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ufpj annual report

UFPJ’s 2015 Annual Report

2015 was action filled, with a variety of movements taking to the ...

Deepening Anti-racism Work in the Peace Movement 

The following is a statement made by Michael McPhearson, former UFPJ Coordinator and ...

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CODEPINK Saudi Summit Success [Video Uploaded]

From March 5-6 over 250 activists from around the country converged in Washington DC to participate in an historic event on the US-Saudi relationship and how those ties threaten world peace. United for Peace and Justice co-sponsored of the event and had several members of our leadership there to engage and support the efforts. What […]

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NYC: Demonstrate Saturday Against the Saudi Coalition Attack on Yemen

The following announcement just came in from one of our partners on the Coalition to End the US-Saudi Alliance. Please attend the demonstration if you are near the NYC area and able.   Press Release: For more information please call Yahia Almawari at (313)559-0065 or Nabil Al Jomaei at (347)276-8090 Yemeni Americans are calling for a […]

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fund peace fundraiser donation

Craigslist Charitable Fund Awards $25,000 to UFPJ! Help Us Raise Matching Funds!

We have wonderful news! United for Peace and Justice has received a $25,000 grant from the craigslist Charitable Fund – one of the few sources of significant funding for truly progressive, anti-war, social justice work. Now we want to challenge all of you to make a donation as a way of thanking the Fund! Let’s […]

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“War Is A Lie” Book Tour – See David Swanson Near You

Author, activist, journalist, radio host, and UFPJ ally David Swanson is going on a tour around the country to talk about his new book. The updated second edition of War Is A Lie will be published on April 5, 2016. Download the flyer here. David is coming to an event near you and we hope […]

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mass mobilization ufpj

Mobilizing for an Action-Packed April to Defend Our Rights & End War!

2016 has already proven to be a very active year for the peace movement, as groups around the country take action on urgent issues like the Syrian Crisis, US weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, and the catastrophic War on Yemen. Please scroll down to learn about 3 significant mass mobilizations that United for Peace and […]

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democracy spring

UFPJ Endorses “Democracy Spring” (April 11-16) – Mass Nonviolent Action for Free & Fair Elections

United for Peace and Justice has endorsed Democracy Spring and your organization should too! It’s time to take mass nonviolent action on a historic scale to save our democracy. This April, in Washington, D.C., we will demand a Congress that will take immediate action to end the corruption of big money in our politics and ensure […]

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Democracy Awakening

UFPJ Endorses “Democracy Awakening” (April 16-18) & Your Group Should Too

Join us April 16-18 as we demand a democracy in which voting rights are protected and the integrity of the vote is not undermined by big money. Democracy Awakening is a broad coalition of organizations representing the labor, peace, environmental, student, racial justice, civil rights and money in politics reform movements. We share a firm […]

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US Militarism’s Expanse and the Need for a Movement to Cut Military Spending and Invest in Human Needs

Despite the fact that we inhabit a war culture and machine with a vast reach and capacity never seen before, we must stand strong in opposition to endless war. It falls upon us as peace activists to inspire American people – and people around the world – to call for an end to war, to […]

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Join the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (April 5-18)

People across the globe are organizing local actions to decry current priorities that spend $1.75 trillion/year on arms when our planet is in crisis. On April 5, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute will release its annual report on world military expenditures. April 15 is U.S. Tax Day. This year, April 5 – 18, have […]

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2016 Summit on Saudi Arabia

Attend the 2016 Summit on Saudi Arabia

We encourage you to make your way to Washington DC on March 5-6 for the first-ever 2-day Summit on Saudi Arabia and US-Saudi ties, hosted by CODEPINK, United for Peace & Justice, The Nation Magazine, Institute for Policy Studies, Peace Action, and many others. The new wave of hostilities unleashed by the the January 2 […]

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