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(en) France, Alternative Libertaire: policy, Paris: The workers of a construction site helping manifestant.es to escape police by AL East Paris , AL Saint-Denis (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

Date Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:12:45 +0300

Forty people arrested on Tuesday morning in Paris. Valls Cazeneuve and decided to knock, to intimidate the high school and high school students. Do not let go of the case! ---- Tuesday, April 5, Action Youth Day against the proposed El Khomri law. At 11, a first appointment was given instead of the Nation, for the usual mass start high schools in eastern Paris in the event of the afternoon. With about 500 people, is a "small" demo, less numerous than the previous times. ---- The police will take this opportunity to play blackjack and gas. ---- While the small crowd begins to rise Boulevard Diderot, framed by police in front and behind, first attempt: a squad of cops seeps in the middle of the procession and cut into two sections. ---- The protests and the beginning of fuss this causes, they backtracked. Then at it again. But this time, having once again cut the motorcade in two, they deliberately attacked the first section of the demo, with banners.

It's almost confusion: the cops are blocking the first half of the demonstrators and protesters in the corner of the boulevard, and begin to call people. The second half of the insult, shout slogans, "Free our comrades." They are told to handle baton blows and gas.

Congratulations, guys BTP!

Meanwhile, part of manifestant.es began to climb the wall against which they and they were blocked. On the other side: a construction site. The workers flock pose a ladder and help them to escape through the roof. Nice gesture! The high school and high school students will remember this solidarity at a forthcoming strike in construction!

Enraged, the cops soon intervenes between the wall and the protesters, now completely caught in the trap. The second half of the demonstration continued on, chanting his disgust with Labor Law through the streets of the capital.

Two paddy wagons later, forty people are leaving for custody. Thinking perhaps it is futile to saturate the police in the morning, the cops let spin the other for an identity check.

The struggle continues! Free our comrades!

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