
You all know this happened. But there is some controversy over what kind of bird it is. There is no doubt whatsoever that the bird was a finch. However, what kind? Most likely a house finch, because they are common, and the most likely to live in a big auditorium thingie and not be fearful…

Keith Olbermann: Why Trump Wont Win

This discussion is a little ambiguous about “winning the nomination” vs. “winning the general election” but it is fun to see Keith Olbermann again. He states here that he is coming out of retirement. Olbermann correctly points out something I think a lot of people don’t know or understand. A political party is an independent…

The Bernie Sanders Bird

Everybody knows about the little bird, a House Finch, I believe, that flew up to Bernie Sanders at a recent event. However, the YouTube Video that is circulating has lousy sound quality and cuts off some of the context. So, here I give you a better version.

Today and tomorrow we have the Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington Democratic primaries. According to the model I developed prior to the last primary, which predicts future primaries using information about primaries to date (which I’ve not updated from last Tuesday), Sanders will win all three primaries. That model suggests that the delegate spread by the…

Here’s what states get when they expand Medicaid: more savings, more revenue, more jobs, more access to care for their communities.

I’m trying to figure out how many Senate seats, and which ones, will switch from Republican to Democratic in November 2016. At present, 54 Senator caucus with the Republicans, and 46 caucus with the Democrats (two of those are Independant). We should be shooting for a good majority of 61, just to be safe. That…

A recent study finds vaccine refusals have, indeed, accelerated the resurgence of whooping cough and measles here in the U.S. The findings are making headlines around the country — and comment sections are filling up with vitriol from anti-vaxxers — but it would feel amiss not to highlight the study on a blog dedicated to public health. But first, let’s remind ourselves of the pain and suffering that preceded vaccines.

Bernie Sanders has either stated or implied two features that make up his strategy to win the Democratic nomination to be the party’s candidate for President this November. Implied, sort of stated: Convince so-called “Superdelegates” (properly called “uncommitted delegates”) in states where he has won to vote for him, even if he is in second.…

This post was written in two parts, pre-primary and post-primary. To see the result and a discussion of what they mean, skip down to the last part of the post, where I’ll discuss why Tuesday’s results may mean that Sanders could win the primary. Pre-Primary As already discussed, Clinton is likely to win the Democratic…

Though not enough. And for the wrong reasons. But this is still good news. Somewhere around 1990, but you could justify an earlier date if you like, science knew enough about global warming, the increase in the planet’s surface temperatures caused by human release of greenhouse gas pollution and other human effects, to have initiated…