Alexander Walker and William Walker

Census record from 1870, Chester Township, Wells County, Indiana.

William Walker, the son of Alexander Walker [my third great-grandfather], shot and killed a man (George Shaw) in 1883 in Keystone, Indiana.  More on this in later posts.

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Hobart Hampton Scott, Company A, 47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Private Hobart Hampton Scott died on July 7, 1863.

Hobart Hampton SCOTT was born June 17, 1823, Hartford, Connecticut. He was a Private, enlisting on October 25, 1861 with Company A of the 47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Private SCOTT died on July 7, 1863 at the age of 40 years, and was re-interred July 10, 1868, at Memphis National Cemetery, Memphis, Tennessee, Section MA, Site 50. As the national cemeteries were founded, many Civil War Soldiers were re-interred there.

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Filed under Civil War, History, Indiana

Vicksburg/Champions’s Hill 47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regimental History

Sketch by Col Slack, 47th Indiana

Indiana at Vicksburg (1911) contains a history of the 47th.   The following paragraph is notable:

General McClernand’s Corps now consisted of Carr’s, Osterhaus’,
Hovey’s and Smith’s Divisions, and drove the enemy from
the field with heavy loss. But little opposition was encountered
until May 16th, on Champion’s Hill, when the army encountered
General Pemberton’s army, which came out from Vicksburg and
gave battle. Here, again, Hovey’s Division was brought on and had
the hardest of the battle. Company A of the 47th was on the skirmish
line, and a retrograde movement of tlie forces engaged brought
the lltli Regiment to the rear of that line, and the charge made by
that regiment swept the skirmishers with it. The guns of a rebel
battery were captured, but had to be abandoned, for just at that
time our force was outnumbered. We had to fall back for a space,
but were soon reinforced and the enemy was swept from the field.
The Champion’s Hill fight has been set down in history as one of
the three great battles that decided the fate of the Southern Confederacy.
It was certain that Pemberton would now have to fall back
to Vicksburg, and as certain that Vicksburg, with its army, must
fall, and that the Confederate States would be completely divided
by the Mississippi River, which would be held against them in its

You can read the regimental history starting from page 289.


Filed under Civil War, History, Indiana

Company A, 47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Daniel Hilton

Benjamin Jones

A great-grandfather, John Kennedy, served in Company A, 47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. An excerpt from the roll of enlisted men serving in Company A:

Name                                         Residence         Muster 1861      Remarks

Kennedy, John Bluffton Nov. 2 Veteran; mustered out Oct. 23, ’65
Louis, John B. Reiffsburg Nov. 2 Veteran; mustered out Oct. 23, ’65, as 1st Serg’t.
Lynch, Chaney W. R. Bluffton Nov. 2 Vet.; drop’d as des’r July 8, ’65, mus.out Mar. 22, ’66
Mechling, Levi Bluffton Nov. 2 Died at Mound City, Ill., Sept. 21, ’62
McGlauglin, Theodore Reiffsburg Nov. 2 Died at Benton, Mo., March 29, ’62
McLain, Andrew B. Indianapolis Nov. 2 Veteran; mustered out Oct. 23, ’65
Milliken, Alfred M. Bluffton Nov. 2 Deserted, killed on way to rejoin Regiment.

It doesn’t say how the deserter, Alfred M. Milliken, was killed – was he executed for desertion or did he die by other means?

The photo above is of Daniel Hilton who served in Company A.  You can read online a short account of his time in the army including the movements and actions of the 47th:

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Filed under Civil War, Genealogy, History, Indiana

Chester Township, Wells County, Indiana 1881 Hand Atlas – Kennedy’s 80 Acres

Chester Township, Wells County, Indiana  1881 from “Historical Hand-Atlas, illustrated” Chicago, Hardesty 1881

John Kennedy’s property is located near the upper left quarter:

Online link to map

Click on the images to enlarge.

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Filed under Genealogy, History, Indiana

1850 and 1860 Census – Wells County, Indiana – No Kennedys or Kenedas Appear in Chester Township

Link to online 1850 pdf file

Link to online 1860 pdf file

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Filed under Genealogy, Indiana

What’s In a Name? – John “Keneda” Kennedy

The following is the 1880 Census information for John Keneda (“Kennedy”), a great-grandfather – the reason for the alternative spelling of Kennedy in the census record I know not:

Link to location for full page

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