Scarborough Slams Obama For 'Rigging' FBI Investigation of Hillary's Email Scarborough Slams Obama For 'Rigging' FBI Investigation of Hillary's Email

Trump Surrogate Ben Carson Says He'd Be 'Never Trump' Too If Stakes Weren't So HighTrump Surrogate Ben Carson Says He'd Be 'Never Trump' Too If Stakes Weren't So High

Stand Up to the Campus Bullies Before It’s Too LateStand Up to the Campus Bullies Before It’s Too Late

Sen. David  Perdue Sen. David Perdue: It’s The Principle, Not The Individual

The president may nominate judges to the Supreme Court, but the power to grant, or withhold, consent rests exclusively with the Senate.

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: The 'Voice of the People' Fallacy

We hear many fallacies in election years. The fallacy that seems to be most popular this year is that, if Donald Trump comes close to getting the 1,237 delegates required to become the Republican nominee, and that nomination goes instead to someone else, then the convention will have ignored "the voice of the people."

Todd Starnes Todd Starnes: Warning: White People Singing Rihanna Could Cause ‘Micro Aggressions’

You cant be singing Rihannas Umbrella if you happen to be a white fella fella.

Michael Barone Michael Barone: The Tragic Deterioration of Washington's Great Society Subway

If you live any distance beyond the Capital Beltway you probably didn't notice, but an important part of government in Washington shut down on Wednesday, March 16. That's when the Metro subway system's recently installed general manager, Paul Wiedefeld, ordered a one-day shutdown of the entire 117-mile system for emergency inspection of track-based power cables.

Mike Adams Mike Adams: Roy Cooper’s Hawks

There is a Coopers hawk living in a tree in my back yard near the Intracoastal Waterway in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Stephen Moore Stephen Moore: How Fracking Has Reduced Greenhouse Gases

The U.S. Department of Energy published data last week with some amazing revelations -- so amazing that most Americans will find them hard to believe. As a nation, the United States reduced its carbon emissions by 2 percent from last year. Over the past 14 years, our carbon emissions are down more than 10 percent. On a per-unit-of-GDP basis, U.S. carbon emissions are down by closer to 20 percent.

David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: The Rule: First Candidate to 1,237 Wins

I have been concerned for some time that forces supporting Donald Trump have intentionally been laying the groundwork for claiming that Trump will have been cheated if he doesn't earn the GOP nomination.

Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Where are They Now?

It's called Frontex and, according to its website, the agency "promotes, coordinates and develops European border management in line with the (European Union) fundamental rights charter applying the concept of Integrated Border Management."

Dennis Prager Dennis Prager: Calls for American Unity Are Either Dishonest or Naive

Just about all candidates for president regularly announce their intent to unite Americans, to "bring us together."

Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Will Trump Be Swindled in Cleveland, Too?

In the race for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump would seem to be in the catbird seat. He has won the most states, the most delegates and the most votes -- by nearly two million.

Mytheos Holt Mytheos Holt: Pharma Is Pigging Out at the Public Trough

Big Pharma is on the ropes. The PR slow-motion train wreck which is the exposure of Turing Pharmaceuticals and other manufacturers for rampant profiteering has finally put the spotlight on the industry.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Down with Equality!

How fares the good ship U.S.S. America in these tumultuous times and roiling waters?

Phyllis Schlafly Phyllis Schlafly: Feminists Can't Get Over Clarence Thomas

Most people would get over a defeat that occurred nearly 25 years ago, but feminists hold grudges forever. They continue to rage against Justice Clarence Thomass routing of them at his 1991 confirmation hearings, where he beat liberals at their own game, surviving a media ambush that would have destroyed any mere mortal.

Susan Stamper Brown Susan Stamper Brown: You Might Be a Liberal If...

While it's true that liberalism is destroying America, it is also true that most liberals are not doing it intentionally.

Bill Murchison Bill Murchison: Liberal Totalitarianism

Moral/cultural engineering, to the liberal mind, is a piece of cake. It consists of one-way streets only: well-marked; patrolled by well-armed officers of the media, the entertainment industry and other closely linked institutions; stiff fines for violators. My way is the highway!

Tom Purcell Tom Purcell: Why I Snapped at a Bernie Supporter

I'm crabby this time of year - absolutely miserable, if you want to know the truth.

BGASC Metals BGASC Metals: Germany’s Gold Repatriation Program

Germany Leads Central Bank Gold Repatriation Movement

Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams: America's Islamist Extremist

As we have seen from recent events in Paris, Brussels and all across the world, terrorism is not an obscure phenomenon that only impacts the Middle East.

Marita Noon Marita Noon: The “Establishment” Is sSow to Learn; Senate Republicans Pushing for More #GreenPork

In this election cycle, we hear a lot about the establishment. Most people are not really sure who they are, but they are sure that they do not like them.

Army Grants Three More Sikhs Religious Accomodations to Serve
New York Trump Supporters Denounce Republican Party For ‘Disenfranchising Voters’
Trump Slams 'Totally Unfair' GOP Results After Cruz Wins Colorado Without Votes
Iran's Foreign Minister Says Missile Program Not Negotiable
WaPo Tasks More Than Two Dozen Reporters With 'Revealing' Trump in New Book
Precious Snowflakes Wanted To Oust Student Senator Because She Supports Donald Trump
10 Things to Know for Tuesday
Obamacare Latest: Insurers Flee Exchanges, Uninsured Rate Projected to Rise, Co-ops Failing
Pretty Selfish: Sweden Tries to Ban Imports of American Lobster
Why is Obama Commenting on a Clinton Investigation He Claims to Know Nothing About?
Poll: Race Relations Tension Hits 15-Year High
Navy Officer Accused of Espionage; Now Held in Navy Brig
Attackers in Paris, Brussels Were Targeting Euro 2016 Soccer Tournament
Rape Survivor Finds Solace In Firearms Training
No, Obama Can't Just 'Appoint' Garland If The Senate Stalls His SCOTUS Nomination
Poll: Nearly One Quarter of British Muslims Support Imposition of Sharia Law
Even Paul Krugman Thinks Sanders Is 'Over The Edge'
Another Artist Cancels Show Due to Religious Freedom Bill
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Let’s Hear it For New York
AP Poll Shows Clinton Beating Trump at Everything
Court Dismisses Lawsuit That Would Have Forced Catholic Hospitals to Perform Abortions
Good News: The Number of ISIS Fighters in Libya Has Doubled
Absolutely Painful: De Blasio Jokes About 'Colored People Time' With Hillary At Charity Event
On The Ground Coverage: Occupy Wall Street Rebrands As "Democracy Spring" For Capitol Hill Sit-Ins
Uh Oh: US Extradites Romanian Hacker Tied to Hillary Email Scandal
Join Conservatives on FB!
How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
Sorry Donald, More Americans Think Hillary Can 'Make America Great Again'
Kerry Steers Clear of Formal Apology in Hiroshima, But Will Obama?
Hillary Pushes Back on Sanders' Inaccuracies, Says Israel Has 'Right to Defend Itself'
So, Clinton Had A Static Noise Machine To Mask What She Said At Fundraiser
10 Things to Know for Monday
Clinton Readies Ad Challenging Trump on His Home Turf of NY
Whoops: Ivanka and Eric Trump Can't Vote For Their Dad in NY