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Sunday Telegraph retracts false claim over War on Want

9 April 2016 - 3:30pm

The Sunday Telegraph has retracted its false claim that War on Want had funding ‘pulled’ by the UK government as a result of its work for human rights in Palestine.

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British Museum urged to drop BP sponsorship with Rebel Exhibition

8 April 2016 - 12:30pm

'A ‪History Of BP in 10 Objects' features objects sent from all over the world by communities impacted by BP’s environmental destruction and human rights abuses, including crude oil from the Gulf Coast spill, an empty tear gas cartridge from Tahrir Square and a shamanic healing tool from Colombia. 


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Sunday Telegraph retracts false claim over War on Want https://t.co/6CfSIvmQS5 9 hours 54 min ago
Must be far tougher than leaked draft #TaxHavens EU 'will toughen plans to make firms disclose offshore tax bills' https://t.co/YwQzsW2sVa 12 hours 34 min ago
100+ companies with UK bases sell military/security equipment to Israel #StopArmingIsrael! Solidarity to @SussexSAI https://t.co/5TGUjZXvIG 1 day 14 hours ago