Welcome to Near Now

Broadway Cinema's commissioning and production agency.



HYDROZOAN is a solo exhibition and online platform by Joey Holder presented at The Royal Standard, forming part of the Liverpool Biennial 2014. Thinking about how nature is networked through its food webs and environments, Holder connects forms which...


Invitation to Tender - Near Now Responsive...

Work with us to refine, redesign and rebuild Broadway's Near Now domain (http://nearnow.org.uk) for our mobile first audience and growing offer. We are looking to work with an individual or design/digital agency to redesign and rebuild Broadway’s existing Near Now domain into a f...

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Know How

Know How is a new programme for the cultural sector designed to take your organisation on a journey placing digital and design thinking at the heart of what you do, by connecting you with new ideas, tools and resource...

Show & Tell: How secure is your smart home?

We’re entering a future where many of the objects around us will be connected to the Internet.  While smart fitness trackers, intelligent the...


Naomi Turner: Reflections on Studio Start ...

I recently attended the Start Week for the Arts Council / Innovate UK funded Arts and Technology Pilot. Near Now, part of Broadway in Nottingham – are one of three centres running the pilot – alongside Madlab in Manchester and Makerversity in London. I applied – it&rs...;

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