Friday Photos: True Hollywood Confessions

“My God, must I always wear a low-cut dress to be important?” —Jean Harlow

“My God, must I always wear a low-cut dress to be important?”
—Jean Harlow

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Posted in Automobiles, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, Friday Fotos, Hollywood, Hollywood Stars, Hollywood Still Photography, Jean Harlow, Leigh Brackett, Photography, Photography, Los Angeles, Pico-Robertson, Screenwriting, True Hollywood Confessions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Responses

Three Notable Films About Youth on Netflix

John Gallagher Jr, and Brie Larson in Short Term 12.

John Gallagher Jr, and Brie Larson in Short Term 12.

To be young is to be foolish and make mistakes—hopefully none of them fatal. It’s also a time for trying on different guises and carving out a place in the world. Most of all it’s a time of crazy impulses, mad love affairs, and grandiose dreams. To be young is to be the main character of a great and powerful drama titled, My Life.

Hollywood has always been attracted to youth as a subject matter. From the flapper movies of the roaring 20s, to the rock and roll movies of the 50s, to the rebellious cinema of the 60s, Hollywood has defined and redefined what it means to be young.

Recently, I sampled a bunch of movies that are streaming on Netflix. Out of a dozen films I have chosen three—all indie, low-budget productions—that skillfully explore the vagaries of youth with visual verve and sharp psychological insights.

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Posted in Hollywood, Movies, Netflix | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

Islam and the Radical West


Not too long ago, my wife Karen and I were watching a news program where the phrase “Islamic radicalization” was used by various talking heads as an explanation for mass murder committed by IslamoNazis.

The intellectually lazy pundits made it seem as if some nice middle class boys and girls were cruising the internet and bam! they got all IslamoNazi and then, of course, murdered a bunch of innocent men, women and children.

The corruption of language moves in tandem with the hatred of America/Israel that is the defining characteristic of postmodern liberalism.

Radical Islam nourishes itself with the cultural obsessions of the radical left — the dominant ideology/religion of the secular West.

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Posted in Islam, Islam Denial, Islamic Terror, IslamoNazis, Israel | Tagged , | 4 Responses

Book Review: The Scandal of Money by George Gilder


Seraphic Secret invited our good friend Jake Novak to review George Gilder’s important new book.

Imagine you’re a carpenter who naturally relies on a good hammer to get your work done. But after years of reliable service, that hammer starts to act strangely. Sometimes it pushes the nail into the wood, and sometimes it doesn’t. Come to think of it, now your ruler isn’t measuring things the same way it used to either. Without consistent and safe tools, doing your work has become impossible.

That’s pretty much what’s happening to money in the Western world according to George Gilder’s provocative and insightful new book, The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does.

Gilder’s name should be familiar to Seraphic Secret readers because of the starring role he plays in the great Prager University video: “The Israel Test.” (He wrote a book of the same name). And I think this new book reveals a profound reason for Gilder’s pro-Israel beliefs that I will explain later.

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Posted in Big Government, Book Reviews, Books, Economy, Israel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Responses

Friday Photos: True Hollywood Confessions

“To be good is to be forgotten. I’m going to be so bad I’ll always be remembered.” —Theda Bara

“To be good is to be forgotten. I’m going to be so bad I’ll always be remembered.”
—Theda Bara (b. Theodosia Burr Goodman 1885 – 1955)

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Posted in Art, Audrey Hepburn, Friday Fotos, Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood, Hollywood Cars, Hollywood Stars, Hollywood Still Photography, Photography, Quotes, True Hollywood Confessions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Responses

Americans Spend More on Taxes Than Food, Clothing, Housing Combined


As law-abiding citizens, Karen and I collected our tax statements, itemized charitable deductions, carefully listed our business expenses, and sent them to our accountant a few weeks ago.

There is a kind of horror that sets in when you are confronted with just how much of your hard-earned income goes to state and federal governments — who spend your money on G-d knows what.

California, once a golden land of limitless opportunity, home to a Republican majority, has turned fanatic Democrat and, of course, shape-shifted into a sink-hole of tax laws that bleeds businesses, enriches corrupt unions, and spends vast sums of public money on absurd projects like the bullet train… which no one is going to use.

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Posted in America, Hollywood, IRS | Tagged , , , | 6 Responses

Ben Shapiro to Deliver 2016 Ariel Avrech Memorial Lecture

Ariel’s high school graduation picture from Yeshiva Gedolah, Los Angeles, June 1998.

Ariel’s high school graduation picture from Yeshiva Gedolah, Los Angeles, June 1998.

You are all invited to The Thirteenth Annual Ariel Avrech ZT’L Memorial Lecture that will take place Sunday, May 22, 2016, at 10 AM, followed by brunch.

For those unable to attend the lecture will be posted here at Seraphic Secret.

Karen and I are delighted to announce that our friend Ben Shapiro will deliver this year’s lecture, “How You Can Save Israel.”

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Blood Money to IslamoNazis

Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of violence in Jerusalem by two Palestinian terrorists who now are receiving £9,000 in 'blood money' every year with the help of British aid

Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of violence in Jerusalem by two Palestinian terrorists who now are receiving £9,000 in ‘blood money’ every year with the help of British aid

Several weeks ago I heard Ms. Wilson on Dennis Prager’s radio show.

I was cruising along Wilshire Boulevard. But as Wilson detailed her ordeal, and described the glee of the IslamoNazi butchers who tortured Ms. Wilson and murdered her friend Kristine Luken, I pulled over and parked.

I was trembling, filled with rage at the evil—Jew-hatred/anti-Zionism—this world not only tolerates but encourages and funds through economic incentives.

Two Palestinian terrorists who repeatedly stabbed a British woman in a brutal attack and killed her friend are now each receiving at least £9,000 in ‘blood money’ every year with the help of UK aid.

Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of violence in Jerusalem in which Kristine Luken, an American, was killed.

The attackers were eventually caught and, after admitting their crimes, were sent to prison.

But Ms Wilson was horrified to learn from news reports that her assailants were being paid a monthly stipend equivalent to £750 each effectively from the Palestinian Authority (PA).

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Posted in Islam, Islamic Terror, IslamoNazi Kidnappings, IslamoNazis, Israel | Tagged , , , | 7 Responses

Islamic Terror: What American Muslims Can Do

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Posted in Islam, Islam Denial, Islamic State, Islamic Terror, IslamoNazi Kidnappings, IslamoNazis | Tagged , | 4 Responses

Friday Photos: True Hollywood Confessions

“I never really felt pretty, bright or socially adept.” —Grace Kelly

“I never really felt pretty, bright or socially adept.”
—Grace Kelly

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Posted in Art, Australia, Friday Footwear, Friday Fotos, Grace Kelly, Hollywood, Hollywood Stars, Hollywood Still Photography, Marilyn Monroe, Painting, True Hollywood Confessions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Responses

Ignoring Rule #1 of History


When asked what he proposed to do about the cold war with the Soviet Union, Ronald Reagan famously replied: “We win, they lose.”

Of course, the chattering classes mocked Reagan as a simple-minded war monger.

The postmodern Democrat party is quite good when fighting Republicans, their true enemy. But when it comes to those who routinely commit mass murder and promise genocide the Democrats go all kumbaya.

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Posted in America, ISIS, Islam, Islam Denial, Islamic State, Islamic Terror, IslamoNazi Kidnappings, IslamoNazis, Israel, Obama Watch | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Responses

UN Names Democratic Israel as World’s #1 Human Rights Violator



The UN is a cesspool of leftist Jew-haters.

One of the cornerstones of Obama’s foreign policy is to engage with the UN on world affairs so that America does not act unilaterally.

In short, Obama and the Democrat Party have legitimized the Jew-hatred and blood libels that lie at the heart of the UN.

It is the American taxpayer who finances this swamp of Jew-hatred.

Anne Bayefsky documents the UN’s latest evil.

According to the United Nations, the most evil country in the world today is Israel.

On March 24, 2016, the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) wrapped up its annual meeting in New York by condemning only one country for violating women’s rights anywhere on the planet – Israel, for violating the rights of Palestinian women.

On the same day, the UN Human Rights Council concluded its month-long session in Geneva by condemning Israel five times more than any other of the 192 UN member states.

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Posted in Islamic Terror, IslamoNazis, Israel, Jew-haters, Jew-hatred, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Responses

Feminist Whores for Islam

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Friday Photos, True Hollywood Secrets: How to be Beautiful

Audrey Hepburn’s doe-eyed look was her trademark. Along with a strong brow, and efforts to keep the rest of her makeup neutral, Hepburn focused on her lashes to draw attention to her eyes. To ensure separation of each lash, her makeup artist used to apply mascara — and then painstakingly separate each lash using a safety pin.

Audrey Hepburn’s doe-eyed look was her trademark. Along with a strong brow, and efforts to keep the rest of her makeup neutral, Hepburn focused on her lashes to draw attention to her eyes. To ensure separation of each lash, her makeup artist used to apply mascara — and then painstakingly separate each lash using a safety pin. ”

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Posted in Audrey Hepburn, Colleen Moore, Family, Friday Fotos, Grace Kelly, Hollywood, Hollywood Stars, Hollywood Still Photography, Ingrid Bergman, Movie Posters, Silent Movies, True Hollywood Confessions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Responses

Purim: The Deeply Anti-Progressive Jewish Holiday

“The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus” by Jan Victors, 1640s.

“The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus” by Jan Victors, 1640s.

Today is the holiday of Purim.

And it is no accident that Benjamin Netanyahu referenced Purim when delivering a powerful address to the U.S. Senate in an unsuccessful bid to curb Obama’s legitimization of a nuclear Iran.

Purim is an old ( 5th century B.C.E.) but agnonizingly familiar story: A Jew-hater named Haman hatches a plan to annihilate the Jewish people in the ancient kingdom of Persia.

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Posted in IslamoNazis, Israel, Jewish Holidays, Judaism, Obama Watch, Purim | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Responses

Rabbi Chaplain Abraham Avrech, Second Yahrzeit

My father, Rabbi Abraham Avrech. An Army Chaplain in the 42nd Rainbow Division, my father served this great nation through World War II, The Korean War and Vietnam. Retired as a full Colonel, my father often speaks of his Chaplaincy as the most important and fulfilling of his long and distinguished Rabbinic career.

My father, Rabbi Abraham Avrech. An Army Chaplain in the 42nd Rainbow Division, my father served this great nation through World War II, The Korean War and Vietnam. Retired as a full Colonel, my father often spoke of his Chaplaincy as the most important and fulfilling of his long and distinguished Rabbinic career.

My father, Rabbi Chaplain Abraham Avrech passed away on March 15, 2014, which the Jewish calendar translates into the 13th of Adar. Thus, tonight — Jewish holidays begin in the evening, after sundown — is the second Yahrzeit, memorial, without my father’s physical presence in this world. My father was 94 years old.

He is gone, but he is certainly not forgotten.

I ponder the astonishing trajectory of my father’s life. Born in a tiny impoverished Polish town, my father and his family emigrated to America where they found the liberty to live as Jews and Americans.

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Posted in Abraham Avrech, Family | Tagged , , , , , , | 9 Responses

Hillary Clinton at AIPAC, It’s Behavior, Stupid

Hillary kissing Suha Arafat after the terrorist’s wife delivered a speech accusing Israel of using poison gas on Arabs, 1999.

Hillary kissing Suha Arafat after the terrorist’s wife delivered a speech accusing Israel of using poison gas on Arabs, 1999.

Whenever I discuss Judaism, I frequently define the corpus of Jewish ritual, law and thought as a behaviorist religion.

Normative Orthodox Judaism does not involve itself in theological or philosophical discussions. When we learn Torah (the Written Law) and Talmud (the Oral Law), G-d is a given. The 613 mitzvot — prescriptive commandments and prohibitions — are another given. The Talmud struggles with how human beings — as individuals and as members of families, communities, and humanity — can best serve HaShem through our daily actions.

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Posted in America, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Israel, Judaism | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Responses

Friday Photos: True Hollywood Confessions

Gene Tierney, 1952 in court during her divorce proceedings against Oleg Cassini.. “I had appalling taste before I met Oleg”, she wrote in her 1979 autobiography Self Portrait. “In my early days in Hollywood, I tried to be economical. I worked with a dressmaker and designed my own clothes, much to my mother’s distress. I had a good deal of fun whipping up what I now realize were atrocities. One night when Oleg came to call I was wearing one of my own creations. I shudder to think of it: a navy blue and pink striped dress, with a navy wool cape lined in the same print. I had on a straw hat, floppy and pink, decorated with a pink rose. I wore pink suede gloves and matching bag, and navy shoes. Oleg strode in the door, took one look at this ice cream confection, and almost passed out. “I won’t take you out dressed like that!”, he bellowed. “First, take off the hat and cape and then go and get a navy bag. Forget the gloves, if you don’t have any navy ones.” Oleg winked at my mother, which made me furious, but I began to suspect that my clothes were getting to be a bit much.” Gene and Oleg Cassini remained friends after their divorce, and Tierney continued to wear his designs for the rest of her life.

“I had appalling taste before I met Oleg [Cassini]”, writes Gene Tierney in her 1979 autobiography Self Portrait. “In my early days in Hollywood, I tried to be economical. I worked with a dressmaker and designed my own clothes, much to my mother’s distress. I had a good deal of fun whipping up what I now realize were atrocities. One night when Oleg came to call I was wearing one of my own creations. I shudder to think of it: a navy blue and pink striped dress, with a navy wool cape lined in the same print. I had on a straw hat, floppy and pink, decorated with a pink rose. I wore pink suede gloves and matching bag, and navy shoes. Oleg strode in the door, took one look at this ice cream confection, and almost passed out. “I won’t take you out dressed like that!”, he bellowed. “First, take off the hat and cape and then go and get a navy bag. Forget the gloves, if you don’t have any navy ones.” Oleg winked at my mother, which made me furious, but I began to suspect that my clothes were getting to be a bit much.” Gene and Oleg Cassini remained friends even after their divorce, and Tierney continued to wear his designs for the rest of her life.

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Posted in Fashion, Friday Fotos, Gene Tierney, Hollywood, Hollywood Stars, Hollywood Still Photography, Jewish Holidays, Lauren Bacall, Movie Posters, Movies, Myrna Loy, Painting, Photography, Purim, True Hollywood Confessions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Responses

Ben Shapiro to Deliver 2016 Ariel Avrech Memorial Lecture

Ariel’s high school graduation picture from Yeshiva Gedolah, Los Angeles, June 1998.

Ariel’s high school graduation picture from Yeshiva Gedolah, Los Angeles, June 1998.

You are all invited to The Thirteenth Annual Ariel Avrech ZT’L Memorial Lecture that will take place Sunday, May 22, 2016, at 10 AM, followed by brunch.

For those unable to attend the lecture will be posted here at Seraphic Secret.

Karen and I are delighted to announce that our friend Ben Shapiro will deliver this year’s lecture, “How You Can Save Israel.”

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Posted in Ariel Avrech Memorial Lecture, Ariel Chaim Avrech, Israel | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Government: Is It Ever Big Enough?

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Can the government ever be too big? How much spending is enough spending? And if there can be too much spending, where is that point? William Voegeli, Senior Editor of the Claremont Review of Books, explores these complex questions and offers some clear answers.

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  • Annual Ariel Avrech
    Memorial Lectures

    Young Israel of Century City
    Twelfth: June 7, 2015
    Larry Elder: "The New Black Anti-Semitism"

    Blog Post
    MP3 Audio Mono (50 MB) | Stereo (100 MB)
    Eleventh: June 8, 2014
    Michael Medved: "Shifting Alliances: Why Liberals No Longer Reliably Support Israel — And Conservatives Do." Blog Post | Audio (mp3 97MB)
    Tenth: June 9, 2013
    David Horowitz: "The War Against Judaism on the University Campus." Blog Post | Audio (mp3 16MB)
    Ninth: June 3, 2012
    Joel B. Pollak: "The Mainstream Media's Betrayal of Israel." Blog Post | Audio (mp3 15MB)
    Eighth: June 5, 2011
    Yossi Klein Halevi: "What is Expected of a Survivor People: Lessons My Father Taught Me." Blog Post | Audio (mp3 18MB)
    Seventh: June 13, 2010
    Dennis Prager: "Happiness is a Mitzvah, Not an Emotion." Blog Post | Audio (mp3 80MB)
    Sixth: June 21, 2009
    Rabbi Steven Pruzansky: "Conformity in Jewish Life: Vice, Virtue or Affectation?" Blog Post | Audio (mp3 64MB)
    Fifth: June 15, 2008
    Rabbi Dr. Gil S. Perl: "What Was the Rosh Yeshiva Reading: Intellectual Openness in 19th Century Lithuania." Blog Post | Audio (mp3 70MB)
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