
Category archives for Feminism

What is “Rape Culture”?

Miri has posted an excellent “…Review of the White House’s Report on Campus Sexual Violence which is a must read for anyone interested in sexual assault on campuses, and everyone should be concerned about this issue. I would like to address one aspect of the problem here, briefly: the use of and concern over the…

Warning, rapey themes and strong language, go away if you can’t handle that. Which is worse, rape threats or lightening up about rape threats? Since I hardly ever get rape threats and the ones I get are absurd, it is not really for me to say. The question here, is what does a woman who…

Content warning: Severe obnoxiousosity. I cribbed this from NPR. The Brain Scoop channel is here. If you’ve not watched it you are missing some good stuff! …Emily Graslie’s “The Brain Scoop” is one of the warmest, slyest video blogs on the web. She’s where I go to find out what museum scientists are up to…

Laura Helmuth has written what I think is one of the most important posts so far to emerge from the fray that is Bora Zivkovic’s: Don’t Be a Creep: Lessons from the latest terrible, sad, fascinating scandal in the science blogging world. Before getting to what I think is the most important part of her…

Final Update: From Scientific American: Bora Zivkovic resigns from Scientific American STATEMENT FROM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN October 18, 2013 Bora Zivkovic resigns from Scientific American Following recent events, Bora Zivkovic has offered his resignation from Scientific American, and Scientific American has decided to accept that resignation. The Scientific American Blog Network is a vibrant group of…

Secular Woman is an organization I’m proud to be a member of. SW has released a statement responding to the latest dust up in the Secular-Atheist-Skeptical Community in which CFI leader Ron Lindsay somehow got assigned the job of giving the welcoming/opening talk to the second Women in Secularism Conference, and made a big mess…

… Warning abuse triggers … Breakthrough’s video -Mann ke Manjeeré- winner of the Screen Awards 2001 in India and nominated for MTV’s ‘Best Indipop Music Video’, reached 26 million households via six satellite music television channels, effectively mainstreaming discussions about domestic violence issues throughout South Asia and reaching as far as Tajikistan, Indonesia and the…

Are you a feminist activist? Thank you.

The other day, PZ Myers noted in a Blog post the remembrance of the École Polytechnique massacre in which Marc Lépine hunted down and killed 14 women, injured another 10 women and a handful of men, as his way of striking out against feminism. To be clear, he was hunting down and killing feminists because…

This is the year of the woman in the US Congress and elsewhere, despite the best efforts of some to make sure that the opposite happened. This is the year in which the Right Wing carried out the most anti-woman campaign ever since suffrage, or at least, so it would appear, along with a continued…

I Am A Secular Woman

Secular Woman is a organization that just formed, and is currently filing for 501(c)(3) status. I just joined it and you should to. Here’s the mission statement: Mission The mission of Secular Woman is to amplify the voice, presence, and influence of non-religious women. Vision Secular Woman envisions a future in which women without supernatural…