Showing posts with label Czech Republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Czech Republic. Show all posts

10 January 2016


A repost of the cassette version of SEE YOU IN HELL's eight track rager Jed. For more than 15 years, this Czech Republic band has belted out abrasive and aggressive hardcore but shit clicked on this one, and their admiration for anthemic Japanese hardcore meshed fully with their relentless assault...the result is a short, sharp stunner.

Like most of the internet, I heard yesterday that SEE YOU IN HELL guitarist Filip Fuchs died. I was stunned, numb...a friend lost a battle to cancer that I didn't even know he was fighting. The last time we exchanged messages SEE YOU IN HELL were preparing for a SE Asian tour, something he and I had talked about several times...and a tour the band had to cancel. Better words will be written by closer friends, but Filip was a huge force, and one of the most uncompromisingly punk people I have ever met. Eternally enthusiastic, with an encyclopedic knowledge of Eastern European punk and hardcore (check Kytary A Rev, his book about '80s Czechoslovakian punk, well worth your time even if you are limited to the English notes), he was as constructively critical as we was enthusiastic and inquisitive. My heart aches for his family, his bandmates and his friends, because as hard as this is for me to digest half a world away, I know that there is a massive void in Brno today. Rest in Power, Filip....and with any luck, we will all See You In Hell.

Filip Fuchs

1) Please check a recent interview with Filip from x4298x and an older one from DIY Conspiracy
2) Find SEE YOU IN HELL here and/or here
3) Filip's band MRTVÁ BUDOUCNOST live in 2000 here
4) Tell your friends you love them. Reach out to the people you respect...they might just become your friends....

08 October 2014


SEE YOU IN HELL ended a West Coast tour in Oakland last year. They were good - like really good. Still kinda confuses me that people don't shit themselves over this outfit - crushing hc/crust with blistering metal drums and a whirlwind guitar that goes from borderline mince-meets-metalcore on the early recordings to screaming melodic Japanese influenced mania on the last few releases. HOMO CONSUMENS rip through 20+ tracks of rapid fire gruff Czeck punk teetering on the edge of falling apart at almost all times. I actually prefer HOIMO CONSUMENS on this tape, but it might be because I like the later releases from SYIH (see below).

From 2002 to 2012, the Jed LP is the realization of more than a decade together - and you'd best realize that this band is a bulldozer. Drums are a constant double bass frenzy and the riffs hurt your brain if you think about them too much...these are advanced sounds that require maximum focus  because they deliver maximum destruction. Crushing and get two today because I like you.

17 April 2014


Sometimes the next greatest thing ever doesn't matter and you just want churning, heavy, ugly hardcore/crust. And sometimes you feel like maybe it should have blast beats every four or five songs. If you are having one of those days, then I suggest you blast the shit out of the Czech outfit that was active in the early 2000s. This tape compiles a shitload of demos and splits, 27 tracks altogether.

07 March 2014


Conceived sometime in the early '00s by a dude from THE END OF THE CENTURY PARTY but not released for several years, this comp is an excellent time warp if nothing else...but fortunately it is also smoking. A veritable who's who of bands that rarely got the recognition they deserved while they were around: FAT DAY, PRETENTIOUS ASSHOLES, GODSTOMPER, EPAJAESTYS, DENAK, along with some heavyweights of the era: KUNG FU RICK, PALATKA, ASSHOLE PARADE. Czech Republic's MRTVA BUDOCNOST and Japan's D.P.P.S. were surprises, but the penpal was a powerful thing in pre-message board punk world. AUTORITAR, VILENTLY ILL, DEAD END, CROOKED COPS, WARSORE, KATASTROFIALUE and CHAPTER 13 round the tape out, I miss comps like this.

23 August 2013


Absolutely pulverizing grind/crust comp that pits Italy against Czech Republic. Never mind who wins (the jury is still out), this is a devastating array of power...GRIDE, LAHAR, LYCANTHROPY, INKONGRUENCE and KOMPLEX VINY from Czech Republic (you should seriously examine just how fast GRIDE is, the shit is insane) backed with CONTRASTO, KONTATTO, DOWNRIGHT, LE TORMENTA, TEAR ME DOWN and CAMPUS STERMINI from Italy (DOWNRIGHT are the standouts - flawless ferocious female fronted political fastcore). There is a stunning array of power here, and a distinct lack of clunkers. And I have no idea what's up with the rooster.

10 July 2013


Perhaps you are familiar with their later releases, perhaps not, but this 2003 shell from FESTA DESPERATO is a total scorcher.  While it's possible that the then en vogue fastcore explosion had more than a casual influence on their brand of rage, years later these songs are a manic cacophony of the highest order. Abrasive and sometimes painful, this chaos draws equally from '80s Italian hardcore, LÄRM and ripping USA thrash, while somehow managing to stay rooted in the punk history of their region. This one has spent years on my shelf, but it's going to be quite a while before it gets re-filed.  Apparently members are now involved in EVIDENCE SMRTI and others...

17 November 2012


Dual vocal crust brutality, fast as shit and heavier than your band. Come to think of it, they are probably faster than your band too, but you should see that not as an affront to your worthiness in the world of hardcore, but rather as inspiration to, you know, play faster.

23 December 2011


Total mayhem in the form of ripping fastcore, grind and hardcore from 20 different Czech bands. While I'm sure that single sentence will scare some people off, Killed By Noise far surpassed expectations and is varied enough (within the confines of sheer distorted brutality) to easily keep my ears peeled for the entire hour. The first side is an all out assault with LYCANTHROPY, ANTOFAGASTA, INTERNAL HATE and others, while the flip mellows slightly and leans towards '90s hardcore. HEAD INJURY and THEMA ELEVEN are hardcore of the anguished and emotional variety...but never mind that whole "mellows slightly" crap, because LAHAR and CAD are about to excavate you a new shit shaft. This chaos came from Impregnate Noise Laboratories, released in 2004.

09 December 2011


Averaging well under one minute per song, seven international bands blast through 27 fastcore gems on this comp. New York's I OBJECT start a truly international comp that includes bands from Sweden, Czech Republic, Indonesia and Belgium. KOBRA XI's raw grinding madness leads into '00s thrashcore from JACKSTONE, bringing to mind TOTAL FURY - a vibe that continues with the USHC stylings of Sweden's DICK CHENEY. POWERCORE might be the most ferocious band on the tape, fast and blown out hardcore perfection, but the whole comp rages. An hour that goes by without listening to hardcore is an hour that you could have spent listening to hardcore. Don't make a mistake you'll regret.