- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 1256
- author: MyWeeklyInspiration

Inspiration Gal - Mayan Calendar Trecena October 16 - October 28
www.InspirationGal.com http Welcome to the LAST Trecena of the 16.4 BILLION year Mayan Cal...
published: 15 Oct 2011
author: MyWeeklyInspiration
Inspiration Gal - Mayan Calendar Trecena October 16 - October 28
www.InspirationGal.com http Welcome to the LAST Trecena of the 16.4 BILLION year Mayan Calendar and part of the 7th Day! Just as Lamat represents the 4 colors of humanity (Red, Black, Yellow and White), the 9th and Final Wave of the Evolution of Consciousness represents the Unity of all Humanity. This 16.4 Billion Year calendar may or may not end, but it is the belief of the Maya that the energies of the Sacred Calendar will go on without interruption. And appropriately, our next Trecena begins with Imix (Crocodile) which represents and openness to new beginnings. Very exciting times we're all living in!
- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 1256
- author: MyWeeklyInspiration

Inspiration Gal - Mayan Calendar Trecena August 25 2011
www.InspirationGal.com http Hope you enjoy the information that we share relevant to Augus...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: MyWeeklyInspiration
Inspiration Gal - Mayan Calendar Trecena August 25 2011
www.InspirationGal.com http Hope you enjoy the information that we share relevant to August 25th through September 6th from both the Mayan Calendar, the 9th Wave, and the 5th Night. In Lak'ech!
- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 867
- author: MyWeeklyInspiration

Inspiration Gal - Trecena August 12 - August 24.mp4
www.InspirationGal.com http After many requests for more information, I'm kicking off this...
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: MyWeeklyInspiration
Inspiration Gal - Trecena August 12 - August 24.mp4
www.InspirationGal.com http After many requests for more information, I'm kicking off this series regarding the Mayan Calendar. Trecenas are 13 day cycles (weeks) that gives the undercurrent of energy for the entire duration of the trecena. This trecena happens to crest on the first day of the 5th Night of the Evolution of Consciousness, the most challenging period of the 9th wave. Hope you enjoy! I'll continue sharing information before each trecena. In Lak'ech!
- published: 10 Aug 2011
- views: 602
- author: MyWeeklyInspiration

1 Imix - Mayan Trecena Dry Run
www.InspirationGal.com http I'm excited to share this little known ritual that I learned t...
published: 24 Oct 2011
author: MyWeeklyInspiration
1 Imix - Mayan Trecena Dry Run
www.InspirationGal.com http I'm excited to share this little known ritual that I learned through an email conversation with Kenneth Johnson of www.JaguarWisdom.org. With a new Trecena, and a new 260 day cycle in some cultures, this is a perfect time for us all to get involved in this ceremony that takes place on "1" days. The following is an excerpt from the email from Kenneth; In ultra-traditional Momostenango, the days numbered "1" are associated with water. I am not sure why. In the Popol Vuh, it is said that water was the first thing created, so perhaps this is the reason. It represents beginnings. On a "1" day, the shamans all go to a place called Paja', which literally means "Place of Water" but which is also known locally as "The Place of the Number 1." You have to walk down a steep incline into a peaceful little glen with a rushing stream flowing through it. The daykeepers then light their ceremonial fires, make their offerings, and speak prayers of greeting to welcome the lord of the new trecena. They also gather water from the stream and collect it in little glass vials. This is the local, non-Catholic version of "holy water." I have seen it used at initiation ceremonies when the shaman sprinkles the water over the face of the apprentice whom he is initiating. I guess my point is this. Whenever welcoming in a new trecena, it's always good to have a bit of "special water" on hand. I don't think it matters much where you gather it -- Cave Creek would probably do ...
- published: 24 Oct 2011
- views: 372
- author: MyWeeklyInspiration

Mayan Trecena - Solfeggio Scale - Cymatics
2010-10-17 3rd Journal, Mayan day 1 Seed or Lizard - new trecena ♥ TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd....
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: TheseEyesGod
Mayan Trecena - Solfeggio Scale - Cymatics
2010-10-17 3rd Journal, Mayan day 1 Seed or Lizard - new trecena ♥ TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd.com ♥ iTunes podcast www.itunes.com ♥ Blip.tv channel theresaaharvey.blip.tv Intro: Okay, it's the start of a new Mayan trecena - a two-week period - and it deserves some mention, so a quick journal for that. This one will be quite different than the one that just passed. Well, I'm tempted to say "Praise God for that," but I guess I won't. Just being humorous. After all, everything's perfect - even when the going gets intense. Maybe especially so, ho ho - though we don't see it, at the time. So, this should be a good period for the multiplication and abundance, the spread of things - that's what Seed energy does. It should be more of an uplifting period than the last trecena. Each one is different, of course. They also intersect with what the Cosmos is doing at the time - the star positions, the aspects, the sun spots and the like. So, the picture, overall, is a bit complex - but of course - yet by following the simple trecenas one can get a tune-up, get into the flow. However they got it doesn't matter, in my book, the Maya had a heck of a calendar system. It pays to spend a little time with it. If you want to dive deeper, the link to Mayan Majix is at the top of each transcript on Scribd... Distributed by Tubemogul.
- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 573
- author: TheseEyesGod

1-Caban Trecena Analysis Part 2: 10-Cimi
First video post to the Another Time daily Tzolkin blog (eaglexplain.wordpress.com Posted ...
published: 26 Jul 2011
author: eaglexplain
1-Caban Trecena Analysis Part 2: 10-Cimi
First video post to the Another Time daily Tzolkin blog (eaglexplain.wordpress.com Posted 26 July 2011, 10-Cimi, 4th Night of the Universal Underground. This lesson covers the trecena sequence quadruplets, Eastern sun-signs, 10-Cimi, the relationships between stages 1 and 10, and more.
- published: 26 Jul 2011
- views: 280
- author: eaglexplain

1-Oc Trecena Analysis Part 1
Mayan Calendar Tzolkin lesson. Topics: 1-Oc trecena, Oc (Dog) sun-sign, guidelines on foll...
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: eaglexplain
1-Oc Trecena Analysis Part 1
Mayan Calendar Tzolkin lesson. Topics: 1-Oc trecena, Oc (Dog) sun-sign, guidelines on following the calendar, stage couples in the trecena. eaglexplain.wordpress.com
- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 200
- author: eaglexplain

New Trecena is Death - Contact with Ancestors - Psychic Activation - Are You Ready?
2010-07-31 2nd Journal - Mayan day 1 Death or Transformer ♥ TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd.com ♥ i...
published: 02 Aug 2010
author: TheseEyesGod
New Trecena is Death - Contact with Ancestors - Psychic Activation - Are You Ready?
2010-07-31 2nd Journal - Mayan day 1 Death or Transformer ♥ TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd.com ♥ iTunes podcast www.itunes.com ♥ Blip.tv channel theresaaharvey.blip.tv Intro: Today, being the 1 Mayan day, starts a new trecena, or 13-day period. Whatever the sun sign energy that goes with or comes on the 1 day, that is the theme, the overall energy of the trecena. The other numbers and sun signs will flow throughout the cycle, but overall, the first sun sign rules. So let's look at that - it's a pretty stark one - called Death - or Transformer. This has a certain kind of power. It helps with transitions of every kind - even blessing the stages of pregnancy. It's a good sign - has many blessings to give. One of these is connection or contact with the Ancestors - those bright beings who have gone on, before - our Elder Brothers. Now, we could have some fun with this here, because in some cases, we, too, ARE those elder brothers - in our other lifetimes we lived. Pretty funny, that - but let's leave that aside for the moment - and be serious with this - for this Mayan sun sign is empowering. Another blessing or benefit is that it encourages development of psychic ability - we all have this, and this sun sign calls it out. The point and purpose of all such gifts is their use in service to others - to all life - not just selfish pursuits. You'll find with this, as with everything else - to use things selfishly boomerangs right back. That energy just limits - not blesses. So, this ...
- published: 02 Aug 2010
- views: 153
- author: TheseEyesGod

Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The...
published: 25 Nov 2011
author: SelfRelianceProject
Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The thirteen day cycle of Manik flows from November 24th through December 6th. Gather your tribe. Invite your world to join us on our journey! www.RebekaGentian.com & www.TheFastestWayOM.tumblr.com For the next thirteen days, I will be pulling out all of my tools to prepare our shift into Ahau (All that Is) on December 7th 2011. The statement of the cycle of Manik: 1. My highest priority is always my relationship to Self and by Self I mean Source. Essence. Breath. What is in this body. 2. By focusing more clearly on the Me I came here to BE, 3. I attract and align with more of the experiences I choose to have. 4. As more and more the symbols and divine synchronicities show up and I become more aware of them and in drawing my awareness to them 5. I attract more of them, 6. I am relishing in witnessing the manifesting of my dreams before my very eyes. 7. Open your eyes your dreams are real. 8. Freedom is found within structure. 9. Victim or responsible. You are at choice for every moment of your life. 10. How are you choosing to create? 11. What would you like to create? 12. How will your community support you? How will you support your community? 13. what was our purpose in gathering here? For the next 13 days, I am going to be pulling out all of my tools and I encourage you to do the same. Pythagorus said, "Men know thy self then thou shalt know the universe and God." To that I say YES ...
- published: 25 Nov 2011
- views: 32
- author: SelfRelianceProject

Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The...
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: SelfRelianceProject
Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The thirteen day cycle of Manik flows from November 24th through December 6th. Gather your tribe. Invite your world to join us on our journey! www.RebekaGentian.com & www.TheFastestWayOM.tumblr.com For the next thirteen days, I will be pulling out all of my tools to prepare our shift into Ahau (All that Is) on December 7th 2011. The statement of the cycle of Manik: 1. My highest priority is always my relationship to Self and by Self I mean Source. Essence. Breath. What is in this body. 2. By focusing more clearly on the Me I came here to BE, 3. I attract and align with more of the experiences I choose to have. 4. As more and more the symbols and divine synchronicities show up and I become more aware of them and in drawing my awareness to them 5. I attract more of them, 6. I am relishing in witnessing the manifesting of my dreams before my very eyes. 7. Open your eyes your dreams are real. 8. Freedom is found within structure. 9. Victim or responsible. You are at choice for every moment of your life. 10. How are you choosing to create? 11. What would you like to create? 12. How will your community support you? How will you support your community? 13. what was our purpose in gathering here? For the next 13 days, I am going to be pulling out all of my tools and I encourage you to do the same. Pythagorus said, "Men know thy self then thou shalt know the universe and God." To that I say YES ...
- published: 30 Nov 2011
- views: 16
- author: SelfRelianceProject

Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: SelfRelianceProject
Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The thirteen day cycle of Manik flows from November 24th through December 6th. Gather your tribe. Invite your world to join us on our journey! www.RebekaGentian.com & www.TheFastestWayOM.tumblr.com For the next thirteen days, I will be pulling out all of my tools to prepare our shift into Ahau (All that Is) on December 7th 2011. The statement of the cycle of Manik: 1. My highest priority is always my relationship to Self and by Self I mean Source. Essence. Breath. What is in this body. 2. By focusing more clearly on the Me I came here to BE, 3. I attract and align with more of the experiences I choose to have. 4. As more and more the symbols and divine synchronicities show up and I become more aware of them and in drawing my awareness to them 5. I attract more of them, 6. I am relishing in witnessing the manifesting of my dreams before my very eyes. 7. Open your eyes your dreams are real. 8. Freedom is found within structure. 9. Victim or responsible. You are at choice for every moment of your life. 10. How are you choosing to create? 11. What would you like to create? 12. How will your community support you? How will you support your community? 13. what was our purpose in gathering here? For the next 13 days, I am going to be pulling out all of my tools and I encourage you to do the same. Pythagorus said, "Men know thy self then thou shalt know the universe and God." To that I say YES ...
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 58
- author: SelfRelianceProject

Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik & 1123
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: SelfRelianceProject
Spiral of Support: Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik & 1123
Welcome to your Spiral of Support! Pulling Out All of Your Tools the trecena of Manik. The thirteen day cycle of Manik flows from November 24th through December 6th. Gather your tribe. Invite your world to join us on our journey! www.RebekaGentian.com & www.TheFastestWayOM.tumblr.com For the next thirteen days, I will be pulling out all of my tools to prepare our shift into Ahau (All that Is) on December 7th 2011. The statement of the cycle of Manik: 1. My highest priority is always my relationship to Self and by Self I mean Source. Essence. Breath. What is in this body. 2. By focusing more clearly on the Me I came here to BE, 3. I attract and align with more of the experiences I choose to have. 4. As more and more the symbols and divine synchronicities show up and I become more aware of them and in drawing my awareness to them 5. I attract more of them, 6. I am relishing in witnessing the manifesting of my dreams before my very eyes. 7. Open your eyes your dreams are real. 8. Freedom is found within structure. 9. Victim or responsible. You are at choice for every moment of your life. 10. How are you choosing to create? 11. What would you like to create? 12. How will your community support you? How will you support your community? 13. what was our purpose in gathering here? For the next 13 days, I am going to be pulling out all of my tools and I encourage you to do the same. Pythagorus said, "Men know thy self then thou shalt know the universe and God." To that I say YES ...
- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 39
- author: SelfRelianceProject

Venta Directa - Catalogo De Primavera - Trecena Parte
dominatunegociomultinivel.com , Venta Directa, El Catalogo de Primavera, Trecena Parte, Ve...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: mateitoader
Venta Directa - Catalogo De Primavera - Trecena Parte
dominatunegociomultinivel.com , Venta Directa, El Catalogo de Primavera, Trecena Parte, Venta Directa, Vendedor, Vender, Multinivel, Marketing en Red, Red de Mercadeo, Mercadeo en Red, Vendedor en Venta Directa comoreclutarenmultinivel.wordpress.com ,
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 38
- author: mateitoader

Mayan Ascension Days as Things Coming Together
2012-08-22 1st journal, Mayan day 13 Cauac/storm Transcript www.scribd.com Intro: So much ...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: TheseEyesGod
Mayan Ascension Days as Things Coming Together
2012-08-22 1st journal, Mayan day 13 Cauac/storm Transcript www.scribd.com Intro: So much has come together for me today that when I noticed it was an ascension day or 13 in the Mayan calendar, I had to do a journal to capture and record at least some of it. It happens just too many times that I find things coming together for me in the last few days of the Trecena -- this can't be coincidental. No way. So, if you find that things aren't coming together for you -- or that they are -- check for the Mayan calendar day and see what it says. If things seem rather scattered and it's early in the 13-day cycle, then just take that to be normal or appropriate. It's not a time of the coming together. That happens more toward the end. It's uncanny how often you'll find your cycles and the Trecena cycles merging -- showing the same sort of energy...Distributed by OneLoad.com
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 213
- author: TheseEyesGod
Vimeo results:

Mayan Trecena - Solfettio Scale - Cymatics
2010-10-17 3rd Journal, Mayan day 1 Seed or Lizard - new trecena ? TRANSCRIPT: http://www....
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: Theresa-Ann Harvey
Mayan Trecena - Solfettio Scale - Cymatics
2010-10-17 3rd Journal, Mayan day 1 Seed or Lizard - new trecena ? TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/39908670 ? iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 ? Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: Okay, it?s the start of a new Mayan trecena - a two-week period - and it deserves some mention, so a quick journal for that. This one will be quite different than the one that just passed. Well, I?m tempted to say ?Praise God for that,? but I guess I won?t. Just being humorous. After all, everything?s perfect - even when the going gets intense. Maybe especially so, ho ho - though we don?t see it, at the time. So, this should be a good period for the multiplication and abundance, the spread of things - that?s what Seed energy does. It should be more of an uplifting period than the last trecena. Each one is different, of course. They also intersect with what the Cosmos is doing at the time - the star positions, the aspects, the sun spots and the like. So, the picture, overall, is a bit complex - but of course - yet by following the simple trecenas one can get a tune-up, get into the flow. However they got it doesn?t matter, in my book, the Maya had a heck of a calendar system. It pays to spend a little time with it. If you want to dive deeper, the link to Mayan Majix is at the top of each transcript on Scribd... Distributed by Tubemogul.

1-Oc Trecena Analysis Part 1
Mayan Calendar Tzolkin lesson. Topics: 1-Oc trecena, Oc (Dog) sun-sign, guidelines on foll...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Eagle X-Plain
1-Oc Trecena Analysis Part 1
Mayan Calendar Tzolkin lesson. Topics: 1-Oc trecena, Oc (Dog) sun-sign, guidelines on following the calendar, stage couples in the trecena.

Trecena Mikistli (Parte 1) - Por Youal Miktlan Ejekateotl
Este es el inicio de un proyecto que interpretará las veinte trecenas de la cuenta del tie...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: Youal Miktlan Ejekateotl
Trecena Mikistli (Parte 1) - Por Youal Miktlan Ejekateotl
Este es el inicio de un proyecto que interpretará las veinte trecenas de la cuenta del tiempo Tooltekatl o Tonalpouali, La trecena Mikistli se divide en dos conceptos aglutinantes esta es la primera parte de la explicación de uno de ellos.
Pueden contactarme en facebook, twitter o por mail

1-Caban Trecena Analysis Part 2: 10-Cimi
First video post to the Another Time daily Tzolkin blog (http://eaglexplain.wordpress.com/...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Eagle X-Plain
1-Caban Trecena Analysis Part 2: 10-Cimi
First video post to the Another Time daily Tzolkin blog (http://eaglexplain.wordpress.com/)
Posted 26 July 2011, 10-Cimi, 4th Night of the Universal Underground.
This lesson covers the trecena sequence quadruplets, Eastern sun-signs, 10-Cimi, the relationships between stages 1 and 10, and more.
Youtube results:

Down the Rabbit Hole 10-29 1 Imix A New Beginning
www.InspirationGal.com http Well, THIS IS IT! Today (10/28/11) marks the end of a 16.4 Bil...
published: 28 Oct 2011
author: MyWeeklyInspiration
Down the Rabbit Hole 10-29 1 Imix A New Beginning
www.InspirationGal.com http Well, THIS IS IT! Today (10/28/11) marks the end of a 16.4 Billion Year Evolution of Consciousness in the Mayan Calendar. But it's a 'good' end, not like so much of the negative silliness that we hear about 2012. October 29th is 1 Imix on the Sacred Calendar, a time for new beginnings. This 13 day Trecena (week) is very special in it's own right as it's nestled between 2 very special days; October 28th - As we all know by now is the end of a VERY long calendar. November 11 (ie 11/11/11) - This is the beginning of the next trecena and a day that many of us have been looking forward to for a very long time as it's expected to be a day when an incredible amount of love and positive energy showers our mother earth and all of us who are lucky enough to be here in these amazing days. I hope you see this time as a positive transformation in your life. A time to purposely live in the positive and manifest your dreams into reality. I have also done a video specifically about a ceremony that you can do on this and every "1" day. I'm very excited to be doing it for the first time and honored that I can share what Kenneth Johnson (of Jaguar Wisdom) has shared with me! In Lak'ech!
- published: 28 Oct 2011
- views: 1145
- author: MyWeeklyInspiration

Wake-up for our Youth - They Deserve It 1 of 2
1st Journal 2010-05-26 What?? Are you guys scared of my kitty cat? He won't scratch or bit...
published: 26 May 2010
author: TheseEyesGod
Wake-up for our Youth - They Deserve It 1 of 2
1st Journal 2010-05-26 What?? Are you guys scared of my kitty cat? He won't scratch or bite... I promise :-D TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd.com iTunes podcast www.itunes.com Blip.tv channel theresaaharvey.blip.tv Intro: I am so eager about this day, as it is special, in its own small way, on the Mayan calendar, being the 13 of Ascension, or carrying one cycle up into the next, and Ahau, the last and a beautiful Mayan Sun sign - though theyre all beautiful, too. There is an inner excitement, an eagerness. I dont quite know what to make of it, but then I dont have to make anything of it at all; it just is what it is, and thats fine. It is surely a transcendent energy, on both counts. NEW MAYAN ENERGIES STARTING - THE TRECENA This will also make tomorrow most special, and perhaps quite intense, as it will be a 1 on the tones or galactic intentions, as well as the first sun sign, which is crocodile or alligator. Theres great power in both to blaze new trails, new cycles, just as theres great power in todays cycles to carry over into ascension (into the next trecena) the blessings and gifts of this cycle, this trecena (13-day period). The closing trecena is Star or Rabbit. The opening one, of course, will be Crocodile or Alligator. Quite different energies. Should be interesting. Just as each day takes on the coloration of the energies pointed out by the Maya, so do the trecena periods have their own special energy, which they deliver over the whole 13 days. So, each day will have its ...
- published: 26 May 2010
- views: 193
- author: TheseEyesGod

BF3 Deadly tools Achievement Guide
To get this achievement you'll need to get a kill with a carbine, pistol and rocket launch...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: trecenaTV
BF3 Deadly tools Achievement Guide
To get this achievement you'll need to get a kill with a carbine, pistol and rocket launcher in a single life. I suggest to have a medic squadmate, just in case yo need a revive.
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 1696
- author: trecenaTV

BF3 ACB-90 Premium Knife Montage
Close Quarters & Premium playlist: www.youtube.com A montage with this new premium knife....
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: trecenaTV
BF3 ACB-90 Premium Knife Montage
Close Quarters & Premium playlist: www.youtube.com A montage with this new premium knife.
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 2518
- author: trecenaTV