Budō (武道) is a Japanese term describing modern Japanese martial arts. Literally translated it means the "Martial Way", and may be thought of as the "Way of War".
Budō is a compound of the root bu (武:ぶ), meaning 'war' or 'martial'; and dō (道:どう; tao in Chinese), meaning 'path' or 'way' (including the Buddhist conception of 'path', or mārga in Sanskrit). The term refers to the idea of formulating propositions, subjecting them to philosophical critique and then following a 'path' to realize them.Dō signifies a "way of life". Dō in the Japanese context, is an experiential term, experiential in the sense that practice (the way of life) is the norm to verify the validity of the discipline cultivated through a given art form. The modern budō has no external enemy, only the internal enemy, one's ego that must be fought.
Similarly to budō, bujutsu is a compound of the roots bu (武), and jutsu (術:じゅつ), meaning technique. Thus, budō is translated as "martial way", or "the way of war" while bujutsu is translated as "science of war" or "martial craft." However, both budō and bujutsu are used interchangeably in English with the term "martial arts". Budo and bujutsu have quite a delicate difference; whereas bujutsu only gives attention to the physical part of fighting (how to best defeat an enemy), budo also gives attention to the mind and how one should develop oneself.
Fire by PJDS
Fire took my mother
Fire took my dad
Fire took my sister
The only one that
I've ever had
Fire took my cousins
Fire took my friends
Fire took the chickens too
Fire took you
Now I'm left alone with
Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan
I'm left alone with
Starving people just
Me and my two hands
I'm left alone with china
And the whole of South America
I'm left alone with the
Fascists too, I'm left
Alone without you
Gonna buy myself a weapon
Gonna buy myself a boat
Gonna buy myself a mountain
Gonna buy myself a coat
Gonna buy myself a reason
I'm gonna buy myself some dope
Gonna buy myself a light
I'm gonna burn myself alive
Fire took the furnace
And it's getting kinda cold
In here
Rain won't take the Fire away
It's never gonna disappear
Fire took my family
Fire took my world
Fire took the zoo