Showing posts with label SWEDISH HARDCORE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SWEDISH HARDCORE. Show all posts

18 May 2017


Here's your demo of the month, punks. Sweden's FERAL BRAIN drop eleven minutes of searing hardcore punk in your lap with the most mandatory vocal listening in recent memory. Don't get me wrong, the tracks are great (and there are TRACKS, you dig - not just a collection of riffs) and the high moments ("No Way" specifically - it's the rippingest fast hardcore song I have heard in fukkn years, and that might not even be hyperbole) are more than enough to make this demo mandatory listening. If you like hardcore and you like to get your face melted, and you don't care about what new thing is cool because you just want to go harder....then FERAL BRAIN is basically your new favorite band. 

...also - the breakdown on "Judgement Day" is really REALLY sick...

06 April 2016


Total relentless fury. Out of control Swedish hardcore with howling desperation from dual vocals,  perhaps too fast and loose to still be DBeat. Eight tracks spanning thirteen minutes, this 1998 demo just crushes from the first rumble of "For How Long" and only lets up long enough for a few depressing and ominous missives from the annals of history. The 1-2 punch of "Backstabbed" into "Orgies Of Insanity" is textbook, a thing worthy of repeat listens and scholastic analysis. Riffs upon riffs delivered by piercing's like being hit in the face by a freight train over and over and over. And still you scrape your jaw off the floor and do it all again. 

13 November 2015


My introduction to STREBERS was on my first Euro tour, when Rülle told me they were his favorite band and was more than excited to show me how great they were. Their approach is as infectious as relentless, starting with the impossibly catchy chorus to "Sanningen" inserted into the track's all out hardcore burn. Comparisons to contemporaries are not out of line, but the '80s Swedes had an uncanny ability to make that fist in the air hardcore that was still catchier than any of the pre-landfill pop drivel that denizens of the rest of the planet were regurgitating at the time. The 1991 collection Kaos & Skrål is a pretty perfect place to start, with EP tracks and some solid bangers from STREBERS' first 12" platter from 1986...and someone was kind enough to slap the thing onto cassette so I could share it with you.

And speaking of kind, that same someone filled the B-side of that STREBERS tape with a starter kit titled Mixed Punk, HC & Crust. Essential rippers from ANTI-CIMEX, EXTREME NOISE TERROR, YOUTH OF TODAY, NO SECURITY, and because so few homemade compilations are truly perfect there are a few tracks from the debatably interesting but often unlistenable then-future commercial juggernaut TEDDYBEARS from when they were just a kinda weird rock band (be careful, the internet suckhole related to this band can be detrimental to any kind of constructive activity and may adversely affect your opinions of humankind in general and pop culture specifically). But on a positive note, it had been a while since I had blasted ENT and that band still crushes so hard. The B-side of this tape is an excellent primer for the uninitiated and a ripping refresher for those already in the know. Quality.

12 September 2014


They are still out there, those scarcely unearthed bands from decades gone by. And in this case, some screaming Swedes get treated to a cassette reissue of their 1986 demo by a label from Croatia....I would like to thank The Internet, because I swear these two entities might have never met otherwise. These are the gems that fell through the cracks when that handful of movers and shakers were furiously dubbing and trading tapes in the '80s....and there must be more, right?! (feel free to send them to me, by the way) Off the rails, spastic and ultra catchy hardcore/thrash here, eight tracks from the demo and seven more from tape comps and who knows where else. Bring it on, because this shit is great (ROVSVETT, 16 B.U.H. people involved here, so the "great" part isn't really a shock). Cheers to Aftermath Tapes for digging this one up, raging shit. And to everyone're welcome.

08 July 2014


This Swedish/American combo might have started as a simple project amongst friends, but the result is undeniably ripping Scandithrash by way of DISCHARGE. There's nothing fancy, but the riffs are beyond stellar and the delivery is essentially flawless - USHC makes a brief appearance in "Dö Ditt Jälva As," but despite the North American contingent partially responsible for these jammers, this is pure Swedecore brilliance. I suggest that you stop paying attention to cool things long enough to get into this mania.

17 February 2014


Malaysia's Black Konflik threw several killer cassette reissues into the pot last year, and while it's great to have SVART PARAD and DISORDER tapes blasting out of the boombox, but this 12 song banger from 1984 is probably my favorite reissue of last year from any label. These pre-teens from Göteborg were an absolute force - hyper fast blow out hardcore, unhinged and full of the kind of energy that I've come to believe that adults simply cannot conjure. The drums are a textbook example of hardcore punk drumming, and that element of NISSES NÖTTER is where I keep turning my ear, even while the rest of the band is raging beyond belief and the singer is wailing in pre-pubescent frustration. A full LP/CD re-issue came out a few years ago with live and rehearsal tracks, while this release is simply the Knäckta Nötter demo in all its fury. It blows my mind to think that I am basically the same age as these dudes, and that when they were making these sounds, I was listening to QUIET RIOT and THE CARS. 

10 September 2013


Crucial late '80s Swedish hardcore punk, 16 BLÅSARE UTAN HJÄRNA defy subgenre pigeonholes but lay down some of the most insanely essential hardcore. Melodic but dark, the guitar work could easily be viewed as a precursor to primitive black metal while the frenetic pace owes more to RAPED TEENAGERS or Spain's ROUSE (though perhaps it would be more accurate to say that ROUSE owe their sound to 16 B.U.H.) and the songwriting begs comparisons to some of the more original US hardcore of the mid '80s. I know this might not make any sense, but it's as if HERESY started cranking out melodic punk if only because it sounds like 16 B.U.H. want to play at breakneck speed but are trying desperately to hold themselves back. I was planning to post the BHOPAL STIFFS demo today, but that tape reminded me of this one and I realized that I'm playing a show with MOB 47 tonight, so I'll put the BHOPAL STIFFS up tomorrow. You'll like it, I promise. I don't have a cover for this tape, but the internet tells me it looks like this:

And RITUAL CONTROL is playing with MOB 47 tonight. That shit is crazy...

08 May 2013


I got a most excellent package from a friend in Malmö a few weeks ago and in addition to goodies from his past and current bands, he turned me on to these ripping kids from his neck of the woods. There's a couple of EPs kicking around so perhaps you are already hip, but if this is your first taste then I suggest you prepare your palate for stripped down and fiery hardcore in the spirit of the 1980s Midwest delivered the way that only Scandinavians seem to be able to pull off these days (and by "these days" I am referring to the last decade or so). Eight minutes of attack presented with guitars perfectly suited for a garage rock burner and hooks galore, but with a fury more akin to the kind of hardcore that makes to question whether you should get amongst the madness or watch from a safe distance.

21 May 2012


Bombastic Swedish hardcore in the classic CIMEX tradition. A wall of powerfully raw guitars cuts through the recording like a scythe and the snare lurches everything forward - always faster - with the machine gun intensity. Anarchist politics on their sleeves and venom frothing from their mouths, this is hardcore. From the first fucking note you will be at attention, from the second note you will be sold.

On the flip side of their six song creamer, CRUTCHES offer up a mini mix tape, featuring FREEDOOM, CRIMEN, SEPSIS, and CONTORTURE.  Killer demo, find CRUTCHES here.

19 December 2011


Raw and ferocious skate thrash from the same folks responsible for bands that Monday visitors should be well familiar with like ELECTRIC FUNERAL and DESPERAT. They've taken their magic DBeat dust and applied it to early '00s influenced thrashcore, and the result is predictably brilliant. That guitar sound? I would pay plenty of studio bucks for that - perfection. But when it comes from these fools, what the fukk did you expect?

17 October 2011


I missed the boat on this one, it sold out before I even knew it existed (like most of the things D-Takt & Råpunk put out). The word on the street was that INFERNÖH are the second coming of ANTI-CIMEX, and while I don't necessarily subscribe to that opinion, this is certainly one of the finest plastic shells to pass through my hands in quite some time. Justin loaned me his copy so I could share it here and you too could enjoy Scandi-beat madness and searing leads. Guitarist from SKITKIDS has a hand in this, in case you needed anymore reason to dive in - it's every bit as good as advertised.

11 September 2011


Raw and brutal Swedish DBeat. I'll take the easy route and list the members of: WARVICTIMS, ELECTRIC FUNERAL, DESPERAT, TOTALT JÄLVA MÖRKER. They aren't reinventing the wheel, and the path they travel upon is well worn, but there's something magical about witnessing true masters at their craft.

Band: Here
Label: Here

24 March 2011


Do I need to tell you that you need this? Scandinavian fury from a dozen different bands, some you already know like TERVEET KÄDET, RATTUS, KAAOS and SUBHUMANS (not Scandinavians), and some you might not (RUTTO, IDO-59, NUKKETEATTRI, VAPAA PÄASY and others). Most of the jams are from Finland, though the tracks from Sweden's HUVUDTVÄTT (perhaps more commonly known by the English translation HEADCLEANERS) are clearly the standouts. Released in 1981, this comp sits pretty near the start of the Scandinavian hardcore timeline, and the tracks are raw raging examples of the power that was to come from the region. Enjoy your Friday.

Denizens of Kansas City: OPT OUT tonight at The Studded Bird...come say hello.

21 November 2010


I hope that no real introduction or explanation or even accolades are required here: BLACK UNIFORMS played ripping metallic Swedish hardcore. Sadly, keeping with yesterday's "fukkd up tape" theme, I have only three of the five songs from this demo...somewhere along the 23 year journey to my grubby little paws it appears that some fool erased the two songs on side 2.

20 August 2010


You've been good this week, so I present you with the legendary KLOAK SKRÅL compilation.  Most notably, this was one of the first appearances of ANTI-CIMEX, but this tape is rammed with a half hour of brilliant early Swedish hardcore. From DEAD CORRUPTION's "Proud To Be Punk," the standard is set, and the songs that follow are suitable scorchers from DNA, DIABLESSE GRUPP 6, PRODUCT ASSAR, two outro tunes from X-RATED, and ultra raw early tracks from ASTA KASK (who might even steal the tape from ANTI-CIMEX - their songs are that fukkn good). There was a KLOAK SKRÅL 2, but I don't see any reason to start with #2, especially when #1 is perfect. This is mandatory listening for all punks.

21 May 2010


A 2002 compilation of Northern Swedish acts (except a 23 second noisecore assault from Finland's VASELIN) that focuses heavily on the well documented and awesome crop of bands from Umeå, where  Sik Records is (was?) based. Lots of stripped down snotty hardcore from TRISTESS, THE VECTORS, and others, while TOTALT JÄLVA MORKER, ETT LIV KVAR and AMBULANCE represent the crusters. There is plenty of raw KBD worship as well (UNGJÄLVAR's brilliant "Hata Raggare" might steal the tape for me), and closing the tape with THE HIGHWAY DEMONS is so perfect that I wouldn't be surprised if the band had been approached just to fill the final spot on the compilation. Most of these bands stayed under the radar (under my radar anyway), but here I am giving you another shot...don't let this opportunity pass you by.

08 January 2010


If this doesn't get your blood pumping then perhaps you should have your heart checked: a blistering six band whirlwind of 80s Swedish hardcore rammed onto one cassette. Sweden's finest are represented, legendary bands like MOB 47 and PROTES BENGT contribute jaw dropping tracks, but the tracks from AGONI and CRUDITY are nothing short of perfection (the latter is so fucking underknown and/or underrated, their shit blows my mind every time I hear fucking fast, and the riffs are as close to perfect as one could hope for, flawless Swedecore).  Raw D-Beat chaos from DISCARD, the best fist waving madness this side of ANTI-CIMEX, and then the tape wraps up with three burners from R OJERS that are the roughest of the whole lot. I shouldn't really need to explain this shit or write anything about these bands, Sweden's contribution to hardcore has long been well documented by better wordsmiths than myself, and the genre has been analyzed to death for two decades and counting.  I know that (most) of these tracks come from vinyl releases, but there are a few that I've not come across, so download away and perhaps you'll get lucky.

I've split this up into three downloads, and hopefully that will not result in folks just burning the MOB 47 tracks...but if that's the case, then I suppose it's your loss, and me and my CRUDITY backpatch will just smile and drink beer.