Election 2012

Category archives for Election 2012

Live Blogging Election 2012

I’ll be jotting notes here. Feel free to jot notes in the comments. Bernie Sanders re-elected 6:22 PM Central: Virginia reporting good numbers for Obama. Larger turnouts than 2008 in VA. 6:54 PM Central: Senate: 30 DEM seats called, 37 GOP seats. Leaving the polling place today, there was a couple behind me. She said,…

Romney did “win” the debate

Romney did three things at the debate: 1) He totally randomized his policies, thus putting into effect an excellent version of the Chewbaca Defense; 2) He made up his own rules, forcing Obama to follow them and embarrassing PBS and Jim Lehrer; and 3) He made a bunch of independents giddy, so when the post-debate…

Don’t worry, it’s totally work safe. Turn up the volume. Trust me.

There are a number of US HOuse of Representative races that are too close to call at this point. Although the house is currently predicted to go Republican, which would be a shame, there are not a lot of current data to predict this. Given the potential strength of Mitt Romney’s coattails going in one…

A GOP PAC has produced a ridiculous ad supporting Michele Bachmann for re-election to Congress representing Minnesota’s 6th District. You’ll remember that Bachmann made national news when she declared that a senior aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Minnesota 5th District Congressman Keith Ellison were plants inserted into high places in the United…

Michele Bachmann Could Be Replaced

For various reasons, it has been difficult for the Democrats in Minnesota (called “DFLers”) to unseat Republican Congressional Representative Michele Bachmann. This has been partly because the candidates put up were not properly selected (probably) and partly because the people in her district simply liked her. Personally, I think her district started to like her…

I am Iowan. I am barn.

I’ve known very few real Iowans. I know people who live there now but are from the Twin Cities, but I’ve only met a handful of native Iowans. One of them is a dear friend, most are only vague acquaintances. Six of them were landlubbing pirates of no value to humanity whatsoever.1 But I’m sure…

The View on Michele Bachmann

If you are annoyed with Michele Bachmann’s racism and anti-gayism please donate to a candidate that opposes her. She is using the video you watched to raise money. Good idea. Do spread this video around, please. Below the fold: Michele Bachmann’s gay step sister and her friend in DC supporting Obama.

This is not new but it is current. In 2009, Michele Bachmann donated several thousand dollars to an organization that carries out exorcisms mainly on teenagers who have bee posessed by multiple demons. This has become increasingly popular among Christians … the idea that demons posses people on a regular basis. Right now, at least…

Republicans and Sanity

The twain shall never meet. Below the fold. Not work safe. Do not be drinking coffee. Sex with demons!