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Updated April 12, 2016 - 10:36 AM EDT
Britain's Covert War in Yemen
  Clashes Claimed, but Yemen Ceasefire Mostly Holds
SecDef: Iraq Politics Won't Stall War Escalation
  Marine's Death in Iraqi Base Reflects a Quietly Expanding US Role
  Bashir Operation Fails; 230 Killed in Iraq
ISIS Retakes N. Syria Town From Rival Rebels
  Turkey Shells Northern Syria After Cross-Border Rocket Fire
  Netanyahu Confirms 'Dozens' of Israeli Strikes on Syria During War
UK Banks Fear US in Refusing Business With Iran
  Russian Deputy PM: S-300 Air Defense Deliveries to Iran Have Begun
Obama's 'Classified' Comments Strike Nerve
Egypt Junta Under Fire for Giving Islands to Saudi Arabia
Trump Slams CIA Director's Stance Against Waterboarding
The Brutal, Ugly, and Illegal Occupation of Palestine  by David Palumbo-Liu
Avaaz Campaigns for Syria No-Fly Zone That Top Generals Oppose  by John Hanrahan
The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention  by Paul R. Pillar
US Alliances: Trump Is Not So Stupid After All  by Ivan Eland
The Libyan War and Obama's 'Worst Mistake'  by Daniel Larison
Would a Clinton Win Mean More Wars?  by Robert Parry

More Viewpoints

On 60 Minutes, a Compelling Case for Releasing 28 Pages on 9/11
Portugal Rejects Ex-CIA Agent's Extradition Appeal
How the CIA Helped Get Women's Skin 'Glowing'
Report: Smaller Groups Most Effective During Crises
Germany Mulling Turkish Demand to Prosecute Comic
Bashir Operation Fails; 230 Killed in Iraq
Iraq's Parliament to Block PM's Technocrat Cabinet: MPs
Washington to Discuss Iraq Aid With Gulf Allies
UN Says Food Situation in Iraq's Falluja Extremely Worrying
Biden Urges 'Unified, Federal and Democratic Iraq' to Abadi, Barzani
Syrian Army Sends Reinforcements to Aleppo
Russia Says There Are No Plans to Storm Syria's Aleppo
US 'Very Concerned' Over Syrian Violence Before Peace Talks
UN Parachutes Food Into Syrian City
Four Iran Army Special Forces Troops Killed in Syria: Agency
Several Hurt in Car Bomb Attack on Police Station in Turkey
Turkish Cabinet Meets in Strife-Torn Southeast as Fighting Rages
Killer of Turkish Female Student 'Shot Dead in Prison'
EU Extends Iran Sanctions Citing Human Rights Situation
Photos From Iran's Burgeoning Skateboarding Scene
From Israeli Jail, Nonviolent Bid to Free Palestine Takes Shape
Abbas Tightens Grip With New Decree on Judiciary
Erdogan Spokesman: No Deal With Israel Unless Gaza Blockade Lifted
Israel to Release Imprisoned Palestinian Girl, 12, Two Months Early
Palestinian Father Seeks Justice for Son's Murder
Middle East
US Woman Jailed for 'Insulting' United Arab Emirates
Bahrain Blacklists Hezbollah, Designates 68 Groups as 'Terrorist'
Refugee Crisis
Scuffles at Greek-Macedonian Border, Day After Dozens Injured
Denmark, a Social Welfare Utopia, Takes a Nasty Turn on Refugees
Red Cross, Aid Groups Say Will Resist Tougher Austrian Asylum Bill
Mogadishu Car Bomb Kills Five at Local Government HQ
Somalia's Al-Shabab Journalist Hassan Hanafi Is Executed
Sudan's Darfur Votes on Political Future, Rebels Cry Foul
UN Experts Decry Egypt's Crackdown on NGOs and Rights
The War at Home
TSA Chief Sees 'Low' Risk of Terrorist Attacks on US Subways, Trains, Buses
NJ Transit Under Fire for Mass Surveillance, Will Capture Audio and Visual Recordings
Army Allows Three Sikh Enlistees to Wear Beards, Turbans
Clinton: Expansion of Israeli Settlements in West Bank Is 'Not Helpful'
Bus Bombings Kill at Least 14 in Afghanistan
US Embassy Warns of Possible Attack on Hotel in Kabul
Pakistan Bans Protests in Capital After Recent Unrest
Four Persons Killed in Peshawar
China 'Seizes' Eight Taiwanese From Kenya
China's Xinjiang Offers $800,000 Rewards for Tip Offs on Militant Attacks
Online Curbs Limit South Korea Pre-Election Speech Freedoms
South Korea Reveals Defection Last Year of Two North Korea Officials
India in Talks to Buy US Predator Drones, Has Eye on China, Pakistan
Philippines Army on Defensive After Bloody Clash With Militants
Three Men Blow Themselves Up Outside Police Station in Southern Russia
Brussels to Press on With Ukraine Visa Plan Despite Dutch 'No'
A Brussels Mentor Who Taught 'Gangster Islam' to the Young and Angry
European Court to Consider Legality of UK Surveillance Laws
Venezuela's Cellphone Providers Suspend International Calls
Venezuela's Top Court Strikes Down Opposition-Backed Amnesty Law
Venezuela to Freeze Assets in Panama Leaks Probe
Brazil VP 'Accidentally' Releases Post-Impeach Speech
Brazil Congressional Committee Votes in Favor of Impeachment
Cubans Embrace the English Language as Cold War Enmity Fades
Colombian Govt Doubles Reward for Gang Leader to $1 Million
Read more

Justin Raimondo
The Enemy Within: Terrorist Enablers on the Potomac

Ivan Eland
US Alliances: Trump Is Not So Stupid After All

Dan Sanchez
Imperial Human Sacrifice in Yemen

Sheldon Richman
What Do Terrorists Want?

Nebojsa Malic
Kosovo: An Evil Little War (Almost) All US Candidates Liked

Lucy Steigerwald
War Is Easy When There Is Nothing to Learn

Ran HaCohen
What Israel Is Up To in Jerusalem

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

Additional Contributors
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