30 June 2009


Personally, I am a fan of seriously noisy, fucked up, and inept punk. Fortunately for me there is no shortage of bands that walk the line between brilliance and incompetence, and I am happy to present one here for you to enjoy. New Jersey's TRIGGERVISION could just as easily be classified as a noise or industrial band with their heaps of effects piled upon every part of their minimalist recording, but no matter what you call them, these tracks are a beautiful nasty hot mess, and in 1987, I have no doubt that this trainwreck was fucking punk as shit. Long drawn out dirges, reverb laden vocals and excessive knob twiddling, the end of "Bullet In My Head" is pure TG worship (whether intentionally or not), if only I had been lucky enough to hear this carnage when I was 15...I would have gone fucking bananas! There's a little page for them from Earwax Retro Fanzine, where there's also dozens of other marginally known or completely unknown New Jersey bands (warning, its easy to get lost). I would love to hear their other tape release (hint), and in the future I'll be posting the On The Edge and The Will To Die tape comps that are listed on the TRIGGERVISION page. Luckily for me, and now you, some dude in New Jersey 20-25 years ago was good at trading shit...now blast some noise.


liquidab said...

Hey, I came across a this bands name in a post on youtube from the uncle floyd show. It was a clip of the band noise control, who i assume are same time period same area [NJ/NYC] any info on them? or the chance of maybe a post from them?

this is aweseome.

the wizard said...

I've heard the name NOISE CONTROL, but that's it. I'd try taking a peek at www.shit-fi.com, Stuart has his finger on the pulse of weird New Jersey shits, and I bet he could help you (us).

Clint B said...

Autistic hydroencephalopod going through opiate withdrawal in the bottom of a forgotten oil tank... caught on tape?

nkinmtl said...

I saw this band in Philly at Tyler School of Art in 87/88, and I can attest to the fact that they were indeed punk as shit, and did toe the incompetence/brilliance line very closely. The lineup for this particular show featured a grungy dude playing basslines that rarely had more than two notes; an even grungier chick on guitar who basically produced an undifferentiated wall of feedback; a guy screaming into a mike with tons of delay; and a tall black dude (the rest of the band was white) who seemed to be a very competent drummer. Oh, and they had a TV showing a repeating clip of Bud Dwyer shooting himself. And I do have a copy of that other tape lying around somewhere...

MarsHottentot said...

Any chance of a reeeurp?

the wizard said...


Kenny B. said...

Awesome blog. I actually played in a later incarnation of Triggervision, with some very accomplished musicians, from some infamous and famous bands.. I'd be glad to elaborate.