Category: Balkans

100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”

100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”

By Milenko Srećković Although whole epoch in the eve of the First World War was filled with many similar political assassinations, Gavrilo Princip`s shooting of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand – that took place on this day exactly one hundred years ago – is best remembered because it was a pretext for the attack on Serbia that eventually led to the […]

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In memoriam – Bratislav Srećković (1948-2014)

In memoriam – Bratislav Srećković (1948-2014)

On Thursday, May 22nd, died Bratislav Srećković, our long-year associate and translator. He indebted our organization with his contributions to all our more significant publications: from Z magazine (2007-2009), books “Land and Freedom” (2011), “Deindustrialization and Workers Resistance” (2011) and “Struggle for the Future” (2013), to our magazine in English Freedom Fight Info. We are forever thankful for all his […]

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Resistance to the NATO Aggression against Serbia – one of the Battles in the Global War

Resistance to the NATO Aggression against Serbia – one of the Battles in the Global War

By Milenko Srećković At the beginning of the NATO aggression in 1999 the Cuban leader Fidel Castro expressed belief that Serbian guerrilla skills, acquired and developed throughout history, will provide dignified resistance to air strikes and a potential ground invasion of the biggest military alliance in the world, behind which stood nineteen world’s most powerful country. On the other side, […]

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Unlearned Lesson of War in Bosnia

Unlearned Lesson of War in Bosnia

By Milenko Srećković Military interventions of international forces, which opt for one of the parties in religious-sectarian conflicts, only stir up already started wars and increase the number of their victims. For many, that interventionism began during the war in Bosnia. Mick Hume, editor of the British magazine “LM”, who criticized media reporting on events of those years and opposed […]

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In Memoriam: Aleksandar Aco Todorović (1955-2014), the Leader of ”The Erased”

In Memoriam: Aleksandar Aco Todorović (1955-2014), the Leader of ”The Erased”

Our comrade and associate Aleksandar Aco Todorović (1955-2014), the leader of  ‘’The Erased’’ from Slovenia, is found dead in Ptuj, Slovenia. Todorović, together with his friends, managed, after two decades of struggle, to force republic of Slovenia to acknowledge administrative ethnic cleansing of the Slovenian citizens with non-Slovenian or mixed origin (mostly Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and Roma) during the Slovenian […]

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