-Oct-12 at 09:11 | Permalink
  10. Tomasso

    i thought they were just amazing live – with john. who by the way was one of the nicest guys i ever got to meet in the wild and woozy days of european hardcore. haven’t listened to them in two decades, i’d say, so i won’t get into an argument here as to how good a singer he was. but at the time it seemed his presence on stage elevated the whole band on a different plane.


    Admin Reply:

    Yeah – the so called shitplane.


    Posted on 29-Oct-12 at 14:39 | Permalink
  11. Pedro

    I actually think Reevsy sounds way more like Ray Cappo on this than John did.


    Admin Reply:

    Some people think the earth is flat.


    Posted on 24-Mar-13 at 14:47 | Permalink

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