Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingNot only is New York State the future face of the two main political parties, but with 400 delegates at stake in Tuesday’s primary race starring presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, everything can change in a “New York minute.” Indeed, the Empire State is where millions of immigrants suddenly got a new start in life and fortunes made overnight on Wall Street....
There are parallels between America’s current political situation and the conditions leading to the collapse of the Roman Republic more than 2,000 years ago, according to an International Business Times commentary published on Resnikoff, political capital reporter for IBT, writes that the Roman Republic was decaying long before Julius Caesar marched on the city in 49 B.C. and toppled it for good ..., Jim Berrie ....
Relief efforts continue in southern Japan following back-to-back strong earthquakes that killed at least 42 people last week and left the country in shambles, the Belfast Telegraph reported Monday.The U.S. military will join rescuers as they redouble efforts for 10 missing people on the southern island of Kyushu, where many area were cut off by landslides and road and bridge damage ... The U.S....
Nay Pyi Taw, April 18. A total of 36 people were killed and 316 injured during Myanmar's Thingyan water festival, the media reported on Monday.During the five-day water festival, 14 people were killed and 235 injured in accidents while 17 deaths ... ....
More than a foot of rain in some places flooded low-lying areas across the Houston region on Monday, forcing officials to suspend bus and rail service, close schools and government offices and urge residents to stay home amid what authorities said were extremely dangerous conditions, CNN reported."This is a life-threatening emergency....
I've spent most of my life obsessed with my size. For a long time, I wanted to get rid of all of it. It felt disgusting and wrong to be big. It felt like I was failing at being beautiful. I wanted to be tiny and adorable. I had this image in my head that I should be this little waif-like thing that boys could easily swing around ... But I feel big ... I (not so) secretly love to watch my thighs jiggle when I do plyos at the gym ... I enjoy it ... ....
By. Erin Kelly. Credit. JacobLund/Shutterstock. It's not difficult to find articles touting all the magical benefits of burpees, planks, and squats. I'm not saying these aren't good exercises. They are! But sticking to staples like these during your workouts gets old in a hurry, and is more likely to burn you out. To help you mix up your gym routine, we asked personal trainers to reveal their favorite underrated exercises ...Plyo knee tucks ... ....
(Source. Brunswick Corporation) ... Products on display at the Life Fitness and Cybex booths at IHRSA 2016 include ... HammerStrengthAccessories - The new line of Hammer Strength Accessories will allow customers to make their equipment fully functional with a wide array of quality training tools from bumpers, bars, plates and dumbbells to plyo boxes and resistance bands ... For more information about 2016 IHRSA, visit
"At this year's IHRSA conference, we'll be showing the full breadth of our world-leading portfolio of brands," said Chris Clawson, president of Life Fitness...HammerStrengthAccessories - The new line of Hammer Strength Accessories will allow customers to make their equipment fully functional with a wide array of quality training tools from bumpers, bars, plates and dumbbells to plyo boxes and resistance bands ... About Life Fitness ... BC). ....
Posh, exclusive, sexy - not the adjectives you'd expect of a fitness training facility, but that's exactly what CLIENTEL3 is ... Chi says he wanted to create a training atmosphere the likes of which Boston has never seen ... No Selfies ... Diversity ... Some of the equipment which you likely won't find elsewhere includes a wooden practice dummy, steel maces, a Pit Shark, battle ropes, plyo boxes, and Jacobs Ladder ... Skilled Trainers ... Exclusive ... ....
View photo. Photo. Getty Images. Have you been watching the new NBC cop drama Shades of Blue? I am kind of obsessed, and not just with all of the plot twists, but also with J.Lo’s boxing skills (Click here and fast-forward to the 8-minute mark—you won’t be sorry!). This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Jennifer Lopez in the ring though ... (If you’re a newbie, check out the boxing lingo crib sheet below.). RELATED ... Round 2 ... ReversePlyo Lunges....
(Source. Miami University). Miami University will offer additional fitness opportunities when it opens Chestnut Field House at 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1. The field house is located behind Chestnut Fields parking lot on Chestnut Street... The main space includes multipurpose fitness flooring, dumbbell racks, bumper plates, kettlebells, jump ropes, plyo boxes and other types of movable equipment ... OriginalDocument ... (noodl. 31876245) ....
When it comes to explosive, physical movements, kettlebells are king. If your goal is powerlifting, plyo improvements, or if you're competing in a sport that requires explosiveness (like basketball or CrossFit games), research suggests kettlebells lead to greater gains.1 ... ....
If you're new to plyo, focus on three to four moves at the start of your workout (after a warm up); two to three sets; three to five reps per set ... One study found that moderate plyo training just twice per week was effective in producing power and strength ......
(Source. Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council). For many the New Year brings a new start and a chance to revitalise your health and wellbeing ...Strength, Plyo & Cardio. Strength will help to improve strength and burn lean muscle; Plyo is designed to make you perform like an athlete whilst Cardio is designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase speed and maximize calorie burn ... To book a place contact DarwenLeisure Centre on ... (noodl....
January is here, so inevitably another batch of celebrity home workouts has hit the shelves, but are they any good? Here are six of the most talked-about ones this year. Abi Jackson reports ...Lauren’s OMG! Workout (£11.70, Amazon) ... The aptly-named OMG! workout promises fast results (Goodger says she lost 6lbs in the first week) and is centred around plyo-dynamics — also known as “jump training” — for speedy fat-shifting and toning ... ....
I recently spent the last few weeks traveling around Australia and had the opportunity to meet some of Oz's top beach volleyball players. One of those players was rising star Cole Durant, who took a few minutes to share bit more about his background with Durant was born in South Africa, but raised in West Australia... training, cardio, strength, plyos, etc)? How does that differ in the off-season? ... ....