- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 8134
Julius Nicholas Boros (March 3, 1920 – May 28, 1994) was a Hungarian-American professional golfer noted for his effortless looking swing and strong record on difficult golf courses, particularly at the U.S. Open.
Born in Fairfield, Connecticut, Boros played varsity baseball in college. He worked as an accountant, played high-standard amateur golf, and did not turn professional until 1949, when he was already 29 years old.
Boros won 18 PGA Tour events, including three major championships: the 1952 and 1963 U.S. Opens and the 1968 PGA Championship. He won his first by four strokes in the heat at the Northwood Club in Dallas, also his first PGA Tour victory, which interrupted the U.S. Open streak of 36-hole leader Ben Hogan for a year. In the windy 1963 U.S. Open near Boston, Boros defeated Arnold Palmer and Jacky Cupit in a playoff, after all had finished the 72 holes at a post-war record nine over par. Boros remains the oldest player ever to win a modern major in 1968, taking the PGA Championship in San Antonio by a stroke at the age of 48. One of the runners-up was Palmer, who never won the PGA Championship to complete his career grand slam. The previous oldest winner of a major was Jerry Barber, age 45 in 1961. Boros' best results among the majors were at the U.S. Open, with nine top-five finishes; he contended in that championship as late as 1973, at age 53.
Julius Boros Montage / HUNGR
Julius Boros golf swing
Julius Boros - driver - 1960 US Open
Julius Boros Wins 'open' Golf (1963)
Lee Trevino vs. Julius Boros vs. frank beard from Shells Wonderful World of Golf 1968 ( part 4)
Swing Analysis Guy Boros
Julius Boros Routine: www.hicksgolf.com
Lee Trevino vs. Julius Boros vs. frank beard from Shells Wonderful World of Golf 1968 (Part 3).avi
Julius Boros - driver - 1956 U S Open at Oak Hill
Julius Boros, Jacky Cupit and Arnold Palmer go into an 18 hole playoff at the US ...HD Stock Footage
I have an affinity for Julius Boros and I think there needs to be a little more Boros video online. These are mostly clips from the 1968 Shells Wonderful World of Golf with Lee Trevino and Frank Beard, and the opening shot is from the 1956 US Open. WORLD GOLF HALL OF FAME BIO If any one player personifies the combination of effortless ease, flawless technique and hidden competitive fire, it was Julius Boros. Everything about the phlegmatic former accountant conveyed relaxation and imperturbability. But when an opportunity to win a championship was on the line, few converted as efficiently or as briskly as Boros. Boros never took a practice swing, and didn't tarry on the greens. "Julius wasn't the kind of man who bent over too much," said Dave Marr with his trademark pith. "He was slo...
Hold your finish, Julie! Two-time US Open winner, PGA Champion and 18 PGA event titles.
Brookline Country Club, Massachusetts, United States of America (USA). Title reads 'Boros Wins US Open in Playoff'. LV. Crowd around tee area during the US Open golf championship. MS. Branches of tree moving in the wind. MS. Golfer Julius Boros pitching onto the green and sinking his putt. MS. Arnold Palmer walks onto green and putts a short one. Various shots of the golfer Jacky Cupit putting to finish his round. MS. Arnold Palmer, Julius Boros and Jacky Cupit pose before going out to play off as all three are levelled. Various shots of Boros putting on last green to win the Open. He is congratulated by his two rivals. MS. Julius Boros gives Victory sign and poses with trophy. (Comb.F.G.) Date found in the old record - 26/06/1963. FILM ID:2635.16 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ...
This is very rare fotage of Lee Trevino vs. Julius Boros vs. frank beard from Shells Wonderful World of Golf, This series was televised every week on TV and this event to place at Club De Golf in Mexico and was aired February 7, 1970
Son of Julius Boros. Long time tour player with that old time swing rhythm.
This is very rare fotage of Lee Trevino vs. Julius Boros vs. frank beard from Shells Wonderful World of Golf, This series was televised every week on TV and this event to place at Club De Golf in Mexico and was aired February 7, 1970
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675050675_United-States-Open-Championship_Julius-Boros_Jacky-Cupit_Arnold-Palmer Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Julius Boros, Jacky Cupit and Arnold Palmer go into an 18 hole playoff at the US Open in Massachusetts, United States. The United States Open Championship at the Brookline Country Club in Massachusetts, United States. People gather to watch the championship. Golfers strike the ball. A 3 way tie between Julius Boros, Jacky Cupit and Arnold Palmer. The three men go into an 18 hole playoff. Julius Boros shoots one under par and wrests the title from Cupit and Palmer. The players shake hands after the match. Boros with the trophy. Location: Massachusetts United States. Date: June 1963. Vis...
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Golf Lesson - Powering The Golf Swing - Technique # 1 This technique is known as the Centrifugal Flip. This is one of at least 5 different basic ways to power a golf shot. Some examples of players that created their power through this type of swing would be Sam Snead, Bobby Jones, Walter Hagen, Julius Boros & Bruce Crampton. Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GravityGolf.USA Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/gravitygolfinc Visit our website https://www.gravitygolf.com Questions? answers@gravitygolf.com Golf Lesson - Powering The Golf Swing - Technique # 1
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675071405_golf-match_Jack-William-Nicklaus_Julius-Nicholas-Boros_Arnold-Daniel-Palmer Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Jack William Nicklaus beats Julius Nicholas Boros by one stroke and wins prize money of $75000 in Akron, Ohio. Golf match for prize money of $75,000 in Akron, Ohio. Golf players standing on a golf course. Spectators watch golf. Jack William Nicklaus, Julius Nicholas Boros, Arnold Daniel Palmer, Bob Charles and other golf players take strokes in a golf club. Jack William Nicklaus beats Julius Nicholas Boros by one stroke. Arnold Daniel Palmer comes third and Bob Charles comes fourth. Jack William Nicklaus wins and receives a prize money of $75000. Location: Akron Ohio. Date: Septemb...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675046609_Dallas-Open_Sam-Snead_John-McMullin_Julius-Boros_Gary-Player Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Sam Snead, John McMullin, Julius Boros and Gary Player compete in the Dallas Open in Texas. Sam Snead wins the Dallas Open in Texas. The players include John McMullin, Julius Boros and Gary Player. Sam birdies the first hole in a sudden death struggle. Players stroke the ball and hole it in. A crowd at the golf course watches the match. Location: Dallas Texas. Date: June 9, 1938. Visit us at www.CriticalPast.com: 57,000+ broadcast-quality historic clips for immediate download. Fully digitized and searchable, the CriticalPast collection is one of the largest archival footage collections in the wo...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675033520_Jay-Hebert-and-Julius-Boros_Tournament-of-Champions_second-slot_final-round Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Jay Hebert and Julius Boros compete for the second slot during Tournament of Champions' final round in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tournament of Champions final round in Las Vegas, Nevada. A large crowd of people gathered to watch the golf tournament. Jay Hebert and Julius Boros battle for the second slot after the brilliant performance of front runner Jerry Barber. Location: Las Vegas Nevada. Date: 1960. Visit us at www.CriticalPast.com: 57,000+ broadcast-quality historic clips for immediate download. Fully digitized and searchable, the CriticalPast collection is one of the largest archi...
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Bárka Keresztény Gyülekezet, Nagyszalonta 2015.julius 05. vasárnap Igét hirdet: Boros Gyula
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