the Disillusioned kid: Religious Differences
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Friday, July 08, 2005

Religious Differences

The observant amongst you may have noticed that you can email me from a link beneath this site's title. While few people make use of this facility (a reflection, perhaps, of my limited readership) I do occasionally receive communications from interested passers-by. Some are fascinating, others less so. Looking through the emails I received while away at the G8 (a trip which I intend to write up at some point) I noticed one promoting Different Religions Week. While the name is hardly very inspiring, the concept itself seems worthy, particularly in light of yesterday's terrorist attacks in London.

The organisers of the, week which runs from Friday July 15 to Friday July 22, encourage participants to "consider attending a religious service of a faith different from your own." They hope that this will challenge the ignorance which fuels bigotry and religious fundamentalism. This is perhaps a little naive and it is unlikely that those who most require such inter-cultural interaction will actually participate in the week. Nevertheless, at the present time anything which can help to smooth racial and religious tensions can only be a good thing. I have no idea if I'll participate myself. As an atheist "a faith different from my own" could potentially encompass all of them, although I suppose that to be of any value I would have to go to a service of a faith other than Christianity, with which I have some familiarity. Others may wish to consider taking part as well or telling others.

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