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LAST RITES FOR GENOCIDE & M.I.A.- Split LP (Smoke 7, USA, 1982)

MIA_G_LastRights_frontMIA_G_LastRites_back“Last Rights for GENOCIDE and M.I.A.” is the title of one of my most beloved split albums ever released. Since its initial release in 1982, it has never been rereleased in its entirety and that is a major crime.

California’s M.I.A. deliver a set of amazing songs., literally hit after hit. “Tell me why” is one of the best and catchiest songs I can think of, really and has been heard on various compilations. “I hate Hippies” features some lyrical glory and makes you sing along franticly – few songs capture the testosterone-ridden king-of-the-world-feeling of Hardcore like this anthem. Had this side of the split LP been released as a stand-alone EP and in limited quantities (you know, the fetish), it would rank up very highly on every want list. All catchy, original, full of energy and soooo in your fucking face, you just stand there, do the one (wo-)man skank and say “thank you for this, now please hit me again!”. One of the definite highlights in Hardcore and yet totally under-apreciated.
The GENOCIDE (hailing from N.J.) side is not as consistent, but still works fine as a whole. The level of sloppi-, snotti- and obnoxiousness is always high, resulting in a very charming attack of borderline-Hardcore. The first track, with the downtuned bass totally rules: That’s a weird one! The lyrics are no let down either, each and every one as obnoxious as it gets and “Overthrow the Government” reads like the answer to M.I.A. anti-hippies-anthem. By the way, fellow bloggers: Anybody cares to create a podcast dedicated to Charles Manson – theme songs? Here we got another one.

Both bands went on releasing more records. The later M.I.A. stuff was dope, though a bit overproduced, whilst GENOCIDE released at least one more 12″, which had a poser photo in full color and was pretty awful (at least, that’s what my memory says).

Download the entire Split LP here and make sure you replace all shitty rips you found on other blogs with this version. Folder contains all scans, incl. those of the scarce lyric insert.


  1. DLO

    I think the MIA stuff is much stronger than the Genocide stuff. I can’t say that I even remember what Genocide sounds like, but every MIA song is carved into my brain. Surprisingly, I see lots of used copies of this record and the prices are pretty reasonable. I think MIA was a criminally underrated band. These songs were actually a demo tape at first. Jello Biafra heard the demo and offered to do a full LP and that is how the “Murder In A Foreign Place” LP happened, but I think the slpit LP tracks are by far the band’s best. MIA singer Mike Connolly died a few years ago in Chicago. He slipped on some icy stairs and cracked his skull.


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 14:42 | Permalink
  2. Allan Jones

    Poser photo? Maybe they looked ridiculous nut no more than than say, bands like Disorder or Extreme noise terror. What about Systematic Death and all those japanese bands? They take the cake for over the top cheesiness! What about Angus Young dressing like a school boy at 50+ years old? Isn’t that ridiculous? Black metal bands dressing like histrionic losers only for photo sessions and shows? But i can tell you for sure that Genocide’s singer was (He.s dead now!) the real deal and was as punk rock/hardcore as it gets.


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 15:41 | Permalink
  3. fred

    MIA was still a Las Vegas band when this was recorded, if my foggy memory is accurate. A surfer from Newbury Park, CA moved out there and drummed on these recordings. What was his name, Vince? I forget.


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 16:43 | Permalink
  4. Yeah, Allan. Poser photo. Maybe the same all band photos (I think the difference between dressing in a school boy uniform and running around with corpse paint is of rather epic proportions, though).


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 18:09 | Permalink
  5. Jay Thurston

    I still love this record!! Great, great, great!


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 18:55 | Permalink
  6. One of many faves. The MIA really proves why USHC ruled at the time. I regret I shop lifted my copy from the local punk shop :(.


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 20:38 | Permalink
  7. “What about Angus Young dressing like a school boy at 50+ years old? Isn’t that ridiculous? ”

    No, very cool

    Is this the same Genocide that released an album on NRR?


    Posted on 25-Oct-09 at 20:47 | Permalink
  8. Zach

    I’m not so into a lot of USHC, but these MIA tracks are killer! Thanks for posting this one!


    Posted on 26-Oct-09 at 04:23 | Permalink
  9. Jerry N

    Yeah great, I love this album. MIA never got better then this, classic!


    Posted on 26-Oct-09 at 09:59 | Permalink
  10. dis-dis-dis-troy

    the quality of your rips keeps amazing me. it’s not only the higher bit rate, it’s also the proper fadings etc, very detailed work. awesome!


    Posted on 26-Oct-09 at 12:16 | Permalink
  11. dewey decimal

    Definitely one of the best split records and a personal favorite. About time someone posted this one (though the MIA tracks are available on the Lost Boys cd).


    Posted on 26-Oct-09 at 18:15 | Permalink
  12. Smitty

    You know, ya think you know it all, heard every good punk and hardcore record since whenever and then you hear something like this and wonder “How did this escape me for all these years?” The M.I.A. is like the best beachcore band ever – like the best parts of old Social D, Bad Religion and CH3 + balls and the Genocide ain’t too shabby neither. Thanks for the tip.


    Posted on 26-Oct-09 at 19:39 | Permalink
  13. Yeah, you’re spot on with this, Smitty – like the best elements of SD, BR & CH3. Glad you like it.


    Posted on 26-Oct-09 at 19:42 | Permalink
  14. Chris G

    HEY ERICH, could you add my blog to your site’s blogroll?


    Posted on 27-Oct-09 at 01:02 | Permalink
  15. Ask again in a year or two.


    Posted on 27-Oct-09 at 07:47 | Permalink
  16. chano

    You’re wrong, Erich. The “Submit to GENOCIDE” lp is fucking great!!!


    Posted on 27-Oct-09 at 12:04 | Permalink
  17. I want proof, Chano!!!!!!


    Posted on 27-Oct-09 at 12:07 | Permalink
  18. john bedford leno

    Hey you got it wrong. MIA is like the best parts of early-mid period Blink 182, RF7 and Perry Como + balls and the Genocide ain’t too shabby neither (more like new Blink 182).


    Posted on 27-Oct-09 at 17:24 | Permalink
  19. me-a

    genocide?posing?decide yourself


    Posted on 27-Oct-09 at 21:40 | Permalink
  20. I’m with Chano–Submit To Genocide is one of the best moron punk records ever! Those stupid band pics are the icing on the cake.


    Posted on 31-Oct-09 at 04:17 | Permalink
  21. Holy fuck!!! I’ve been wanting to hear this split for years!!!!!!!! I have GENOCIDE’s “Submit to Genocide” found it at an old head shop in my city a few years back for only 10 bucks! Thank you so much for this!!!!!!


    Posted on 02-Nov-09 at 05:22 | Permalink
  22. You gotta give “Submit To Genocide” another listen!! It became one of my favorite records in my collection right when I put the needle on it!!! When I bought it I had no idea who the band was all I knew was that GG ALLIN wore a shirt of them in that picture that’s in the back of GG Allin & The Holy Men “You Give Love A Bad Name”. Anyways… thanks again for the split!!!!


    Posted on 02-Nov-09 at 05:29 | Permalink
  23. elliott

    what? how awesome. you give love a bad name is great and this is well this is fucking awesome! i kind of like genocide a little better than m.i.a for some reason.


    Posted on 02-Nov-09 at 12:37 | Permalink
  24. Downloaded “Submit to Genocide” in the meantime. C’mon, it’s a joke.


    Posted on 02-Nov-09 at 19:50 | Permalink
  25. You sound as if that’s a bad thing. “Live To Fuck-Fuck To Live” is the voice of a generation!


    Posted on 03-Nov-09 at 01:55 | Permalink
  26. I ripped my beat up tape of “Notes From the Underground” for Mark Underground’s 45 B-day last year. My mohawked first friend at University taped this for me in the day as the band was a favorite along with NOTA, and the rest.


    Posted on 20-Nov-09 at 10:04 | Permalink
  27. Tony Ebz

    Submit to genocide is the greatest album ever. Ok I may be exaggerating but boy is it a killer. The draw of youth to rock and roll and especially punk is danger. You don’t want your folks to give your favorite album the seal of approval and how could they with tracks like Die Wasted, and live to fuck? The wild junkie hazed danger that spews from the grooves on the wax is the same danger the band lived. I mean the thought of Bobby ebz alone is nothing short of a movie script. This album scared me, this band scared me and how great of a feeling is that to know the edge in rock and roll is very real and scary. Tragicly Bobby ebz lived that edge to the death and did what he wanted only to die wasted. If you miss rock and roll shakin your world drop the needle and Submit to Genocide


    Bobby's Girl Reply:

    Thank you Tony Ebz, seeing anyone calling Bobby a poser makes me want to crawl in the screen and show them what a poser Bobby wasn’t with my fists.
    It’s real easy to sit behind a computer and judge somebody you don’t know.
    The thought of Bobby alone, as you said, IS nothing short of a movie script, and I have the inside perspective being his g/f before Genocide even existed (and during) and remained close until the day he died, also my brother was the drummer, they were true to themselves and way ahead of their time.
    Don’t worry Tony, I’m writing a book about Bobby, truth will prevail, and the biggest truth? Bobby was NOT a poser. Thank you for being a true fan <3


    Posted on 14-Feb-11 at 04:33 | Permalink

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