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Sun Feb 14 2016 (Updated 02/16/16) Farm Defenders Halt Construction at Gill Tract for Second Time This Year
Three Arrested Defending Gill Tract from Development The Gill Tract in Albany was sold to the University of California in 1928 under the condition it would be used for agricultural research and education. However, the university is privatizing a section of the tract for the construction of a high-end senior assisted living facility by the Belmont Village corporation along with construction of a Sprouts supermarket and a parking lot. Contractors began work on the southern portion of the Gill Tract in January. During the first week of February several truckloads of healthy topsoil began to be removed from the historical farm.

On February 9, for the second time this year, farm defenders halted construction on the tract. Five demonstrators sat in silent meditation in the path of heavy machinery that was removing topsoil. Contractors attempted to operate heavy machinery around them despite the risks to the safety of those on site. Three of the farm defenders were arrested at the tract; two were taken to jail and released later that day. All three were charged with trespassing.

videophotoFarm defenders halt construction at Gill Tract a second time | videophotoThree Arrested in Disruption of Construction at Gill Tract | Statement from Silent Meditators Halting Construction at Gill Tract farm

Previous Related Indybay Feature: Tactics Escalate in the Fight to Save Gill Tract

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