Satuday, April 9: Server Move In Process. Some sites offline during this planned maintenance
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Satuday, April 9: Server Move In Process. Some sites offline during this planned maintenance

We are in the process of moving 5 physical servers from our XO location to our Telehouse location and plan to be complete by midnight, America/New_York time. Tags: callout

March 31 - May First Presentation on Increase of On-Line Attacks and Threats

We can’t ignore this threat; you shouldn’t miss this presentation!!! Call in and hear May First/People Link Leadership Committee member and chief technologist Jamie McClelland on The Increase in On-Line Attacks and Threats Why it’s happening, what it means and what we should do about it. When: March 31, 2016 – 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (U.S. Eastern time) To get connection information, please Register. Link to slides: Bring as many people as you want; all they have to do is register.

Justice Delayed: Campaign for Prison Phone Justice Responds to Court’s Stay

March 8, 2016 Yesterday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir­­­cuit granted a partial stay requested by the telecommunications companies effectively delaying last year’s Order by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate the prison phone industry. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler and Commissioner Mignon Clyburn have already expressed their regret in this temporary setback. The Campaign for Prison Phone Justice echoes this disappointment but we remain hopeful that the rate caps passed by the FCC will be fully implemented.

MF/PL Takes Major Step Toward Internet Autonomy

In partnership with the Calyx Institute, May First/People Link now has our own block of Internet addresses, allowing us greater freedom and flexibility when responding to denial of service attacks and legal take down notices from corporations trying to stifle political speech. The partnership with the Calyx Institute offers many political benefits. It is the first Internet organization to resist a National Security Letter and is a leader in the movement for a free and private Internet and its work dovetails with several of May First’s objectives and campaigns.

New York Times Spoof Site Revived on May First Servers

The website, a spoof of the New York Times that exposes the U.S. media’s biased coverage of the Palestinian rights issue, is again live on May First servers. The website, sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace (a U.S.-based member of May First/People Link) and Jews Say No!, was wiped off the Internet earlier this week when lawyers for the Times sent Dreamhost, which was hosting the site, a spurious DMCA copyright violation notification.

Member News

Portside (2016-04-12): #NuitDebout: A Movement is Growing in France’s Squares
Portside (2016-04-12): Get to Work or Go To Jail
Portside (2016-04-12): Slowly Hiking Minimum Wage to $15 Would Benefit 5.6 Million Californians
Portside (2016-04-12): Cuba’s Sustainable Agriculture At Risk in U.S. Thaw
Portside (2016-04-12): What’s DiEM25, Really? Reply to Open Letter by Souvlis & Mazzolini
Portside (2016-04-12): Vietnam's Labor Newspaper Reports on Abuses at Home and Abroad: Maintains an Independent Critical Voice
Portside (2016-04-12): THE NEXT BIG THING IN FANCY FOOD
lindorff (2016-04-11): Is Bernie’s ‘Political Revolution’ the Real Thing or a Pathetic Joke?
BNC (2016-04-11): After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot
glindorff (2016-04-11): We are not all in the same boat
Portside (2016-04-11): 'Scandal’ Keeps Missing Opportunities to Address Olivia Pope’s Mental Health
Portside (2016-04-11): Outrage After Big Labor Crafts Law Paying Their Members Less Than Non-union Workers
Portside (2016-04-11): Why we must save the EU
maren (2016-04-10): After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot
lindorff (2016-04-07): Clinton’s Crumbling, Bernie’s Surging and a ‘Political Revolution’ Could Be in the Offing
grant (2016-04-05): WTF! John McCain Saluting an American Communist?
jessguh (2016-04-03): FDA Change to the 'Abortion Pill' Overrated
lindorff (2016-04-02): Plastic Explosives Found in Virginia School Bus Engine Compartment by District Mechanic
lindorff (2016-04-02): Please contribute to Our Indiegogo Campaign to Raise Funds to Support Investigative Reporting on the TCBH! Site
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-31): Downtime for kramer,dider,julia / Tiempo inhabilitado para kramer,didier,julia
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-31): planned downtime for colo move: Sat, April 9
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-30): Scheduled restart of jones, hammer / Reinició planificado para jones, hammer
maren (2016-03-30): The New Unions are officially recognised as trade union confederation
maren (2016-03-30): World Water Day: Palestine calls to end complicity with Israeli water apartheid
n8fr8 (2016-03-28): Copperhead, Guardian Project and F-Droid Partner to Build Open, Verifiably Secure Mobile Ecosystem
Ziyaad (2016-03-28): “EU complicit in Israeli war crimes”, says leadership of global BDS Movement
Ziyaad (2016-03-27): Germany: Do not collaborate in Israel’s Cultural Crimes in regards to the Looted Palestinian Dead Sea Scrolls and respect international law
BNC (2016-03-24): UN Human Rights Council votes to establish database of settlement companies
Quinn Hungeski (2016-03-24): February Record Heat Stuns Experts, Should Urge Climate Mobilization
BNC (2016-03-23): EU ambassador to Israel must not speak alongside settler leader Dani Dayan at anti-BDS event
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-21): owncloud / offline
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-19): Downtime for servers on negri / Tiempo inactivo para servidores en negri
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-18): julia, didier, kramer: scheduled move: thursday evening March 31
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-18): june scheduled move: wednesday evening March 30
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-17): update on DDOS attack
BNC (2016-03-17): Israel’s legal warfare on BDS fosters repression and McCarthyism across the world
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-17): brief outage in Telehouse due to DDOS attack
Ziyaad (2016-03-16): Background analysis: PACBI’s boycott call of International Network of Genocide Scholars 2016 conference
Quinn Hungeski (2016-03-14): Chance of a Lifetime — Vote Bernie!
washington (2016-03-14): Youth Violence Solution? Authorities Should Stop Ignoring Activists
maren (2016-03-14): BDS: security company G4S announces plans to exit Israeli market
BNC (2016-03-10): BDS: compañía de seguridad G4S anuncia planes de retirarse del mercado israelí
BNC (2016-03-10): BDS: empresa de segurança G4S anuncia planos de deixar mercado israelense
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-10): delays in bulk email delivery
BNC (2016-03-10): BDS: security company G4S announces plans to exit Israeli market
maren (2016-03-08): Palestinian Women’s Call for Worldwide Women’s Endorsement of BDS
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-07): Downtime for all servers on vilma / Tiempo inhabilitado por los servidores en vilma
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-07): vilma down / vilma deshabilitado
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-07): Downtime for all servers on vilma / Tiempo inhabilitado por los servidores en vilma
MFPL Service Advisory (2016-03-05): day of upgrades has begun

Upcoming Events

2016-11-16 00:00: State of the Black World Conference
2016-06-16 00:00: Allied Media Conference
2016-05-20 00:00: Left Forum
2016-04-08 08:00: North American Social Solidarity Economy Forum
2016-03-30 00:00: RightsCon
2016-03-28 00:00: Left Forum Proposal Deadline
2016-03-22 15:00: BAJI
2016-03-17 14:00: Ruckus Meeting about owncloud
2016-02-25 13:00: MAGNet Anchors Mtg
2016-02-17 15:00: MAGNet Membership Comm


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