- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 81305
Yosa Buson or Yosa no Buson (与謝 蕪村, 1716 – January 17, 1784) was a Japanese poet and painter of the Edo period. Along with Matsuo Bashō and Kobayashi Issa, Buson is considered among the greatest poets of the Edo Period. Buson was born in the village of Kema in Settsu Province (now Kema-chō, Miyakojima Ward in Osaka city). His original family name was Taniguchi.
Around the age of 20, Buson moved to Edo (now Tokyo) and learned poetry under the tutelage of the haikai master Hayano Hajin. After Hajin died, Buson moved to Shimōsa Province (modern-day Ibaraki Prefecture). Following in the footsteps of his idol, Matsuo Bashō, Buson traveled through the wilds of northern Honshū that had been the inspiration for Bashō's famous travel diary, Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Interior). He published his notes from the trip in 1744, marking the first time he published under the name Buson.
After traveling through various parts of Japan, including Tango (the northern part of modern Kyoto Prefecture) and Sanuki (Kagawa Prefecture in Shikoku), Buson settled down in the city of Kyoto at the age of 42. It is around this time that he began to write under the name of Yosa, which he took from his mother's birthplace (Yosa in the province of Tango).
Andrea Buson – 10 ottobre 2015
Go-Onger: Mecha Rap 2 (Buson)
Fight Choreography Test: Didier Buson VS Lohan Buson
Trasnitii sezonul 3 episodul 29 Buson la buson
KRAFTTERRA - O que fazer com os sacos de cimento? | Márcio Buson | TEDxUniversidadedeBrasília
Lohan Buson and Fabien Garcia demo
BusOn App - Promo Minimalista
aburi buson ulei.MOD
Actors: Sean Schemmel (actor), Katsuyuki Konishi (actor), Toshiyuki Morikawa (actor), Veronica Taylor (actress), Wayne Grayson (actor), Dan Green (actor), Nobuyuki Hiyama (actor), Kazuhiko Inoue (actor), Ryôka Yuzuki (actress), Daisuke Sakaguchi (actor), Toshikazu Fukawa (actor), Daiki Nakamura (actor), Susumu Chiba (actor), Chinami Nishimura (actress), Kenji Nojima (actor),
Genres: Adventure, Animation,
¡COMPARTE EL VIDEO CON TODOS TUS AMIGUITOS Y NO OLVIDES SUSCRIBIRTE! http://bit.ly/yuyaYT ♥Vine: https://vine.co/yuyacst ♥Facebook: http://on.fb.me/12tMYgf ♥Twitter: http://bit.ly/yuyaTuit ♥Instagram http://bit.ly/yuyaIn ♥Mi otro canal http://youtube.com/aquinomemaquillo
A fight choreography test shot in China in 2008 or 2009 (can't remember). Parts of this fight were used in the feature film Die Fighting (http://diefightingmovie.com/). Choreography by Didier & Lohan Buson Edited by Lohan Buson Music by Taras Tkachenko www.ZTeamFilms.com
Márcio Buson, Arquiteto, Professor, curioso, viciado em conhecimento e viciado em ajudar o próximo se depara com um canteiro de obras cheio de sacos de cimento. Depois de um tempo, vendo aqueles sacos de cimento se transformarem em algo sólido, ele se questiona “O que podemos fazer com essas embalagens?” Com esse questionamento, ele apresenta para público o KRAFTTERRA. Natural de Ilhéus – BA, chegou a Brasília em 1973, Doutor em Tecnologia da Construção pela Universidade de Brasília. Desenvolve pesquisas e trabalhos com a Arquitetura de Terra, Sistemas Construtivos Sustentáveis, Bioconstrução e Reciclagem de Resíduos Sólidos. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
WELCOME to Kung-fu Kingdom! http://kungfukingdom.com/ WEBSITE ONLINE NOW! If you're into the martial arts and kung-fu, stay tuned and develop your inner-warrior with Kung-fu Kingdom's news, reviews, exclusive interviews and much more! Feel free to subscribe and share your comments on our YouTube channel here or our Facebook page. They blew the world away with their gravity defying abilities in the action-packed martial arts thriller, 'Die Fighting' (read the review they're talking about here: http://kungfukingdom.com/die-fighting-movie-review/) Now, Fabien Garcia and Lohan Buson (who featured in "Merantau Warrior": http://kungfukingdom.com/merantau-movie-review/) of Z-Team Films are back, wearing some cool KFK shirts taking part in the KFK Action Challenge. Here they demonstrate some hig...
BUSON srl http://www.paginegialle.it/busonsrl 6, via Brigata Tridentina Tel 0429 779216 Fax 0429 779777 Sorta nel 1972, con il principale ruolo di produrre particolari di meccanica e carpenteria d'alta precisione, l'officina meccanica Buson ha attuato nel tempo notevoli mutamenti organizzativi, gestionali e tecnologici che hanno caratterizzato la sua storia più recente. Si è dotata di un vasto parco con macchine utensili che vanno dalle più tradizionali alle più moderne ed è perciò in grado di soddisfare ogni esigenza della propria clientela, anche la più complessa, con professionalità e competenza. L'utilizzo di macchine a CNC garantisce qualità alle lavorazioni e puntualità nei termini di consegna. L'esperienza nel settore è il risultato di una profonda ricerca tesa a creare le premesse ...
-aburi cu miros de ulei -presiune la busonul de ulei -oil steam -pozitive crank case pressure
(here it comes)
Well funky monkey’s in the jungle tonight
They got two by two don’t hear me right
Band playing loudly baby
Gone are the days when the days gone
I said gone
When the monkeys are gone
Gone or dead this is what they said
Lost Mary
Cries, cries, cries
Yeah she does, yeah baby, that is what she did
Lions sleeps, baby
the lamb surely dies (??)
I just don't want to f*ck you
That’s it
When the jungle sleeps
Is when the monkey shine
I said you do baby ? don’t mind
Back ? are wild
If the deuces left in than the deuces are wild
I said baby, well,
Lost Mary
Cries, cries, cries
Yeah ?
Lions sleeps, baby
Dies, dies, dies
I just don't want to f*ck you
ooooh, kick it!
Give me some of that
Well dime store cowboy shoot your gun
Knock them mother f*ckers down one by one
Money on up it’s in your face
Gimme no lip or get your face back here
Ooh, got it right
When the monkey don’t sleep
And the money don’t shine