the Disillusioned kid: A family with the wrong members in control
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Monday, January 09, 2006

A family with the wrong members in control

Way back when on November 25, I wrote a post to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in which I remarked,
Unlike many of the examples of oppression which this blog gets exercised about, [violence against women] is not something taking place in some far-off country (although it happens in many of those places as well) this is much closer to home. In fact, for many women it is at home.
Although I think this is an important point, it wasn't something I dealt with at length, although Nel clearly felt it worthy of further comment. If I was a better writer I might have tried to pen something like this. As it is, however, your going to have to make do with everyone's favourite dairy product's (actually quite brilliant) interpretation:
A few years ago, my partner worked in a number of women's refuges across the country, helping women escape domestic violence. It is without a word of exaggeration to say that some of the stories she occasionally brought home could sit uncomfortably alongside the tales of torture and depravity related by Craig Murray of late.

Should Eliza Manningham-Buller ever get the itch for a gulag of her own, she could do worse than infiltrate a refuge and attempt to locate and recruit the women's erstwhile partners. Terrifying creativity worthy of Karimov is not beyond some of these men.

And like ambassadors with consciences, refuge workers tend to wear our quite quickly. I've seen the intelligence and if you'd seen what I'd seen, you'd be terrified. On average, two women are killed every week by their current or former partners. By grim coincidence, that's exactly double the number of people killed in the July 7 bombings.

That's two entirely preventable 7/7s taking place every year. So where's The War On Spousal Abuse?
Where indeed? Anything I could say would only look insipid and superfluous in comparison, so you're better off toddling over to Justin's place and reading the original.

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