Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

28 June 2017


One of the (many) things in my life that I stumble across and wonder Where did this come from? Subdued freak beats and electronic pulsations from somewhere in the American Southeast. Imagine primitive '60s experimental/electronic artists with the access to today's modern technology but without the exposure to techno or EDM or anything of the's weird and erratic but it doesn't sound intentionally weird. It sounds intentional, to be sure, but organic. Some patience required, but definitely worth the effort. 

19 October 2016


This band must have existed in every town that had even the slightest hint of an alternative scene in the early '90s. Equal parts melodic alternative rock and rehashed late '80s US punk, these are the bands who had friends who were sure they were gonna make it, though I dare say that none of them ever did (I can name at least a half dozen from my shithole town). There's a part of "James #1" that is dead on NAKED RAYGUN, but the song has none of the teeth, you get what I mean? But still,m there's a time and a place for this shit, and strangely I still find these scores rather endearing...perhaps the eight of you who bother listening after I basically said the tape is a stinker will find Georgia's MIDGET FARMERS rather endearing too.

And yes, I am aware the that song "Black Girl" is, at best, really stupid but most likely it is just super racist. I'm not making excuses.

06 June 2016


Ooooohhh, punks, this one is dirty. Fiesty and raw metalpunk hoards from the depths of.....well, they're from Atlanta, but never mind that "depths of" thing, and just think of someplace sinister and evil. Someplace that would house a hoard. You want to go to this place. Trust me, have I ever steered you wrong ? (Let's not talk about yesterday) Welcome to a dozen minutes of fully charged bangers, just weird enough to ensure that your ears won't want to go anywhere but here. You'll be happy you stayed. 

27 May 2016


Tapes like this are why I buy things on a whim. A hunch. A gamble, if you will. Saw a band a few months ago, it was pretty cool. The band did a good job, file under "not really my thing," but they were totally good, if you get my drift.  Perusing their wares post set, I came across this two track cassette and I thought it looked....interesting. Found out it was a solo thing from one of the fellows in the band I had just seen, electronic and I parted with five of my dollars and slipped a copy of Alia's Fine into my bag with the rest of my booty. This tape is not good, this tape does not "get the job done." This tape fukkn sucks you in and becomes one with your very being. One the one hand, it's so simple: primitive analog (sounding) synths, exceptionally chilled out beats (on one track), both masked by a soothing cloud of distortion and noise. I mean...that's it, so any fool could do this....right? I welcome all fools to try, and I hope you succeed like this, because this one is a total fukkn success. 

02 May 2016


There are enough words on The Internet about PETER STUBB (the accurately self described "Cassette Legend") written by people with direct and personal knowledge and information that I won't waste your time, other than to say that STUBB is an actual outside, and his music reflects that. One man noisecore/grind freak punk explosion all over your keyboard...and then he drops a bomb like "PopTart Park" that has AWK caliber hooks from the guitar....and then it's right back to the madness with "Oilskin Leprosy." This tape from last year is like that. For true noise freaks only....but then, the true noise freaks are already familiar.

"Lard Dispose"
"Full Blown Hard On"
"Alter Jabber"
"Where Did All The Cool People Go?"
"Generator Masturbator"
"The Dead Arise To Fuck!"
"Boom Box Demo"

26 March 2016


My pal Ross told me that before he saw Atlanta's NURSE for the first time, his pal told HIM, "This is your new favorite band." That was all the warning I needed...and his pal was right, this band is deadly. Precise, lightning fast hardcore with piercing guitars that remind be of DIE KREUZEN, ferocious vocals that fall somewhere between '80s Midwest and '80s Japan...and riffs? These riffs are good.  Like "Jesus rising from the dead in a bunny suit with his dick in one hand and spraying easter eggs all over Mussolini's grave" good. This tape they were selling in Oklahoma City two weeks ago has five demo tracks from 2014 and an as-yet-unreleased my pal's pal said: "This is your new favorite band."

09 October 2014


I feel like this is what I think black metal sounds like: bleak and depressive with tortured melodies and distant howls desperately saying something about vikings or some shit. Plodding, hypnotic anthems you can get lost in. Like you're in a forest or some shit. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that vikings and forests and torture are pretty black metal? No?

28 January 2014


I am glad I loved HARSH WORDS before I knew who was in the band. I wrote some words about the tape in a magazine a while ago (just went back to check and confirm that they were indeed good words...and they were), and then NO STATIK had the pleasure of sharing a stage with them in Atlanta earlier this month. Imagine my surprise when I find out the drummer is Jason (NO, AMERICAN CHEESEBURGER, GOAT SHANTY, and so many more) and the axeman responsible for those erratic bursts of shred is Tom from QUEST FOR FIRE and The Breakfast Nook (those are Milwaukee references, sorry foreigners). So I was not even remotely surprised that the sum of these parts might equal a killer act, but I still was not prepared for the complete annihilation that HARSH WORDS were about to bestow upon me. It was everything that I hoped and expected from the live incarnation of the band that created Reptile Brain in the studio...and more. Pure US hardcore deconstructed and presented in minute regurgitations with insane leads and urgent vocals that harken up thoughts of the finest the Southeast has to offer (and they dish out 31 seconds of proof that this comparison is warranted on the second side of the tape). And absolute juggernaut, it's hard to believe that this many riffs can be crammed into just ten minutes, but these dudes make it seem effortless. On the one hand you need this...but it's might be over your head, so be careful.

17 November 2013


Just fukkn killer bombastic hardcore punk. Unbridled ferocity, and while they might lean on a few of the trappings of new millennium noise punk, they stand strong on the strength of their songs. In other words: this shit rules and would arguably be just as good if there was no reverb on the vocals and the guitarist didn't have a phaser pedal. "No Uniform" is so gorgeously relentless, and the drum fill that starts at 0:45? That's the shit that we listen to music for.  If TALK IS POISON started a raw punk band and had a teenage singer then I like to think they would sound like MERCENARY. This rules.

When looking on the internets for some interesting fodder related to this tape (I do that for your're welcome) I hit the fukkn motherload. Apparently some dude from MERCENARY is the son of Kevin Kinney from DRIVIN' N CRYIN' who I feel like I saw in Norman, Oklahoma about twice a year while I lived there (and I remember them being insanely loud) and who I still jam from time to time. But what's even weirder is that Scavenger Of Death bothered to mention the Kevin Kinney connection because he was in the seminal Milwaukee band THE PROSECUTORS, whose EP is an absolute stunner and impossible to find. Scavenger Of Death reissued that record this past summer (probably because they are bros with the dude from MERCENARY whose dad was, like, in a really rad punk band a long time ago). Anyway, shit is weird so listen to this superb tape today and then order yourself a hard copy while you are getting that PROSECUTORS single, which is really good. You need it. Seriously. Would I lie?

16 November 2013


The only thing that these two tape have in common is that I've been wanting to post them each for quite a long time but know so little about each band that I keep putting it off, waiting for....the magical information fairy to fill me in on all of the morsels that you punks cherish? Or perhaps just some context? Basically I just know that TRANSVESTITE are from Atlanta and THE CHAIN are from Olympia and that I like both of these tapes. So today you are lucky. Today you get to choose.

Not that far removed from the stuff that we lazily refer to as "emotional hardcore," TRANSVESTITE combine desperate female vocals with earnest and overly intense punk. Guitars affected in a weird Mould-by-way-of-Gravity manner (and if that means anything to you then you are likely intrigued) drive a band that clearly leaves everything out there. I like this tape a lot, and have jammed it dozens of times since it came into my life. I hope that you like it too.


You know those bands that almost play a kind of punk that you don't like but they are so good at it that you remember that you really dig punk songs and not just killer riffs? Those bands whose earnestness (and, more importantly, honesty) transcend genre and you find yourself not caring what scene they come from or what scene you align yourself just want to see them play live? Enter: THE CHAIN. This is just right, and once again the guitar is transfixing. Maybe someday I will see this band live, because while I cannot really imagine all of these sounds happening at once (emotionally and aurally) - I'm sure it does.

07 November 2013


Sometimes you hear new bands and it's like "yeah man, this is pretty cool, I like this." And sometimes you just get knocked to the fukkn floor. I remember the day I first put the DASHER demo in - I had a bunch of shit to do and wanted to jam some new tunes while I was slogging through mundane tasks. Five listens later I realized I was laying on the floor, the volume several notches louder than it had been two hours earlier, and my mouth was just kinda hanging open - rarely have I been punched in the gut so immediately (and effectively) as I was by this Atlanta three piece. For the most simple explanation, drummer/vocalist Kylee put it perfectly: "It's like pop music with a punk foundation," but even though it fits, that description sells DASHER short; this is simple music interpreted through the power of a truly phenomenal vision. Reverb cannot hide the power of these vocals no matter how hard it tries, and the soaring walls of guitar do their very best to mask the straightforward brilliance of the songs, but the presentation of Yeah I Know is perhaps what makes it so perfect (of course, it might also be the fact that it is, in fact, perfect). Maybe the beginning of "Get So Low" sounds like PIXIES, and maybe sometimes the guitars can't decide whether they need to pay debts of gratitude to Mr. Shields or Mr. Mould, and maybe "Resume" is the weird amalgamation of so many bands that I loved the shit out of during earlier junctures...or maybe (and I think this is the real hook, so pay attention) these fukks just created some perfect music. Yeah, I said it. That afternoon months ago, slack-jawed after I had listened to this tape continuously for hours, I determined that at that moment I did not need anything at all from the world of sound that DASHER had not given me. And when I listen today, I cannot argue with that determination.

25 October 2011


Hopelessly dreamy female fronted garage punks from Georgia. Sweaty, filthy and distorted, this tape sounds like TYRADES felt the first time I saw them - ROSE CROSS are much more restrained, but it feels the same. Most of these tunes clock in around the one minute mark, and as infectious as the vocals are, their mastery of The Riff is what really puts this banger over the top. Blown out to shitsville, beer cans flying, this is brilliant.

12 November 2010


For the last two weeks I've posted compilation tapes that were really more like Best Of collections. Last week's Bad Entrails was a comprehensive trip through '80s US hardcore, while the Us Against Them  comp concentrated on some of the best the UK had to offer.  But this Friday's compilation is full of deep cuts, and doesn't really flirt with anything more well known than DEZERTER or NEON CHRIST. The tape centers mostly on European hardcore, with the aforementioned Southerners and Canada's F.O.A.D. and UNNATURAL SILENCE as the only off continent contributions, and is full of lesser known killers like BLOEDBAD (Holland), UNDERAGE (Italy), CERESIT '81 (West Germany) and UNDERDOGS (Belgium) as well as French TE alumnus RAPT and KROMOSOM 4. Most of this shit is fast and raw hardcore, and some of the recordings leave a bit to be desired in the sound quality department (in the bands' defense, the tape was distributed on a sub-par Salvy brand cassette, which might have affected the distortion levels in an adverse just depends how much you care about such things and, in turn, how punk you are), but when you hear crucial blasts from Finland's PROTESTI or classic shit from Germans INFERNO and SCAPEGOATS or SQUIRT from Switzerland, do you really care about a little tape hiss?