No Sweat exists to fight against sweatshop exploitation. We organise solidarity for sweatshop workers from the UK to the four corners of the world. We stand for workers' self-organisation, international solidarity and for the right to organise in every workplace.

Support No Sweat and make a stand against exploitation

We are a not-for-profit organisation run entirely by unpaid volunteers. We rely on your support and solidarity to continue our work.

Send Your Label Back

Help No Sweat press the high street giants to clean up their act by cutting the label out or even sending complete garments back to us to deliver "en masse".

We have thousands of postcards to attach your labels to. Download the front design from here or contact us and we can send you bundles of postcards to use.

Send your labels in to us at the address at the bottom of the website!

No Sweat leaflets


Download our campaign leaflet for free!

Find out all about the No Sweat campaign and the fight against sweatshop labour. With information on exploitation by some of the worlds biggest corporations, the reasons why it is important to stop the abuse and ways in which you can help, this leaflet has it all.

Download it to read yourself, pass it on to friends and family or use on your own campaign stall in your local high street!

Educate yourself and others, spread the message, and help us end the exploitation of workers around the world.

Burma Garment workers deserve support too


Amid all the furore and outrage over the excessive force used by police against student protesters this month, another violent clampdown has dropped from public attention.

What can Zapatistas teach Burmese migrants in Thailand?

A project connecting southern Mexico indigenous rights’ activists the Zaptistas with migrants from Burma in Thailand shows impact of international solidarity

Tell Edinburgh Wollen Mill: compensate your workers in Bangladesh!

Labour Behind the Label need help getting Edinburgh Woollen Mill to compensate its Bangladeshi workers, burned in a factory fire.

Demand full compensation for Bangladesh survivors and families

Leading brands are dragging their heels over their promise to pay compensation to the victims of the Bangladesh factory collapse. Help force them to pay up!

Protests lead to retailers' commitment on safety in Bangladesh

War on Want report on the success of a campaign to force major clothes retailers to pay for safer factories in Bangladesh.

Primark protests - no more factory deaths! Saturday 4 May

After Bangladesh factory deaths, join protests to demand Primark recognises unions throughout their supply chains.

Support Bangladeshi garment workers - support union rights!

After the latest disaster in Dhaka, Bangladesh, support LabourStart's campaign for justice for 3 million Bangladeshi garment workers, including the right to form trade unions - Read more...

Reel News film night, Thursday 25 April, Stockwell, London - SPAIN SPECIAL


Reel News are launching a new regular monthly film night on the last Thursday of every month in Stockwell, south London: meet up, watch films on current campaigns, discuss activities. This week kicks off with a special on Spain. More...

People & Planet Foot Locker campaign


On 22nd April, students and other sweatshop activists will gather at Foot Locker stores across the EU, calling on adidas to pay PT Kizone workers $1.8 million in legally-owed redundancy pay. This will mark the beginning of a week of action in the UK that will ramp up the pressure on the UK’s biggest retailer of adidas footwear. More...

Hong Kong dockworkers strike: UPDATE: call for international protests

The Hong Kong dockworkers' strike entered its 26th day on 22nd April. They believe that international attention is key to winning their strike and call on supporters to organise a protest or petition at any Hutchison Whampoa-owned or invested businesses. Read more...

Hong Kong dockworkers strike

Dockworkers in Hong Kong are on strike against their appallingly low pay and bad working conditions. They need our support!

Support Iraqi oil worker leader, Hassan Juma'a

Iraqi oil workers' leader Hassan Juma'a is being prosecuted by the Iraqi state for his activities organising oil workers and oil workers in their turn are striking in protest. Read more and take action...

Women resisting austerity and exploitation: public meeting, London, Wednesday 28 November


The Central America Women’s Network and War on Want have invited two feminist speakers from Honduras and South Africa that defend and promote the rights of women and women workers, to speak about the global struggle against injustice.

Action on adidas, UK, Saturday 1st December

Part of People & Planet's week of action against sweatshops, join the national day of action against adidas on 1st December.

The Devil Pays Nada: Exploitative Unpaid Internships and Workfare - protest and public meeting, Tues 13 November, ULU, London


Unpaid internships are widely seen by companies as an opportunity for free labour, resulting in young students and graduates being exploited and undersold. How can we turn things around?

SUPERSIZE MY PAY: How young workers in New Zealand took on McDonalds and won - meeting, Tuesday 6 November, ULU, London

This year, ULU is running a student workers campaign to raise awareness of rights in the workplace and help working students organise. Come along to watch our first film and discuss the campaign.

An Introduction to No Sweat


What is No Sweat? We wrote these notes in reply to a college student in the USA asking us who we are and what we do. They are quite informal (and personal), but hopefully give a fair introduction!

Pakistan: end impunity for factory fires that kill workers

LabourStart are campaigning for the Pakistani authorities to prosecute those responsible for the recent factory fires that killed more than 300 workers. Please support the campaign.

People & Planet "Buy Right" pack launched

The UK campaigning group People & Planet are focusing on campaigning against sweatshops, and send this news about their new 'Buy Right action pack'. It sounds good to us!

Action in solidarity with women garment workers in Cambodia, Tuesday 18 September, London

Hundreds of workers have been fainting en masse in factories in Cambodia supplying clothes to the UK high street because they haven't had enough to eat, and they are overworked. Join this Labour Behind the Label action to highlight the scandal of low pay that forces workers to work excessive hours.

Olympics legacy: light the flame for workers’ human rights!


The UK Playfair 2012 campaign has made some progress with the organisers of London 2012 (LOCOG) and they have now gone further than any previous Games organiser in taking steps to protect workers’ rights. You can take action now to seal and build on this 'legacy'...

In The Life Of A Cambodian Garment Factory Worker

“ Salary wouldn't be such a problem but things at the market are getting more expensive.” – garment factory worker

'The London Olympics: challenging the neoliberal games', talk with David Renton, Housmans, 8 August


Housmans bookshop hosts David Renton, author of 'Lives; Running', on Wednesday 8 August for a talk on 'The London Olympics: challenging the neo-liberal games’.

Cambodian Garment Workers take to the street for increased wages and safer working conditions

With one of the lowest minimum wages in South East Asia, Cambodian garment workers are challenging the country's freedom of expression while demanding a much needed increase to the current $61 per month living wage.

Defend the right to protest - even (perhaps especially) against the Olympics!


Whatever one thinks of the Olympics, it is certainly surrounded by a large number of ethical issues. Not least whether one has the right to protest against it - or even just aspects of it.

A coalition called Counter-Olympics Network (CON) planned a march in east London near the London Olympics site, for Saturday 28 July. That demonstration is now in danger of being banned. We reproduce below CON's press statement insisting "Counter Olympics protestors will defy demo ban".

No Sweat defends the right to protest!


No to legal hounding of sex workers during the Olympics!


At our Olympics dayschool in March No Sweat heard from X:Talk about their campaign against expected arrests of sex workers in the run-up to and during the London Olympics. Now, as feared, arrests are taking place, and in protest sex workers and their supporters have formed the Stop the Arrests Campaign.

Read this article which explains why and how they are campaigning...

Mexico: Human rights defender kidnapped and tortured

At No Sweat we were shocked to hear about the case of a human rights worker abducted and tortured in Mexico. José Enrique Morales Montaño worked for the Center of Support for Workers (CAT) in Puebla, Mexico.

No Sweat worked with the CAT a few years ago. We're sorry to hear about the terrible situation there at the moment, and will do what we can to support them now.

Please sign the appeal here:

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