In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of "snow" and "ball" is "snowball". In some but not all formalisations of concatenation theory, also called string theory, string concatenation is a primitive notion.
In many programming languages, string concatenation is a binary infix operator. The +
(plus) operator is often overloaded to denote concatenation for string arguments: "Hello, " + "World"
has the value "Hello, World"
. In other languages there is a separate operator, particularly to specify implicit type conversion to string, as opposed to more complicated behavior for generic plus. Examples include .
in Edinburgh IMP, Perl, and PHP, and &
in Ada and Visual Basic. Other syntax exists, like ||
in PL/I and Oracle Database SQL.
In a few languages, notably C, C++, and Python, there is string literal concatenation, meaning that adjacent string literals are concatenated, without any operator: "Hello, " "World"
has the value "Hello, World"
. In other languages, concatenation of string literals with an operator is evaluated at compile time, via constant folding.
Concatenation may refer to:
In mathematics, concatenation is the joining of two numbers by their numerals. That is, the concatenation of 123 and 456 is 123456. Concatenation of numbers a and b is denoted a||b. Relevant subjects in recreational mathematics include Smarandache-Wellin numbers, home primes, and Champernowne's constant. The convention for sequences at places such as the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is to have sequences of concatenations include as the first term a number prior to the actual act of concatenation. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that parties discussing a topic agree either with this convention or with plain language. For example, the first term in the sequence of concatenations of increasing even numbers may be taken to be either 24, as would seem obviously correct, or simply 2, according to convention.
The concatenation of numbers depends on the numeric base, which is often understood from context.
Given the numbers p and q in base b, the concatenation p||q is given by
A Stale Organic Cage.
I'm In The Stranger: Me.
(Lost In Corporeal Inanity)
The User Of My Face;
Beneath Its Guise I Rot.
A Paradox In Terms.
(I Am Now What I'm Not)
Interconnected, Fused.
My Words Are Its Thoughts.
I Now Share My Self With My Reflection.
Straining To Divide Our Twined Formation.
Duality Within Singularity.
(I'm Forlorn In My Own Withering Soul,
Racked By Continuous Waves Of Dissolution
My Gemini Mind The Creator Of The Undulation.
I Strain To Untangle These Malignant Bonds,
To Become Again The One That I Was)
Coalescence Done,
The Merging Complete,
The Sentence Carried Out.
(I'm Condemned For Eternity)
The Confluence,
Our Interwound Flows;
Surges Not To Be Fused.
(Now Combined, Intertwined)
In This Mental Cage We Absorb Our Selves.
The Only Certainty Is My Suffering.
My Mind In Constant Pleas For An End To This Concatenation.
A Struggle All In Vain,
We're Both The Same.
(A Withering Soul Torn By The Attempts Of Regeneration.
My Gemini Mind The Obstacle Of My Redemption.
I Strain To Elude The Face Of My Other Self.
To Become Again The One That I Was)
Plug Me In, Reconnect Me To My Self.
Plug Me In, Reconnect Me To My Soul.
Gone Are All My Hopes,
All My Vain Illusions.
Deceived I Dwell In Me.
In The Core Of My Agony.
I Fade In This Duress.
I'm Weakening.
The One Who Claimed My Front Is Now The Claimant Of My Soul.
(A Withering Soul Torn By This Antipolar Mental Integration.
My Divided Mind A System Split In Two Creations.
I Strain To Reach The Separation Tools,
To Be Again The One That I Was)
Into The Core Of Self, The Neuro-Axis, I Fade
Within The Fading Core Of Self I Am.....
In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of "snow" and "ball" is "snowball". In some but not all formalisations of concatenation theory, also called string theory, string concatenation is a primitive notion.
In many programming languages, string concatenation is a binary infix operator. The +
(plus) operator is often overloaded to denote concatenation for string arguments: "Hello, " + "World"
has the value "Hello, World"
. In other languages there is a separate operator, particularly to specify implicit type conversion to string, as opposed to more complicated behavior for generic plus. Examples include .
in Edinburgh IMP, Perl, and PHP, and &
in Ada and Visual Basic. Other syntax exists, like ||
in PL/I and Oracle Database SQL.
In a few languages, notably C, C++, and Python, there is string literal concatenation, meaning that adjacent string literals are concatenated, without any operator: "Hello, " "World"
has the value "Hello, World"
. In other languages, concatenation of string literals with an operator is evaluated at compile time, via constant folding. | 21 Sep 2018
Business Insider | 21 Sep 2018
The Guardian | 21 Sep 2018
The Independent | 20 Sep 2018
Irish Independent | 21 Sep 2018
The Independent | 21 Sep 2018