When Pandora plays,

Your message works

Our mission is to transform the future of music and be the effortless source of personalized music enjoyment and discovery around the world. We bring the same fervor to helping marketers connect with the people who matter most to them. Learn how when Pandora plays, your message works.

Reach an Audience at Scale

We connect artists, fans and brands through the passion point of music. We are a daily habit for millions of highly engaged listeners, rocking over 80 million people each month – that’s one-quarter of the U.S. population. Listeners enjoy Pandora wherever and whenever they like - on over 1,700 connected devices and over 190 car models - for effortless connectivity.

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Target People Who Matter to You

Pandora has been personalizing the listening experience for over a decade, developing first-in-class methods to cultivate quality audiences for advertisers. With over 80M active people persistently logged-in on a monthly basis, we observe over 1 billion data points every day. This is the power of our logged-in user base. Our listener data is always informing and updating Pandora's targeting capabilities. That's how we ensure our partners are engaging with the most relevant, high-value audiences.

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Beyond Engagement, it's True Love

We redefined engagement to be about capturing attention and driving time spent with people. As human behavior has shifted to mobile-first, you get the #1 destination in time spent on mobile, when you partner with Pandora. Through the passion point of music, listeners engage with us multiple times per hour, creating more than 9 billion stations and more than 65 billion thumb interactions since our launch. That means lots of love and time spent with your brand.

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A Quality Environment

Our personalized music experience creates an intensely personal environment for your brand message. We're renowned for premium ad solutions that capture attention and drive audience engagement. We serve only one ad at a time, and upon user interaction. That means your brand gets a much-deserved 100% share of attention in a highly viewable, premium environment.

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Pioneering Personalization

We pioneered music personalization with the Music Genome Project, and it's what differentiates us from any other digital platform. When listeners discover music they love on Pandora, it's the result of 13 years of people-powered craftmanship. From Top 40 to Flamenco, our musicologists analyze every song for up to 450 distinct musical characteristics, because humans can do some things algorithms can’t.

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Pandora Insights

Ideas That Inspire

The State of In-Car Audio
Pandora Wins IAC Award for Ford Country Built
Case Study: Pandora Mobile Ads Drive 22% Lift in Brand Awareness for Anytime Fitness
Case Study: Pandora Helps Drive Over $100M in Incremental Revenue for Las Vegas
Edison’s Infinite Dial Teaches Valuable Lessons to Marketers
Experiences are Unforgettable
Winning the Attention of Gen Z: The Digital Culture Carnivores
Winning the Attention of Gen Y: The Don’t-Call-Them-Millennials
Winning the Attention of Gen Y: Millennials with Responsibilities
Winning the Attention of Gen X: The Real World Generation

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