Cruz Expanding Donor Network

After speaking at the Colorado State Republican Convention Saturday morning to help accomplish his sweep of state’s 34 national convention delegates, Sen. Ted Cruz headed to Las Vegas. There Cruz addressed Sheldon Adelson’s Republican Jewish Coalition — a group of about 50 top GOP moneymen. Cruz courted those fund raisers throughout the weekend as he spent time expanding his donor network:

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Bobby Jindal: The GOP Can’t Survive a Move From Conservative Principles

“…if the Republican Party continues to move away from our conservative principles, at some point it is fair to question, why does the party exist?”

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Democrats Are Great For Gun Sales

Now, with the GOP in disarray and the threat of a Hillary presidency looming, the NRA are reporting another record-breaking month.

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Introducing Trump-onomics And How We Can Tax Ourselves To Prosperity

In Rochester, NY, Donald Trump unveiled Trump-onomics which relies upon magical thinking and ruby slippers to work

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Sen. Feingold’s War on the F/A-18 Super Hornet

As darkness crept across Afghanistan on a late fall day in 2011, an F/A-18 Super Hornet flown by a U.S. Navy pilot released a single precision guided munition that killed a Taliban leader plotting to carry out attacks against U.S. ground forces. In the previous decade, F/A-18s flown by Navy and Marine aviators flew thousands of missions executing air strike after air strike in support | Read More »

This Is Why We Need Transgender Bathroom Laws

In the end, we all have to weigh which is more important, the feelings of some transgendered individuals, or the physical safety and emotional well being of women and girls.

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Despite Trump’s Whining, The Primary Rules Are BENEFITING Him Over Cruz

Donald Trump and his minions have started throwing temper tantrums about the delegate selection process. Ted Cruz had a more prepared team in Colorado and basically wound up with all of the available delegates. Nothing was “stolen” and there were no “shenanigans” (a word that is quickly becoming the favorite of Trump booster Eric Bolling). There are rules in place and Trump’s team didn’t do | Read More »

MORE STEALING!! Donald Trump Faces Delegate Armageddon In Arkansas

MORE STEALING!! Donald Trump Faces Delegate Armageddon In Arkansas

Ted Cruz is stealing Donald Trump’s lunch money… again. This time in Arkansas. But now Marco Rubio is getting a cut of the take ...

Sick of Drudge. Started a Pro-Cruz Version. Wish Me Luck.

There was a time when I would go to the Drudge Report several times every day. I thought I could count on it for conservative news and a little bit of offbeat fodder. Perhaps I was naive. Maybe I was a little blind. Now that it’s a full-blown Trumpgasm initiator and has been for a while, I decided to change one of my sites into | Read More »

Handcuffs? Sell-Outs? GESTAPO?? The Trump Campaign’s Transparently Deliberate Projection

Projection is all the rage, and no one is better at it (or at rage, for that matter) than the Trump campaign. But not out of some psychological disorder … wait let me rephrase that, not *just* out of some psychological disorder, but deliberately and with malice aforethought.

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BREAKING: CO GOP Chair Swamped With Phone Calls & Death Threats After Trump Fans Publish His Info

The Right Scoop reported early this morning that the Chairman of the Colorado GOP is being inundated with hostile phone calls and death threats from Trump supporters. This happened only hours after his information was published online by a Trump fan and reposted on Trump websites and on Facebook and Twitter hundreds of times. From Soopermexican: This is exactly what happens when you have a | Read More »

Wolf Blitzer Grills Trump Spokeswoman on Use of the Phrase “Gestapo Tactics” To Describe Cruz Campaign [VIDEO]

To his credit, Blitzer gave Pierson more than five opportunities to rethink Manafort’s word choice, appearing more incredulous each time he asked her. You can probably imagine how it played out, but it is definitely still worth the watch.

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Trump Has No Interest in Being Presidential

I am convinced that Trump is making all of this up as he goes along, and that is utterly frightening. You don’t know what he’ll say, or if he’ll backtrack after he says it. His policy ramblings are a nightmare, and his debate performances were meaningless displays. Still, he’s here, and for now, he’s leading. In an interview with Kirsten Powers from USA Today, published on Monday | Read More »

ESCALATION: Ted Cruz Calls Out Drudge Report As Trump Propaganda

Forget Breitbart, Cruz is now going for the top dog: Drudge. From whom Breitbart gets the hits that pay their bills.” Buzzfeed provides the transcript of the exchange that took place on the Mike Slater show Monday where Cruz lets his feelings about the media king become known. “Drudge Report over the years has done a good job highlighting the excesses of the left and | Read More »

Hilarious from Krauthammer: How Will Trump Handle ‘Nefarious’ Chinese? He Can’t Even Deal With AMERICANS! [VIDEO]

You may wonder why I say hilarious, given that it’s Krauthammer, but sometimes understand makes the best laugh. I laughed anyway, because it’s such a perfect question. You know, Trump says in negotiations with the nefarious Chinese and Mexicans and Japanese, he’s going to win, they’ve been killing us, they’re so smart, but how is he going to win? He’s going to have the best | Read More »

Ben Carson: Hey, I’m Actually #NeverTrump, Too

Ben Carson is beginning to realize just what kind of a clown car he has signed on to support and is looking for a way out

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Sorry Trump Fans, No Trick Was Pulled, Nobody Cheated, Nothing Was Stolen, Says RUSH LIMBAUGH [AUDIO]

Today on the Rush Limbaugh show, he addressed the all-day drumbeat from Trump fans that the whole election was rigged. Indeed, “rigged” is the exact word used in their attempt to intimidate members of the Colorado GOP. Not so fast, says Limbaugh: “It’s not rigged,” says Rush. This is a long clip, which you can here in its entirety at The Right Scoop. You can | Read More »

Are 1 in 5 Women Raped At College? Not Even Close.

The 1 in 5 myth is not only demonstrably false, it’s not even in the ballpark of the correct number.

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Water Cooler 4/11/16 OPEN THREAD – Cruz Takes a Swipe at Drudge, Millions leave GOP?

      Kobach takes some credit: Word is Jeff Sessions wasn’t the only person to help Donald Trump with his illegal immigration plan. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach now says he, too, added important parts including how to pay for the wall bordering the US and Mexico. The Trump plan involves Mexico paying for the wall or else the US would “cut off the | Read More »

Playing by the Rules or What Cruz Learned from Reagan and Trump Hasn’t

Sore loser Donald Trump plays a misguided game trying to delegitimize Republican delegate selection rules. During a Fox interview Monday, Trump said the selection process is “rigged, it’s crooked.”  At his rally in Rochester, New York, Trump called the process “corrupt”  and complained of “crooked shenanigans” being used to win delegates. As Marc Thiessen explains, contrary to the Donald’s bellyaching, Ted Cruz is doing exactly | Read More »

Trump Goons Now Giving Out HOME Addresses & Phone Numbers in Colorado **UPDATED**

Updated below. Roger Stone has been threatening to send angry mobs of rabid Trump fans to the hotel rooms of delegates in Cleveland to make sure they vote the way he wants them to. You know, intimidating them into voting for Trump by storming their personal space. This we already know. Many of us have predicted that this was just going to be the beginning | Read More »

The Left Machine: Foundations and Media

Part 1: Left wing Foundations put billions into left wing activist campaigns, but nobody seems to notice. Part 2: How Foundations buy manufactured “research” from activist-academics like Elizabeth Warren. Part 3: The US government collaborates with left wing Foundations and activists, even giving them taxpayer money.   I’ve already described how deep-pocketed, left-wing foundations funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to liberal groups and news outlets, largely | Read More »

Why Ted Cruz campaigned and coordinated in California today.

Ted Cruz did some quick campaigning in California today. Because there’s a plan.

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