ISOC happily brings you its tenth year of interviews with traditional authors,
scholars, publishers, apologists and more from around
the world on a wide range of subjects.

Jim Condit, Jr.

Jim Condit, Jr.

Current Events and History in the Light of Catholic Social Teachings   Part V ~ March 2016

March 19th, 2016

Listen to the inverview using the player below, or download it*!

* Having trouble downloading? Try right click and "Save As..."

book of the month

Beyond Politics

Solange Hertz



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And a Special Announcement!
As of April 1, CDs and MP3s of Interviews will be
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Links of Possible Interest

If you’re politically minded (and Catholics should be), you might find this of interest:


And another:


Let us pray!

And as great promoters of the works of
Fr. Denis Fahey, here’s another link
you may find of interest:


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If not, sign-up here today.  We don’t want you to miss a thing.


“What We Have Lost…
and the Road to Restoration”
Documentary DVD

This is the widely acclaimed documentary examining the destruction of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. See what we’ve lost, but more importantly, how we can get it back. “What We Have Lost…” has been endorsed nationally and internationally by leading traditionalists — clergy and laymen alike. It’s the perfect gift for your Catholic relatives, friends, favorite priest, or bishop!

And remember, this DVD includes several languages including Spanish.  Buy today at $15.00 each plus shipping and handling or write ISOC for discounts on multiple copies.


Fr. Joseph Casper Husslein (1873 – 1952) was a champion of Catholic Social Teachings and a promoter of Catholic Action.  According to Fr. Husslein, “Christ comes to Broadway, to the Stock Market, to the operating room, the lawyer’s office, the peace table, etc., only in the person of the layman.”  The layman must be conscious of his responsibility in terms of knowledge, inspiration, sanctity and social conscience.

Pope St. Pius X in his Discourse at the
Beatification of St. Joan of Arc
December 13, 1908  

“…In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked, lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men…,”

“Hope has two beautiful daughters:
their names are anger and courage.
Anger that things are the way they are.
Courage to make them
the way they ought to be.”
St Augustine