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KPFA WorkWeek Radio On Chicago Teachers Strike, Closure Of Oak Trib & ILWU May Day Action
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica
Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
Pacifica KPFA WorkWeek Radio looks at the mass teachers strike in Chicago of the Chicago teachers union, the closure of the Oakland Tribune and how it will affect journalists and community news and the plans by ILWU Local 10 and other unions for an action on May Day 2016. ILWU Local 10 is closing all ports and will be marching from their hall to the Ferry Building and Harry Bridges Plaza
WorkWeek radio goes to Chicago where tens of thousands of Chicago teachers struck on April 1, 2016 for a contract. They were joined by Illinois State University faculty, staff and students and fast food workers. There were also international solidarity from trade unionists from South Korean KCTU and Brazilian trade unionists of Conlutas.
Next WorkWeek looks at the closure of the Oakland Tribune and what that means to the journalists who are members of the NewsGuild CWA. Oakland with 400,000 people no longer has a daily newspaper after the closure by Digital First Media which is owned by vulture capitalist Randall Smith through Aldrich Global Capital threatens not only the journalists but the public's right to information.
WorkWeek then gets a report from ILWU Local 10 San Francisco rank and filer Marcus Holder about the upcoming May Day march and rally in San Francisco. The march and rally has been endorsed by the San Francisco Labor Council and SEIU 1021.
For more information:
Production of WorkWeek Radio on KPFA Pacifica
workweek [at]
§Cuts Hurt Kids
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
School kids joined the Chicago teachers strike
§Striking Teacher With Child
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
Striking CTU members joined with their kids in a mass march of 20 thousand through the center of Chicago
§Last Issue Of Oakland Tribune
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
NewsGuild CWA members protested the attack on journalists on the last day of the Oakland Tribune
§Stop Police Terror Says ILWU Local 10
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
ILWU Local 10 and other unionists and workers will be marching on May Day in San Francisco
§No More War
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
In 1946 the ILWU Local 10 marched against any further wars at the Labor Day march in San Francisco. The US at the time wanted to keep the troops in Asia
§ILWU May Day March in 2008
by WorkWeek Radio KPFA Pacifica Sunday Apr 10th, 2016 3:42 PM
The largest strike against the US war in Iraq took place on the West Coast in 2008. Here is the ILWU Local 10 contingent marching on the Embarcadero in San Francisco