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Election 2016

The 2008 Democratic Primary Was Far Nastier Than 2016’s

Clinton had not surrendered at this point eight years ago—and the party still came together at the convention.

Joan Walsh
Election 2016

Nothing About the 1994 Crime Bill Was Unintentional

In the ’90s, Bill Clinton exploited fears about crime in the same way that Donald Trump uses immigration today.

Bruce Shapiro
World Leaders

Egyptian President Sisi Is Ridiculed for ‘Selling’ Islands to Saudi Arabia

Even members of the usually supine elite are horrified; the dictator’s move could provoke much more widespread opposition.

Juan Cole
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From the Magazine

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Election 2016

Bernie and Hillary, on the Stump in the Multiracial City

It’s a day of hits and misses as Sanders and Clinton try to excite immigrant voters for the New York primary.

Julianne Hing

Republicans Need a New Party, Not a New Candidate

Whether they choose Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, bigotry and immorality have already won the day in the Republican Party.

Gary Younge

Shouldn’t Someone Tell Ted Cruz That Wisconsin Republicans Weren’t Really Voting for Him?

Wisconsin primary voters may have voted for the Texan, but they were thinking about Paul Ryan.

John Nichols

Dear Liza

Asking for a Friend: I’m Putting My Kids Through College With an Evil Job—Should I Quit?

And another questioner just can’t quit Amazon.

Liza Featherstone

Asking For A Friend: How Do I Express My New Gender Presentation Without Buying Into Consumerism?

And another person asks—can I donate welfare dollars to Bernie?

Liza Featherstone

Asking for a Friend: How to Tell if You’re Sexist in Bed

Liza answers a maybe-benighted male, and a woman whose politics are clashing with her dating life.

Liza Featherstone
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Watch and Listen

Listen: There Goes the Neighborhood: How the Gentrification Machine Really Works

Mayor de Blasio’s plan to rezone East New York is his way of controlling the gentrification machine—so what does the zoning plan actually look like?

March 30, 2016

Listen: Start Making Sense: Bernie Is Bringing the Reagan Era to an End

Gary Younge on Obama’s legacy, plus Richard Parker on long-term political change, and Rebecca Solnit on hope.

March 24, 2016
March 18, 2016

Focus on Labor

How a $15 Minimum Wage Went From ‘Extreme’ to Enacted

Across the country, activists and low-wage workers are showing that the changes we need will come if people organize and force them.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

US Women’s Soccer Is More Popular Than Men’s, but the Players Are Still Paid Less

The men “get paid more to just show up than we get paid to win major championships.”

Dave Zirin

Worker Cooperatives Are More Productive Than Normal Companies

When maximizing profits isn’t the only goal, companies can actually work better.

Michelle Chen
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Take Action

Demand That President Obama End Fracking on Public Lands

A continuation of the practice could have a disastrous effect on our climate.

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