18 September 2012


Dark and brooding sounds for the modern age. Not far from the goth punk explosion, but rooted in punk, and with mature guitar work that would not be out of place on an INTERPOL *gasp* record. In fact, "The Fool" is exactly the kind of track that makes indie bands like that appeal to me, the bands that make me realize that there are fancy pants wearing 20-somethings that were raised on the same sounds that I was, and have taken those sounds into the mainstream world. But then there are songs like "Isolation," a total punk burner by way of T.S.O.L. or ADOLESCENTS, and then there is the saturated off kilter ambiance of the title track or the COCTEAU TWINS on codeine vibe of "The Hermit" that closes the tape. This is calculated but wholly organic sounding music - unpretentious even though bluntly somber. A BLACK PEOPLE is an even more appropriate name after you spend time with these sounds.


Anonymous said...

Really fucking cool sound! Do you have any more info on these guys?

Anonymous said...

yeah, would be interested in more info on this too...really great tape !
contact ? where to buy a physical copy of this ?

zhollows said...

I have to say I've been a little skeptical of the recent goth punk/new wave resurgence. Though producing some quality stuff it has also made me wince some in regard to the choices of what to ape. Choices I always disliked about "that" scene.

However, this is so excellent and exactly what I like for the mood of goth punk but also manages to have a really unique style that doesn't seem to just mimic others so much as it just subtly pays tribute to various influences.

Excellent stuff. Cheers!
(sorry that was really long winded)

Tay Adams said...

love the shit out of these guys and their sound.
would really enjoy to hear more by these guys, or just more bands with similar vibes/influences. anybody got recommendations?

Anonymous said...

Great ...

Anonymous said...

any chance to re-upload, maybe?

the wizard said...

A very good chance. Re-upped.