
Category archives for Carnivora

Three pictures of cats

Since it is Caturday, and I don’ think I’ve posted these before. A King Cheetah (a rather large form of cat) in South Africa: Picture Of Cat On Top Photo Credit: Gatto Mimmo via Compfight cc

Why would you want a field guide to all of the carninvores? They live everywhere, so there is no reason to carry around a field identification guide with ALL of them unless you were going everywhere in the whole world on one trip! Yet, there is such a field guide, Carnivores of the World (Princeton…

Knut is Dead

Cuddly Cub Polar Bear Knut has died unexpectedly, at the age of four. The cause of death is unknown but speculation abounds. In memoriam, please remain silent for a moment while we play the Knut Song:

This is the most challenging time of year for duck watching. But it may be easier than one thinks to bump into a wolf in the forest.

In Robert Gardner’s documentary film Dead Birds, the men of a highland New Guinea village guard the perimeter of the territory, watchful for men of the neighboring group who may be intent on sneaking into the gardens to capture and kill an unwitting child or woman in order to avenge a prior death. But they…

As you know, I have a long standing interest in dogs and bears and in the topic of animals eating people. (SEE UPDATE AT END OF POST)

Ode to Rocky

A nostalgic post, reposted. Nostalgically.

I have about ten favorite species of tree, and one of them is the corotĂș. Why? Because of one of the most interesting plant-animal interaction stories of recent times. The story, complete with extinct elephant-like creatures and a real Sherlock Holmes science theme can be read, along with some great images, at A Neotropical Savanna:…

The Science of Lion Prides

Although the paper addresses Tanzanian lions, this is a photograph of a Namibian lion Starting some years ago, we began to hear about revisions of the standard models of lion behavioral biology coming out of Craig Packer’s research in the Serengeti. One of the most startling findings, first shown (if memory serves) as part of…

Cute baby lion kittens. When they grow up, they will want to eat you. I’ll never forget the first wild lion I ever saw. It was a pitch black night, on the savanna in the Western Rift Valley. I had climbed on top of the hood of the Land Rover, engine off, but headlights on.…