09 October 2012


Maybe this wasn't your jam in the '90s (hell, maybe you were still shitting in your pants in the '90s), and I certainly got the opposition to bands like Ohio's THREE STUDIES FOR A CRUCIFIXION at the time. It was impossible to make these songs without some people thinking it was all contrived...but I wasn't one of them. This is anguish and frustration set to sound, complex and utterly intense. COLEMAN, HEROIN, HINCKLEY, THREE STUDIES... I never saw any of them (probably because I was touring in a band with songs about beer, though we did play at HARRIET THE SPY's house once, and had some pretty interesting gigs with BRAID and CHRISTIE FRONT DIVE) but this world of proto-emo was just another step forward for hardcore - disillusioned, pissed, hopeful and terrified all at the same time. And the sound of determined youth.


The Thing That Should Not Be said...

Their split with Coleman is MANDATORY.

Daniel said...

Saw this band quite a bit in the Cleveland/Kent/Columbus area...never cared for them or Coleman,though. Not saying they sucked just didn't do much for me. The singer from 3 studies was a nice dude/saw him at Emo's fronting some metal band I don't remember the name of...funny I recognized him after so many years. I did like that Heroin brown paper bag 7". Anyhow..........

Erick Bradshaw said...

Matt Minor. Teeth of the Hydra. Jamie Stillman from Harriet and Party of Helicopters played drums for Teeth for awhile. Three Studies were pretty good live. Saw em a few times, most notably w/ Melt-Banana and Lightning Bolt (on their first tour).

Anonymous said...

The link on this one is down. A re-up would be neat

the wizard said...


tony bevaque said...

Used to keep two copies of the split with Coleman. Loved it THAT much.